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I wake up to him caressing my face and kissing my forehead. "Baby, how do you feel this morning?" "I don't know yet, other than I love you, Sweetheart." I say, trying to kiss the concern off his face. "Baby, are you in pain? Do you hurt?" "No pain Sweetheart. I feel alright." "Baby, forgive me for hurting you last night." "Oh Sweetheart, we were in the heat of the moment. Nothing to forgive or apologize for loving me like you do." "Baby, I went too far last night- I was so consumed with you. I should never have taken it that far so soon. Please forgive me."

 "Sweetheart, again, there is nothing to forgive. I love you and love means never having to say you are sorry." I chuckle, "That's a great line from Love Story, but I really do mean it." He laughed, "Baby, your wit and sense humor never fails. I love you. I want you to rest and relax today to ensure you are alright. I will stay here with you all day, nothing on the schedule."

"Sweetheart, I will agree but only on one condition; that you add some romance to the equation. The 3 R's. Also, you know what today is?" "Baby, I need you to get well. I will indulge you in the 3 R's, only if you promise to not stress yourself today. And, it's Friday, why?" He knows full well that today is my birthday. He's just screwing with me because his princeliness does not celebrate birthdays. "Sweetheart, you better know what today is besides Friday," as I give him my side eye. Here it comes, he acts like he has no idea, rolling his eyes upward as if he's thinking about it. 

"Baby, a year ago you agreed to be my wife and we got engaged." That part is true. Engaged on my birthday and married on his. How convenient. "What else? Hum?" He better figure this out quick or I'm gonna cut him off. He lays me on my back, looking me in the eyes, then kissing me, "Baby, I could never forget the day God sent you to earth, ultimately to become my beautiful wife. I know it's your birthday, Happy Birthday! You know I don't celebrate birthdays........... but I know you do." He pulls me to him and kisses me deep with hunger on his lips . 

"Thank you Sweetheart. Do you have dinner plans for us tonight? I know Bonnie and Steve will want to celebrate my birthday too." "Baby, I told you- I want you to stay in today and that includes tonight. I will have any dinner your heart desires, delivered to the suite. We can invite Bonnie & Steve to come and make it a little celebration if you'd like. 

What did you girls have planned for today?" "A private dinner party sounds wonderful. We planned on going to some museums and art galleries today. I guess I'll put that on hold for now." "I'll have Kirk take them today if they want to sight-see on their own. They should get out and enjoy the wonders of London." "That will be nice for them, to see some things. I'll text Bonnie and tell her I'm staying in." I send Bonnie a text and she wanted to know why I was staying in. I told her I didn't feel great, and invited them to dinner in the suite. She texted back that dinner will work out perfectly. 

She also sent me a birthday sticker

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She also sent me a birthday sticker. I died laughing. I showed it to him and he mimicked it to me, making me laugh hysterically again. "Sweetheart, you need the blond hair to complete the picture!"  He flies to the bathroom to get my light brown hairpiece, plops it on his head and does it again. I am in stitches laughing as he gets even more animated. Quite the picture in the nude. I am screaming in laughter. He is too much!

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