On The Purple Road

166 17 18

Prince POV

I was so excited to go to the Bay Area and the chance to catch up with old friends and musicians. I was especially looking forward to seeing Sheila. It has been awhile since we got together. She told me she was writing a book of her memoirs, including our relationship early on. I am not happy about it, at all, but she says it's her story to tell. She informed me that the book will be out in September. 

I probably don't even want to know what she'll say about our relationship.. I should have her give me an advance copy, or at least let me see the manuscripts...I need a little heads up! I know she's going to mention that we were engaged to be married. Now, I did ask her while in the throws of a concert high,  I mean... I really just mouthed the words, but it was never a serious proposal! There was no ring, in fact- we never really talked about it again. . I will always love her, but like a sister.. Not that we didn't sleep together....you know we did!   

She talked to me about a collaboration on an album she was thinking about putting together. I love to work with her, that's what we do best. But ol' girl did have way too much to drink, which was new for me. Then, and I could not believe this, she made a pass at me! I mean, she made a grab for the family jewels! Gigi nipped that in the bud, draggin' her butt off to the guest room. Whew! I would not want to be on the receiving end of that. They were gone a long time which gave me plenty of time to catch up with the people in the suite. Sheila then left quickly , hollering her 'bye'.  Our next meeting should be interesting.

When we arrive back in MPLS, G is so worn out. I let her sleep. In the meantime, our painting supplies had arrived while we were out on the west coast. I have everything setup to paint today. I hope she feels up to it.

I hear the shower running so I know she's up. I sneakily join her; I love to surprise her and enjoy some sensuous time together.  I have my way with her in, and out of the shower. She took me up on my offer to fix omelettes before we try our hand at stenciling.

She showed me how to stencil, which looks easy enough. When I looked up at her on the ladder, damn- no panties on under that dress! This is too distracting. She keeps telling me to 'Paint!" I can hardly wait to get done with this project. When she switches with me so I can get on the ladder, it went from a simple swipe of paint on her nose to an all out paint battle. It all ended with us making love on the floor canvas protecting the carpet. WOW! What a beautiful work of art, except a little too revealing for G.  She was not happy about her butt outline and all my manhood being visible, but I don't care-I loved it. She made me agree to put it up in the master suite, I suppose I can live with that.

I also received word from my attorney that WB has finally agreed to return my masters to me. It made me the happiest man on earth. After too many years, my negotiators found a loophole in which I would once again own my masters when 30 years had elapsed. WB decided to not fight it, though I had to agree to some remasters. I also signed to have them distribute my future albums. 

Little did I know, I would go back to battle with them yet again. I wanted to release 2 albums at the same time, but they wanted to control my output. It was very hard for me to go down that road again. I will get what I want in the end. I'll let it rest for now, have only one completed. When we get back from Europe, I'll get the other one done and just lay it on them. If they refuse to distribute it, I'll put the attorney on it. That will give me the leverage I'll need.

We prepare to head back to a series of appearances and concerts in Great Britain. I'm going to try to build my schedule with some dates in Europe as well. Delilah contacted me, wanting me to see her while I'm in London. I told her absolutely not! I helped her with her upcoming album, there was nothing more I could add. Seeing her, would cause me to jeopardize my marriage. NOPE! Not doing that again.

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