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We bypass the Emergency room and they take me straight to the VIP hospital room. After a short wait, a doctor comes in and examines my shoulder. He orders Xrays and aCT-scan. I have a broken collarbone and more damage to the chest wall muscles. They decide to keep me until the surgery to make sure nothing more happens to me. I feel like I'm being jailed. There is nothing much they can do about the collarbone. I have a sling around my shoulder so I can't move it and pain medication. They want to monitor the muscle tares in case there is internal bleeding. I am hopelessly stuck here. There is a nice king size bed and he refuses to leave me. I told him to call Bonnie and Steve and they will come and be with me while he does the concerts tonite and tomorrow. He wanted to cancel but I told him, go do them and come back here. I will be OK for a few hours while he is gone. The pain meds kicked in and knocked me out. 

I wake up and Bonnie is here.He is too but he is getting ready to leave. This room is really nice like he said. It looks like a penthouse suite at a hotel. Bonnie sits in a chair next to the bed to talk to me. He kisses me good bye so lovingly and goes to do the sound check and concert. Now it is just Bonnie and I. She tells me Steve is going to the concert. Really,there isn't much he could do anyway. They have me all hooked up to monitors, oxygen and a IV drip for the pain meds. What I sight to see. She looks at me with concern on her face. I just shake my head and point my finger, "This time it is not a sex related injury.[chuckling under my breath]" She says, "What the heck happened to you? This has been a train wreck." Laughing and shaking my head, "We were watching the sun rise and fell asleep on the love-seat. Next thing I know, we go crashing to the floor and I landed on this shoulder with him on top of me. I thought I was OK, but obviously not." She hides her face because she is laughing. I quip,"It just never stops. Who would think this could happen two days before a major surgery. I cannot win for loosing." I have Bonnie call for the nurse. I need to go to the bathroom, but otherwise, I'm OK. The nurse helps me get up to go to the bathroom. I ask if I can sit out of bed and she says, yes for a short while and they will bring dinner for us. I can walk just fine. Bonnie said she gathered all my things in the penthouse back in Montreux and brought them with her. She helps me change in to a pretty nightgown instead of the hospital issued one. We eat dinner and talk some more. The pain is in check and I will have all the comforts of home. Bonnie assured me she would be here all week. I told her, "I cannot wait until the surgery. This all will go into overdrive." She said, "What do you mean?" "he will be like glue to me and take good care of me." I said snickering. I told her 'it is really sweet but..... every time he touches me, looks at me, or even talks to me, I have my own private tropical vacation. If you know what I mean'. She said, "Oh dear god, how are you going to deal with that?" I said, "Oh, not very easily. Believe me, and he knows it too. He will try to be good as gold for a couple days and then he will do little things to me that will send me into a tidal wave in my panties. It won't take much. The worse part about it is, he can't help himself and I can't help myself either. I love him and he just does that to me all the time." Bonnie just shakes her head, "G, you are in big trouble and I can't help you out of this one." I'm like, "No kidding,right?" I ask her to fix my hair and makeup so I don't look like dead warmed over when he gets back. It's about 10:00 and the nurse comes back to put me to bed. She hooks up all the monitors and puts me back on the oxygen. I really don't think I need that but it is Dr.'s orders. We talk more until he arrives from the concert. When he gets in there, he kisses me tenderly and with concern asks how I'm doing. I tell him OK. The limo is waiting for Bonnie, he is going to take her down and will be right back. 

