The Interview-Prince POV

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I head back into the arena to meet with her friend, Jacques. I hate interviews but I have to do this one for a much different reason than ever before. I desperately need to thank this man or I probably would not have her now in my life. Whatever that exchange I saw with them in, it was nothing. She has a past with him, I have to accept it and overlook it. It is no threat to me now. There was a time in my life seeing that, I would have ran up there and burst out swinging into a fighting frenzy. I could not stand to see another man touch my wife. It is different now and I have accepted it or she will leave. I have changed too. I love her and I know it does not mean anything. She loves me and is waiting for me back at the hotel, that is what matters most. Wow! I have learned a lot with her. She has taught me tolerance in all sorts of ways I never imagined I could do, but I do with her. Not to mention, what unconditional love is all about. Well, I need to get it together to do this interview and talk to him, man to man. She loved him at one time, so he is probably a super, great guy. She is a fantastic judge of character and she told me last night how she felt about him, so I have to trust that he still is. 

 I approach him, "Jacques, let's go to my dressing room where we will have privacy for this interview. Follow me this way." Jacques follows me, weaving through the arena to the other side. We get to the corridor and I turn to ask him, "So what did you think about the soundcheck?" He told me he had never been to one that was that long or concise. Stating that is probably why my shows are the greatest shows on earth. That sounded like a circus act, I chuckled when he said that and it broke the ice a bit. We arrived at my dressing room and I invite him to sit down to talk. He already knew I do not allow any taping or writing notes, just a conversation. The interview went well and I gave him some good stuff to put in his article. When we concluded, he said to me, "Is there anything you want to ask me?" I thought about how to answer that. I decided to be straightforward with him, "Jacques, you are aware my wife told me last night about the horrific ordeal you two lived through many years ago. I just want to tell you that I owe you a debt of gratitude for saving her life. If you had not done what you did back then, I would not have my beautiful wife in my life now. I cannot begin to thank you enough for that. I granted this interview as a small token of my appreciation." 

Jacques was stunned and I don't think he was expecting what I just said to him. He probably thought I was going to ask him more specific questions about what happened or some details about his relationship with her. He contemplated what to say, "Prince, life seldom gives you second chances and I had two with her. I loved her and lost her, twice. It was short lived and was never designed to be our destiny. Do not ever hurt her or you will have to answer to me. No doubt, you have discovered what a truly magnifique and beautiful woman she is. Love her and never, ever let go. She deserves everything you can give her. Most of all, she deserves to be loved and happy." 

 He really nailed that......I don't quite know what to say to him, "Jacques, I can assure you that I will never hurt her or take my love away. She is and will be forever in my life. I take my marriage vows very seriously and that is what I vowed when she became my wife. I love her like I have never loved another. I guarantee you, I will do everything in my power to make sure she is very happy." Jacques stands and extends his hand to me, "I don't want to take anymore of your time. After what you learned last night, you need to go be with her now. I have all I need and I can catch up with you another time. Thank you for taking your time to give me this interview. It makes me grateful she has you to take care of her and love her. I only wish you both the best in life." There was nothing more we needed to say, "Thank you. I will stay in touch and give you another interview, anytime." I saw him out and called Kirk to come over to get me, ASAP. 

While I waited I thought about what he said. He loved her and lost her. I can not imagine what he did to lose her not once, but twice. Deep down I'd like to know what he did, but I don't think I can ask her. I head out to meet the limo, I do not want to waste anytime getting back to her. I love her and he is right, she needs me now more than ever. As soon as the limo pulled up, I did not wait for Kirk and ran to the door. I wanted to get back and not waste a single minute. Kirk sat in the back with me, sensing something was going on, "What's up P? Is everything okay?" I told him, "I don't have enough time to tell you now. I'll fill you in later. Everything is okay, don't worry." The limo pulls up at the VIP entrance and I jet out to the elevator. 

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