Chapter 15-Dakota Nite 3

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I sleep like a rock. I feel soft kisses on my face and think, I could do this all night long. But then reality sets in and I know I have to wake up. I slowly open my eyes and there my love is, eye to eye with me. He stops and says,"Hello Baby, are you rested?" I stretch out a bit and say  "yep. I feel much better". He says,"Good. Hair and Makeup are waiting on you."   "OK, OK, give me a min".  He says just put a robe on and get over there. I say,  "alrighty then". I get up, put that pretty robe he bought me and strolled over to the salon. As soon as I walk in, the girls explode and go, "GIRRRL, you've got it going on! We knew it,we knew it." I said, "so what do you think you know?" Jackie says,"look at you girl, we know what you've been doing, singing Afternoon delight." I said, "I was taking a nap and just woke up. So, is that what you thought I was doing?" They looked at each other and shrugged. I said, "I told you I would tell you if anything significant transpired and it has not." Kim said, "You go girl. We are just happy to see the boss man happy. He stopped in earlier, smiling from ear to ear and told us to do you extra special." I looked at them and said "So how's that different than the last time." They laughed and said "you will see." Kim pulled my hair out here and there and Jackie put on some false eye lashes. They double teamed me and quickly I was done and they spun the chair around. Lord, I looked like a rock star. Different than before, but I like it. They spiked my hair and put extra accentuating make up on and those false eye lashes, Damn I hardly recognized my self. I said, "OK girls, I need to get dressed and ready to go. Thanks for making me pretty for him." Kim picked up my hand and said, "Gigi, you are his girl and this is what we do. We would do anything to keep him like this. Do you understand?" I said, "yes I do and I'm trying my best, OK?" Jackie then says to me, "You know when we first met you, we kinda wondered what he was up to. You are so different than any of the others over the last 20 some years, and we did them all. We see him and how he reacts to you and got to know you. You are perfect for him and we only wish you and him the best." I started to cry and Jackie, "said, don't do that, it is going to trash my makeup job. He loves you and you are good for him. It is like the stars have aligned and you two are ment to be.". I said "I know,I know. I need to just work it out. It's going to take some time,OK?" They said, 'get outta here and get ready for your man. He's all yours, you just have to claim him." I strolled out and my mind wandered as I headed to the apartment. What do all these people know more than I do? I just wonder. I guess I just not only need to trust God but I need to trust them as well. As I get to the master suite, an outfit is laying on the bed with a note on it saying: "I want you to wear this if it is OK? I told the girls to do you extra special and I know they worked their magic. Meet me downstairs when you are ready. Love, P

It is a long sweater tunic top with frilly pulled strands that dangle, looks kind of like feathers. I have leggings to match with over the knee boots. I just love this. Simple but sexy. I put it together and it looks marvelous on. I hope he likes it. I head downstairs and there he is singing and dancing in the atrium. He is so happy I can see it from here, up above. I am getting excited to see the show tonight. As I head down the stairs, a wave of emotion comes over me. I don't know why. I am happy and I want to see him. I am not nervous. I stop and gather myself. I lower my self to sit on the steps. I have no idea what was happening. I have been through the most difficult nights, this one should be easier. I breath deep as I feel I may be light headed. I guess it is just all the bombarding from his friends and staff. I have to get it together and do it now. OH God help me now. Too late, he's at the bottom of the steps and comes rushing up to me. "Gigi, are you alright?  Please don't be sick." I said, I think so, I just had to take a break as I got light headed. He picked me up and took me down to one of the sofas. He laid me down and said, I'm getting you some water. Patrick came rushing over. "Gigi are you OK? I said"Patrick, I don't know, I just had something happen that I've never had happen before. I think so." I regained my composure and all was well. He gave me some water and I drank it all down. It left, whatever it was. I said to Prince and Patrick, "I think I just got overwhelmed. I'm OK now." Prince said, "Let's get you something to eat. Maybe you have low blood sugar." That may be it, I hope so.  