Curacao North Sea Jazz Festival

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We arrive on the island of Curacao and are met by a private limo at the airport. I have no idea where we are going but I will find out shortly. I am surprised by our accommodations when we pull up to The Baoase Luxury Resort is where we are staying. A member of the staff, dressed in a bright tropical shirt and neatly ironed shorts greets us, "Welcome, Mr and Mrs Nelson, your villa is ready and we will be dispatching you there shortly. We are happy to have you be our guests this weekend. Enjoy your stay with us." The bell caps loaded our luggage in on golf cart with Kirk and us in another one whisking us away. "Oh my gosh!Sweetheart, we have our own private villa! How did you manage that?"He tells me he had to pull strings to get this villa and hopes I love it. We have our own private villa with a private pool in a very  secluded setting. It is simply gorgeous. It was arranged to have a personal chef and there will be plenty of time to relax and enjoy our accommodations. When we arrive at the villa, the chef is already preparing lunch for us to be served poolside. This is very nice and I was very surprised as this is way over the top than 'usual'accommodations. Of course I love it as I wrap my arms around him to say, "Thank you Sweetheart, this is really nice and I love it. I may not want to leave this evening." He just smugly smiled and said, "I'm so happy you love it. If you want to stay here tonight,that can be arranged." After lunch poolside we swam in our private pool. There was plenty of time to relax and love, there was a lot of extra curricular activities. The concerts we attended were impressive and I especially loved seeing them with him as my escort.We rarely get a chance to enjoy other performers. When we do, I am always critiquing their show and comparing them to his. I think his are far superior because the rehearsing is so intense and they perform like it is 2nd nature to them. The bands and artists we saw were none the less very good. He just takes it to another level that is incomparable. I especially loved seeing Diana Ross. I had not seen her in 30 years and that was in Las Vegas. She really is THE Diva and I loved her show. I ran into my friend,Frenchie at the Gladys Knight show. He and I chatted for quite sometime and caught up. This time, the purple one was on his best behavior. He was talking to a performer that was performing the next day so he was preoccupied. We had a great time and when we returned to the Villa, it was so welcoming at night. The pool was lit up and  I just had to take a midnight swim. After our midnight swim, there was a luxurious spa bathtub we took full advantage of. The next day we had massages and relaxed, until I went with him to the sound check and rehearsal in the afternoon returning to the villa to have dinner,finishing a relaxing day. The chef cooked up wonderful meals for us and I just loved it there. We left early to see a couple of performers prior to his show and it was easy to navigate through the crowds. There were so many celebrities in attendance no one was bothering us or anyone else for that matter. All went well, it was a great weekend and full of fun, rest, relaxation, recreation and romance. 

