Chapter 29

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3rd Sunday in MPLS

I wake up to hustle and bussel. Prince is packing like a mad man. I just watch to see if he notices I'm  awake. Yep, he notices and comes in for a kiss and hug. I tell him, I need my pain meds. These bandages are starting to itch. I'm glad they are going tomorrow. Then I get to see the scars and bruising. Oh joy!He asks how I feel and I tell him good. He even asks if I need the bathroom. Yes I do. He helps me in there and I return to him and he puts me back to bed. He then says, "Baby, I do not want you out o fthis bed today. I want you to rest and I will bring you whatever you need." The last time he said anything like that, it was for a different reason and it was not rest. I said to him when he gets a chance to , bring me cereal, fruit and coffee like yesterday. He said coming right up. All I did was eat and sleep today. We did have some small chit chat but nothing deep like last nite. After dinner, we did talk a bit about the trip. He is as excited about it as I am. Before bed, like last nite, we took a shower and he was really good about it. I can walk better now so I don't need as much help getting in and out of bed. Although, it is really cool having him help me. Like horses, we bed down for the night. We have to be up early to get go to the surgeon's office so I hope he does not want to get into anything tonite. He takes me in his arms and it just feels so good and right. I'd really love to feel his naked body next to my naked body but that would be probably more than he could handle so, I sacrifice. Holding me in his arms and feeling his love, I think and my mind is running away with me. Jon Bream was right. He is going to take me on one heck of a magic carpet ride. What scares me so much? I love him. I trust him. Being with him makes me very happy. God, you brought me here, but why is this life so scary? Why is it so hard for me to fully commit to him? He is all in.  He is just waiting for me. I guess I need to put more trust in you, God. I know you will lead me what to do and I trust that. I am surprised our relationship has not hit the press. That is a good thing. I have to laugh, Cathy said he would move a mountain for me. Do you think that mountain he is trying to move is me right now? Maybe what scares me the most is having a very public relationship with him. He is dropping the shields and it is making it even more public than ever before. He keeps saying to me that I am something else when it is really him that is. God you did your best work on him and he is a beautiful soul.

Prince POV

Wow! What a week. Here she is in my arms and she tells me how much she loves being here. I have had two scares this week. I thought I was going to loose her. She is here and with me. She could leave at anytime but she has not. I pray I don't do anything to push her away. I know she loves me and puts up with me. She is a strong willed woman and I have to keep reminding myself who she is. I think she can handle my lifestyle. It is not easy but she is tough. This is the first time in my adult life I am not getting what I want when I want it. I am not used to being told no and she uses that word a lot. And it doesn't bother me because she is right. She told me how much she feels my love when I hold her. I feel it too and it is powerful. I feel her love just by her touch even in the smallest way. It gives me peace and well being. I never want to be apart from her and that touch. Last nite I was a hot mess. She calmed my fears and reassured me. She is a powerful woman, she is. I've always known she was a deep thinker but WOW she pulled that last nite out of a black hole and she does it was such style and grace. She is so beautiful and I love her. I was always attracted to her from the first time we met, but she belonged to another.  I would have never dreamed in a million years she would be mine. And the way she look sat me, uh uh uh. It just melts my heart. Over the years when I would talk to her, I would just feel an immediate calm come over me. My first attraction to her has always been her mind. The rest of her is just window dressing. She is beautiful in my eyes and I don't care what others think. She is funky and she knows it and I love it. What else I love about her is how people instantly love her. She attracts people in a way I've never seen and she is so easy to be around. The staff loves her, the band loves her and they don't even know her like I do. She just exudes that charm and charisma. And she is a people magnet. She is OK in the limelight. Nothing about that in my life scares her. She was a journalist and a damn good one. She did not get where she got without having special skills. And her voice, that southern charm just sends me to the moon. She has me and all of me. She does not see me as others do. I am just me to her. A skinny black man that is funky. She is holding my heart and I hope she accepts it. God, you sent her to me. I accepted your blessing. Please have her accept me. I know slow. Keep the pace slow and through that patience I will get my reward.

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