I doze off to sleepy town and the next thing I feel is him slipping in bed with me. He is right behind me as I can feel his breath on my neck. I softly whisper,"Sweetheart, are you going to hold me tonite?" Conjecturing, "I want to, but I don't want to hurt you." He softly kisses me on  the back of my neck. He knows that is going to send a tidal wave straight to my core. I have all the body armor back on to protect me until surgery. He knows how to work around that. I say to him, "Help me move so you can get with me." He looks at me and I tell him howto help me. I only have one arm that I can freely move and he is so hesitant, I say to him, "Sweetheart, you are not going to hurt me.Just don't touch my collarbone where it is wrapped." He is kneeling between my legs just looking at me perplexed. I reach out to him with my good hand and he is reluctant to take my hand. I start to well up with tears. He finally takes my hand and scoots up to my face, "Baby, I'm so sorry to hurt you like this. Can you forgive me?" SMH, "Sweetheart, it was an accident. It wasn't anyone's fault. Not yours, not mine. It just happened. I love you,but if you don't do something right now, that will be your fault."He smiles looking smug, "Baby, what do you want me to do?" I respond, "You have already gotten me hot so what ever you want to do, do it. You have one more day before total lock down." We laugh and he takes my hand, kissing the back of it and trailing kisses up my arm to my neck. He carefully unbuttons my gown and helps me slip out of it as much as I can. The pain meds are working great. I don't have any pain from the broken collarbone or anything. My arm is immobilized but other than that, I'm good. He is going to get this done, one way or another. He is kissing me all over and I'm so hot,I'm moaning and writhing with pleasure. He is being so careful not to hurt me. I whimper and beg, "please, please, please. We have to be quiet. Please....... do me now." My face is buried in his neck. He slowly enters my hot, dripping heat and I'm more than ready. I am muffling my screams in his neck and chest until he punches me so hard, I loose my breath and off I go along with him. The heart monitor is going crazy. He puts the O2 back on me and my breathing comes back to normal quickly. He gathers me up and holds me humming a sweet song in my ear. I drift off into my sex induced nap. I wake up a few hours later to soft kisses on the back of my neck. He is spooning with me and his arm is over my waist with his hand on my centerpiece. I instinctively move my leg to give him access to my heat. He says, "Baby, let me try this approach out as he slides down to get entrance to my core. I pull my knees up and just as I was reaching to guide him, he slams into me so hard, I shrill with pleasure. He fits me perfectly as I arch my back to take him in deeper. He hits my spot with every stroke. I bury my face in my pillow to soften the sounds I am screaming. His hand on my pelvis feeling each slow stroke. I reach my free hand down holding onto his hand as he picks up the pace. I hate not seeing his face but this is so intense, I get lost in the moment. My walls are contracting and releasing with every stroke. I can hear and feel my juices flowing. I feel close and then he hits spot and over the top I go. I push down on him to feel every contraction he has caused and feel his love explode inside me. My screams are muffled in the pillow. The O2 brings me back quickly. He is still out of it. He comes up to my face and says, "Baby, that was spectacular. You are so beautiful. I love you more and more each day. I love every minuet of it because it is with you." Laying on the pillow, looking into his eyes I say, "I love you and you love me so good. I'm going to miss this so much." I lean into him to catch his lips with mine. I nibble and suck on his lower lip as I trail a soft wet kiss on his cheek. He runs his arm under me to bring me in close. I lay my head on his shoulder and look at him. I say, "Please don't stop loving me like this. How are we going to connect our souls?" He rubs my face with the back of his hand softly saying to me, "Baby, I adore you, I love you, I will never leave you. We will connect a different way, you will see." I sigh heavily and just keep my eyes fixed on him. He moves me so he can gather me up and hold me better. I whisper in his ear, "Sweetheart, do me again like this. I want you to hear every erotic breath, until you make me come. As he played me like a cord on his guitar, he whispered and sang the most loving things in my ear. He played me into a state of ecstasy as I could feel his hardness on my thigh. As I came, I whispered in his ear, "Oh God,Oh God, I love you. Oh God." While he whispered