We get to the Little Kitchen and there is this beautiful table with candles and flowers. I sit down and he sits next to me. I am happy,really happy and filled with joy. Chef Ray brings out our dinner. It is Broiled Shrimp with roasted red potatoes, onions/green peppers and a fruit salad of pineapple/strawberries and blueberries. I leaned over and kissed him. I told him 'this is perfectly beautiful. All of my favorites. You are spoiling me.' He said, 'that is what I love to do, spoil you.' I said "Thank you. You are a hopeless romantic." We had dinner and I think it was low blood sugar as I felt energized and ready to go to the club. He asked if I was OK now. I said, 'Perfect.' He got up and picked up a box on the other side. OH God,Oh God, Oh God, it's a ring box. No, not now. I still am not ready for this. He said, "It's OK baby, just open it." I slowly open it and it is a ring but not an engagement ring. It is one like he has on. His symbol and it too has the date we first met. He said, "Wear this like I am so we are always connected to each other. Will you please do that Baby?" I shook my head yes. He then said, "Please wear this on your left hand. That way it is connected straight to your heart. Will you do that?" I said, "Yes, and I put it on."He piked up my left hand and kissed the ring. It felt so right. I had no hesitation doing it. He then said, "You may not be totally mine,  but you did say I had your heart and this ring signifies that." I hugged him and kissed him. I whispered in his ear, "You are my confidant, my lover and my Best Friend. What more could I want?" He embraced me tightly and passionately kissed me. He said, "I've waiting my whole life for you." "I Love you and cherish you." I said to him, "Let's talk about this when we get back home, OK?"  He said 'your wish is my command.' He then said, "Let's go baby,they are waiting for us." With that he took my hand and whisked me off to the car. This time, he was driving us. He said Kirk will be meeting us there. He wanted to drive tonight. I just got comfortable and laid my head on his shoulder. He said, "Are you happy baby?"I said 'yes, very much so'. I asked him, " Are you?" He just beamed with happiness. He said, "Baby I have never been this happy in my life. I am so happy you are happy. I feel peace and calm in my life with you. You are my everything." We just sat there and listen to some soft jazz music till we got there. He looked over at me and said, "Are you ready for tonight, Baby?" I said, "You bet!" He parked the car and got out and then got me out. We went in and the hallway was vacant tonight. I said, where's all the guys? He said 'it is just 3rdeyegirl tonight and they are already on stage.' I said 'OH great. I really love that group too'. We went to his dressing room and sat me down. He checked his makeup and mine. He is such a Girlfriend, proclaimed we both look perfect and we are ready. He then knelt down and said, 'this is like last night. Kirk will sit with you out front. Is that OK?' I said, "sure. I like it there." He gave me the side eye and said, "Baby don't do that, I have to go out there in a few." I laughed and said, 'I had to get back at you for the SING thing on stage last nite, so we are even'. He just shook his head and said, "Baby you are something else. That is why I love you so much." Then the knock on the door. Two minuets. He grabbed my hand and took me to Kirk. We walked the hall and there Kirk was. Just smiling and happy. He took my hand from him and off we went. We just got seated and out he came on stage. Oh, he starts this set with Endorphin Machine. Kirk leaned in and said, 'same as last nite', OK? I said  'Yep'. We had a wonderful set. We danced and swooshed, and just had pure fun. Then it was time, we got up and Kirk took me over to the stage. Something was not right. It was just me but I did not have time to analyze it. Next thing I knew, I was center stage and there's a chair. Uh Oh, this is not like last night. He takes my hand and has me sit in the chair. I am not sure what's coming. He starts to sing to me. The crowd is coming unglued. I am not bothered by this one bit. My eyes are transfixed on him, only him. He finishes the song and takes me back to Kirk. He starts to take me to the VIP section and I said,'Kirk, I need the ladies room'. He hands me my purse and takes me there. He stands guard but there were two girls already in there. I sneaked in and from the stall heard them