Time to Heal

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I wake up and he is still sleeping I let him sleep and just get lost in my thoughts. I think I know what he is doing on this drug thing. He's trying to quit by denying he is in pain and just working through it. With all the surgery I've had, I have always been told, you have to be free of pain to heal quickly. Your body takes longer to heal if it is fighting pain. I hope he talks to Jill about it. She will know what he needs to do. I'll suggest he call Dr. Avery too if he needs more information on how to handle this. I have to admit, it is mixed because the paperwork says one thing and Dr Avery alluded to something else. Bottom line, the proper way to heal is without pain. Your body will heal faster if it is pain free not fighting pain. Another thing too, he needs to rest and sleep it off. The only thing going fairly well is he is eating good. Better than usual so that is a good thing. Now if I can just slow him down a little bit so he can rest and heal, all will be good. God love him and help him get better without any setbacks. I love him and want him to be well. Uh-oh he's awake. That grip just got snug on me so let me see what he does. I'm just going to lay here and keep resting. This is the bewitching hour when his energy level it at it's highest. He starts humming to me so I'm going to listen to him for a little while because just I love it and it is so awesome to have him do that for me. I listen for a few minutes and when I think he finished, I look up at him, "Thank you Sweetheart. That was a pretty song." He reveals to me, "Baby, I was thinking about you, everything you do for me and this tune just popped into my head. I don't have any words for it yet but that was the tune." I ask him, "Do you need to go to the house and write that down?" He responds, "No, Baby. I'll remember this one. Do you want to go up to the house." I convey, "I'm perfectly fine right here with you. How do you feel?" "I feel really good, Baby. No pain or soreness. A little tired but otherwise good. We can stay here if you want to." He seems to be content at the moment and I just melt into him and go, "uh-huh." He is not due to take any pain meds so I'm just going to see if he will sleep some more. I drift off to sleep again feeling his love and peace. I know if I can feel him, he is feeling me. 

I wake up and it is dawn, just before sunrise. He is awake as I can feel his tight grip on me. I remark, "Good morning, Sweetheart. How do you feel today?" He pulls me up to him and engages me in a soft, wet, passionate kiss, greeting me, "Good morning, Baby. I feel fantastic. Thanks for making me rest. I really needed to do that." I apprise him, "You need to do that all this week. Rest and just do minimal things. I want you to get well." He says, "OK Baby, whatever you want me to do. I'll do it." I kiss him and tell him I love him so much. The sun is coming up and we enjoy watching it raise up over the ocean. I remark to him, "It is a beautiful day today Sweetheart. I love enjoying the sunrise with you." Proclaiming to me, "I love you Baby. This is going to be a beautiful day. Let's go up to the house and get a shower." I tell him that sounds like a good idea. Let's go. We get up and head to the house taking our time getting up there stopping here, there to enjoy the pretty day and each other. We get to the master suite and he is being really good to me. I give him his pain meds and he takes it without any hassle. I get him ready to take a shower and take off the wound dressing. The incision is only like 3 inches long, if that and looks really good. He actually does not need my help but I help him to the shower. I think when those pain meds kick in he's going to go into hyper mode. Before I can get myself ready to take a shower, he pulls me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me and kisses me professing, "Baby, you are the most wonderful wife, companion, lover and helpmate. I love you so much. You really are the best medicine for me." "I love you Sweetheart. I just want you to get well again." I need to get him done before those drugs kick in. I shower him, shampoo/condition his hair and get him out onto the vanity bench. Sure enough, he is feeling his Wheaties and when I'm not looking, he gets back in the shower with me. He can move extremely well with little hesitation and he is right behind me. "Sweetheart, whatcha doin'?" He sides his arms around my waist and pulls me into him saying, "Baby, I just need to hold you." Feeling his hardness pressed up against me, I know it's more than just that. I turn around and just kiss him with the most passionate kiss I can give him. He was moaning and gasping going, "Baby, I need to feel you." I take him over to the shower bench and bent over. He hit it so hard it knocked the breath right out of me. Rocked that a few times, I arched my back to take him deeper and we both had lift off. Sitting on the shower benched, he was enjoying his full trip around the solar system. I got up and finished my shower while he just sat there in a purple haze. After I finished my shower I got him back to the vanity bench and asked him, "What do you want to wear today, Sweetheart?" He told what to get and I told him 'shave that sandpaper off while I'm gone'. I find his outfit and I go get dressed. When I return back to him, he was drying his hair and I helped him finish that. I dried my hair, put on some makeup and I was good to go. I assisted him getting dressed and we walked out to the balcony for breakfast. 

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