in my ear, "Baby,I want you, I need you. Let me love you." He thrusted in and out of me slowly with loving care, reassuring me, "Don't think I will ever take my love away." Tenderly, his lips brushed softly over mine until he sealed them together while his slow and steady thrusts climaxed his love in me. In the following moments of silence, I held his head close to my chest. Almost a hush, "I love you loving me like this." He looked up at me, "I love, loving you because I love only you. You have no idea how happy I am to have you as my beautiful wife." As daylight breaks, he helps me put my night gown back on and he puts his back PJ's on. The nurses will be in anytime now to check on me. He gathers me up to hold me, humming a sweet song in my ear. Sure enough, here comes the nurse to check my vital signs.  She asks if I need to use the bathroom and tell her yes. He asks the nurse to not disturb us until noon. I return to in bed and he gets with me. I drift off to sleep quickly with him humming in my ear.  I feel his love and peace flow through me. I cannot imagine not having this in my life. I wake just before noon. He is still holding me and I raise my hand to his face. I caress his cheek and he opens his eyes looking at me with those beautiful expressive orbs. I say, "Good Morning, Sweetheart. I love you." He pulls me in close, kissing me with his soft lips, "I love you Baby. How do you feel today?" I tell him, "I feel good today. No pain, just a little tired." He proceeds to shower me with soft kisses. Telling me how much he loves me and what he plans on doing to me tonite. "Baby, I'm going to show you so much love tonite you will not forget it anytime soon. Our love is such a beautiful thing. It is all we need to get through all this. I love you, words alone cannot express all my love for you." Before I can express my love to him, we are interrupted by a nurse. I quickly murmur in his ear, "I love you Sweetheart." The nurse wants to know if I want to have my lunch at the table or in bed. I tell her, "get me up for awhile, please." She informs me that I can come off all the monitors until tomorrow. She disconnects everything except the pain pump and guides me over to the dining room table. Lunch arrives and we enjoy it looking over the lake. What a great view we have from this room. After lunch, we go out on the balcony and take in the view of the lake. He tells me the plans for the day. Still hesitant, wanting to not leave me, he is planning to leave  for the concert at 6:00 and Bonnie will be here to stay with me. Every thing in the penthouse in Montreux has been packed up and will be delivered here when Bonnie arrives. He is looking at me with those come hither eyes and I just know what's next. His hand is on my knee and moving up under my nightgown. I exhale in a moan as a tidal wave rushes to my core. His light touches induce me in a haze of ecstasy with his skillful hands. I love being loved like this. He is whispering sweet nothings in my ear as he raises me to new heights of fulfillment. "Baby, our souls fit together like our bodies do, we are so intended to do this." The natural rhythm took over once he slipped into my loving space. My breathing and moans were perfectly timed to his strokes until he filled my space with his love. Holding me, whispers in my ear , "I love you, our souls are one. Baby, let's take a shower, I need to get ready to leave." We went back in and he attentively helped me into the shower. I just gaze at his beautiful body as I sit and wait for him to help me. He sees my tongue outlining my lips as I continue to watch him. Coming over to the bench, "Baby, you like what you see?" OH! Hell yes I do! I take his soft package in my hand, caressing it and quickly he gets a rise. With every stroke, he gasps and moans. I take him in lightly licking and caressing the tip with my tongue. I know a couple deep throats will be all, so I do one and he shrills, "Oh baby,deeper, deeper!" I play with him a couple more times and then I take him deep and that's all she wrote. He shot out of there so hard and fast, collapsing on the bench with me, putting his arm around me pulling me in close. He whispers in my ear, "Baby, you do me so good. I can hardly wait to do you tonight." I just want full on sex because that is what I'm going to miss the most. The rest will be quickly restored. I know he will carefully orchestrate a full night of everything. By the time I go to surgery, I'll need the rest. I hope they do all the surgery prep before he gets back from the concert so we will be undisturbed till morning. He helped me get a shower and did my hair for me. We went back out to the suite and relaxed awhile on the sofa enjoying the view. He held me and kept telling me how much he loves me and how beautiful I am. Smothering me with kisses and caressing me, I am hotter than July with another waterfall in my panties. He's going to leave me like this! We are just waiting for Bonnie to arrive so there's no time to get anything in. In the meantime, the nurse comes in and asks if I want dinner in bed or the dining room. I requested, the dining room when Bonnie arrives. She said "OK." Soon Bonnie arrives and he kisses me good bye. I decide to walk with him to the elevator, he kisses me tenderly again and I was having trouble letting him go this time.  