talking. One said, "did you see how he looked at that woman on stage" The other said,  "there is love there. I know that look and that was it." When they left, I came out of the stall and went over to the mirror. I looked into and said, OK, I need to go do this. I washed up and went out. Kirk was waiting. He said "P is probably there wondering where you are.' I said, 'take me to his dressing room and go get him. I want to see him there.' Kirk said 'OK'. So, as I sit waiting in the dressing room, my mind is running at warp speed. He came bounding in and I'm sure he was thinking entirely of something else than what I was going to say. He took one look at my face and said, "Uh, Oh, I'm in trouble." I said, "No, I just need to talk to you. We were supposed to do this later but that stunt on stage has precipitated this." He kneels down and says, "Baby I love you and I just wanted to show you off to everyone, nothing more than that." I said, "OK, Mr. Recluse, and wanting all his privacy kept that way. This will hit the Star Tribune for sure, are you ready for it? Are you going to go off like a time bomb and have a hissy fit because of whatever they say?  I know I am not ready for it, are you? I am not ready to be followed when I go out, where ever I go, here or back home. I am not ready for this instant media blitz. You know it is going to happen. Are you ready for it? I certainly am not." He just sat there with his hands in my lap holding my hands. He said, "Baby, I don't care anymore. I just don't care. Let them say whatever they want to say. They cannot hurt me anymore than I've already been hurt. I'm in Love and I don't care if the world knows it. I will protect you, don't worry. They can say whatever they want to about me, but you are off limits. OK?" I said,"OK. I do not want to be the brunt of any hissy fit you might have, do you hear me?" He shook his head in agreement. He said, I have changed, I really have. Please trust me. I will show you." I said, OK then, now we have that out of the way. "What are you going to do the next show? A repeat?" He sheepishly looks down and says "Can I please?" I said 'OK. I'm good. You know I love you and I am not mad at you. I just was hoping that we could have kept this out of the media awhile longer.  But, I can deal with it. I know a couple people too and I am sure they will contact me when this hits. Let me take care of it if they do, OK?' He nodded yes. I just took him and hugged him. I whispered in his ear and said, 'I love you and  I love you singing to me. I am fine with the limelight. Let's have fun this last show, OK?' He said 'I am just so thrilled to have you there and I want to show me off to everyone'.  He said, "Come one, let's go. I know it is a little early but I am escorting you to your seat. I looked at him and said, "not on stage is it?" He said 'no, the other one out front.' So he took my hand and we went out front. He sat me down and he sat down with me for a bit. We could hear the audience buzzing. He had his arm wrapped around me and I heard someone say, "Oh look, isn't that cute." I looked at him and said, "Did you hear that?" He just smiled.  He is really liking this and is acting like a school kid.  Too late now to take it back. He spilled it at the last show. Jim came over and told him it was time.  He leaned over and turned me toward him and laid a big passionate kiss on me. I could feel the heat rush straight to my core. I said to him, "Go, they are waiting for you." The crowd just went nuts, whistling and cheering. I did get a tad embarrassed but he was now on stage and their attention turned to him, the reason they were there. This second show went like the last. He got me up on stage and sang to me. The crowd knew what was going on as some where there for the first show. The exception, he planted another passionate kiss at the end and they went nuts. He was so proud of himself. He took me off stage and handed me over to Kirk.  Kirk had my coat and purse. We went down the hallway and waited for him. Kirk checked to make sure the coast was clear. So far so good. Then he came charging down the hall way, Kirk said "it's OK boss". So we headed out to the car and got in quickly. He tore out of there and said to me, "How did you like that?" I said, 'I loved it, you are a hopeless romantic'. I told him, 'I am not afraid of the limelight so if that's what you want, then show me off all you want to. Just remember they are there to see you, not me. OK?' He just smiled ear to ear and I can never get enough of that.  

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