We returned back to the Turks/Caicos early Sunday afternoon

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We returned back to the Turks/Caicos early Sunday afternoon. I have to say, this is the ultimate of all resorts. While we had a wonderful time in Curacao, I love this place best of all and was happy to return to our private piece of paradise. Upon arrival home,I decided to take a bath and he was all in. "Baby taking a bath with you is one of my favorite pastimes, and Mr. Happy's too." The weather has cooled down some being not as humid as it has been and I just wanted to relax and take a nap. You know who had other ideas. We played and loved before I got my wish for a nap at the cabana on the beach. "Sweetheart, can I trust you?" He says, "Yes, why?" I said, "I'm not wearing the support garments to take a nap. Will you not mess with me?" He went, "Mummm, I don't know Baby. I will try." I said, "It is almost 7 weeks and I just want to take a nap free of bondage so I can fully relax and be comfortable." I probably should have not said a word about it. Now, he's going to want to explore and that is OK to a certain point. I knew it, "Let me see the girls." I unbuttoned my sundress, "Go ahead and check'em out." Well, that was all it took, looking them over,feeling and caressing them. I have to say, I do have some sensations in them that I thought would have been lost. He is lightly touching them and outlining the outside working his way to the center. Every so often I sigh with sensual pleasure. He looks at me when that happens. I remind him 'don't squeeze 'em.' The mapping of what happens when and where has begun, being etched into his mind. He says, "Baby these are better than the last pair." I smirk, "What makes you think that?" He retorts, "They feel better and they are slightly bigger." Quipping, "I'm glad you like the new and improved model, giving your seal of approval." He proceeds to kiss my neck trailing kisses to my breasts exploring to see where I react to that. I do have good feeling and sensations in them, surprised was not all lost this time with surgery. He is blessing them with his hands and his mouth as new members of the family. It feels really nice and hopefully he will not do anymore to me at this point. Oh no,he is now looking at my belly scar. Tracing it with his finger and then his lips. He looks at me, "Baby these scars are almost invisible. They did really beautiful work." Answering, "Yeah, I think so too. In a few months the redness will be faded." He stopped, putting his arms around me and said, "Baby, I hated to see you have to have this surgery, but the results was worth it, they look and feel more desirable." I said, "Yes, I hope I never have to do this again." He gathers me up and holds me. Whispering in my ear,"Baby, you are so beautiful. I love you so much and all you have endured." "I love you Sweetheart. You are taking really good care of me." I drift off and fall asleep with him holding me. I wake up and the sun is setting. I check to see if he's awake and he's looking out to sea. I say, "Hello Sweetheart. Beautiful sunset tonight." He says, "Yes, Baby, it is gorgeous. It just adds to the beauty I am beholding in my arms." My hand is resting on his luscious chest feeling the soft hair and strong muscles that lay beneath. He is loving it as a sigh or murmur slips out occasionally.I love this man and I would do anything for him. He takes my left hand and kisses it softly on the back, then kissing my wedding ring.He says, "I love you being my wife. You belong right here with me."I smile, "Sweetheart, I love being with you no matter where you are." Come with me, I have a surprise for you tonight. We head out of the cabana walking along the beach and he takes me to the pergola where a dinner is set up for dinner in candlelight. It is so romantic and I love spending time with him. After dinner we go back to the cabana for a glass of wine and desert. He is being so romantic and that is such a turn on for me. Next he tells me, 'let's go take a bath'. We go back up to the master suite and the whole place is ablaze in candlelight. Rose pedals on the bed and everything is just perfect. I have to ask, "Sweetheart, what's the special occasion?"He tells me, "Baby, you are the special occasion. I just love you so much. I wanted to do something tonight that was special."Hum.....I have no idea what he is up to, but my intuition tells me something's up. I love him and I know he loves me, but I have to wonder. "Sweetheart, I love you. I love how you treat me so special." He wraps his arms around me and we kiss ever so passionately. I could really use a nice bath to relax. Whoa! Wait just a minute. This has to do with my friend, Frenchie. Took a couple of days, but that's it. Bless his purple heart, he is going to go all out tonight. He helps me into the bathtub that smells Oh so intoxicating. As he slides in behind me, I just lay back and relax as he showers me with kisses to my neck and collarbone. There is a new fascination with the girls, so I just let him play and enjoy. I have more sensory feeling there than I ever expected. I'm going to see what he can stir up there, so I lay back with my head on his shoulder in the crook of his neck. He is playing me with precision like all his instruments. I am so hot at this point, it feels like I'm over the top in ecstasy, trying to hold back, but it is not working. I need to divert his attention or we are going to end up doing something here we should not be doing. I position myself so I can get at him.I'm going to do him extra special, signature move included. I get him all worked up and he is so into it. Forgetting what he was doing with me, he is close and I feel him just at the edge. I do my signature move and he's outta there. He shot so hard it arched right out of the water. I just love it. It will take a few for him to come back from that one. I probably should tell him I know what I'm doing that it ain't no accident. I'll see if he asks me, right now he is speechless. I just smiled and waited for him to return to me from whatever planet I sent him to. On his trip back to planet earth, and the clearing of the fog, he kisses me and says, "Baby, baby, baby.That was out of this world. I thought I'd never experience that ever again." I said, "Sweetheart, I'm happy you enjoyed that. I love you." He is just beside himself trying to decide to ask for it again, I can tell. He is not sure what to say, Mr Sexuality is at a loss for words. I just go crashing into his lips and seal mine on his. Intertwining our tongues and just sucking the life outta him, we kissed with such passion, I was seeing stars. I'm going to keep him speechless for as long as possible. Finally, he says, "Baby, can you do it again?" I knew that was next, "Yes, but I'm not going to. If I do it again, it won't be as good as it was because you are expecting it." He starts to beg, "Baby, please, please, please."I said again, "Nah, uh. Sweetheart." In the end, he relented. Of course I took really good care of him later with the lotion ritual.There it is again, I feel like I took a trip around the world with him just touching me smoothing on lotion. I love him and I know he loves me, picking me up, I am carried to the bed and with rose pedals covering the bed spread. After pulling the covers back and the rose pedals scattering all over the floor, we lay in bed exploring each other with our hands, lips and ultimately our bodies. New heights of ecstasy were found and expanded upon multiple times. Our love for each other is so deep and consuming. It is a connection that I have never felt with anyone before and one that I never want to go away. I gaze into his eyes which are the windows to the soul. I can see clearly down to his soul and his undying love for me. The love we share is like none other.

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