Tearfully walking slowly back to the VIP suite, Bonnie cheerfully greeted me. Our dinner had been delivered and we sat down to eat. She looked at me, "What's wrong,G?" I respond, "This is going to be so hard and I just cannot imagine how all this is going to go." We continue to chat while enjoying a nice dinner and taking in the view from the room. After dinner, we head out on the balcony. The weather is just gorgeous and the breeze feels so good. We talk more about the surgery and everything. She is such a good friend, reassuring me that everything will be alright to not worry. I told her, "Do you have any idea the state he left me in tonight?" She shook her head no. I told her, "Well, if you weren't here, he would have been late to the concert. You know what I mean?" Bonnie gasped putting her hands over her mouth. She went, "Huh, uh." I said, "Uh, huh. It does not take much." She said, "Oh my god. I understand now." The nurses come in to do the pre-operative preparations, so that will be out of the way. The Doctors stop in to make sure every thing is OK and mark the surgery lines. I'm ready to go. Bonnie is such great support. She told me all their stuff has been moved to the hotel across the street so she will be close if I need her. I told her to go ahead and make your plans with Steve. If anything comes up, he will call you. I will be out of it for a couple days, but plan oncoming over to see me on Thursday. We were enjoying a drink on the balcony, mine is minus the alcohol, when I get a text from Kirk they are en-route, on their way. It is almost midnight and they are 15minuets out. I told Bonnie, "Tonight is going to be like a 2nd Honeymoon." She and I just laughed. Shortly after, I hear the door and the distinctive clicking of his heels. I look at Bonnie and whisper, "He's back." He greets me with a soft, wet kiss. Bonnie gets up to leave and he tells her that Kirk is waiting for her at the elevator. I say my goodbyes to Bonnie and we settle in on the settee outside. He was so excited about the concert telling me this was the best one of the 3 and disappointed I missed it. He loves telling me all about it so I let him blow some steam off while I intently listen and watch his eyes dance with all the excitement from the evening. He informs me that he spoke to the nurses and we will not be disturbed until 6am. Taking me by the hand and pulls me up to him putting his arms around me, telling me he's going to take a shower after he puts me back to bed. I kiss him softly on the neck as he walks me to the bedroom. Tenderly he helps me in bed and kisses me, "I'll be back in a few minuets. Baby, I love you. I won't be long." Laying there in wait, with thoughts racing through my mind, I want him to do me until his balls ache. I know he has a plan, with his restraint and fortitude, that will never happen. Our souls tonight will be a powerful union somewhere between love and lust. He crawls into bed,moving across like a cat, growling and purring. Stalking me until he gets over to me. His scent is so intoxicating I smirk, "Since when did you become a tom cat?" We laughed and he said, "Since you became mine, holding my left hand. Ah, it is such a turn on to know you are 4ever my wife. Our souls are melded to our bodies. Tonight I'm going love you with my body, my mind, my soul until our hearts beat as one." He slipped into my lovin' spot while our tongues danced in a passionate kiss. He loved on me all night with his mouth,his hands and ultimately with his body. Reinforcing how much our love meant to him until there was nothing more we could do. I went to heights of ecstasy so many times, I lost count. As he gathers me up to give me my after the lovin time, I can feel his love and peace flow strongly thru me reinforcing our genuine connection of our souls. He sings me a new song that is so sweet and professing his love for me. The emotions of joy and happiness fill my heart as I slip off to sleep.

A/N-Please remember to vote. Comment too and let me know how you like this story line. I hope you enjoy this love story as much as I do writing it. Thank you.

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