New Year's Eve-Part 2

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 Waking up to soft kisses, I slowly open my eyes to see that beautiful face looking into my eyes. I raise my hand to touch the face covered with luscious, silky hair. My fingers senses tracing over his jawline, across his upper lip send shivers down my spine causing me to tremble. "Baby, are you cold? You are shaking and shivering." "No, Sweetheart. I'm just reacting to you. Shut up and kiss me." He kisses me with soft, trailing kisses with the light brush of his face rubbing mine as he kisses my neck and collarbone. The contact with his face is sending me to highs I have never known with new sensations created by his facial hair has my sensitivity on a high alert, feelings being created not before known. His kissing of my breasts and the light brush of his face is causing me to erupt in ecstasy flooding my heaven with sweet juices aching for him. My want and desire for him to enter me, I writhe and moan in anticipation. His hands are interwoven in my hair, I am senseless, mindless, nothing in my experience prepared me for these new sensations; the tingle in my neck, arms, and hands; the tightening of my belly when a wave of ecstasy engulfed it; then the escape of wetness as it saturated me. Once unrestrained, my passion was urgent, desperate, and critical, but he forced me to yield to his slow pace, his unhurried touch, bringing me, again and again, to the brink of rapture and then denying me, until I was a begging, needy mess. I whimper with intent, "Sweetheart, please......" Watching what he had done to me, he was unable to hold back any longer and entered in one quick thrust, so hard, I screamed, "OH, MY, GOD! P-RRRRRRRRRRR-I-N-C-E!" I heard that echo flow out over the island and back with the warm ocean breeze. I soared so high to the stratosphere and parts unknown. Holding each other until the all encompassing high returned to normal. My breathing was still labored and unable to speak, I meld into his body to feel his never ending love.

 When I awake from my love induced nap, I gaze into that face that sent me beyond anything I have ever experienced. I want to touch his face and feel that silkiness on my fingers, but I am afraid to touch it that it will send me into another frenzy. He is still sleeping, so I think I'll opt for a dip in the pool to cool my jets a bit. I slide out and before I slip into the pool I take the hairpiece off, laying it carefully on the end of the cabana. I slip into the pool and it feels wonderful to relax a few minutes in the water. I swim over to the hot tub to soak and maybe that will relieve some built up tension. As I relax in the hot tub, I gather my thoughts and think. Good gawd that facial hair! If I cannot get control of myself quickly, he's going have to shave it off and the sooner the better. Even if(?) I did grow my hair out, if it is anything like his facial hair is for me, he'll be on me 24/7. Not that we don't almost do that now, but it would be relentless. Oh, lawrdy, lawrdy, lawrdy, who would have thought a little transition with some hair would send us both over the edge into never, never land. I know he is tired from being sick with that flu crud so I hope he sleeps and gets rested up for round 2. I lean back to get comfortable and just soak in here. I feels great and the tension in my neck is relieved. After about 20 minutes, it is time to get out and do a few laps. I start my laps in the pool and about ½ way in the ten I usually do, all of a sudden I am catapulted out of the water and crash back in. When I surface, there he is laughing at me. He just appeared out of nowhere. Alrighty, you want to play, we can play 'catch me' if you can. This is gonna be fun. I swim away from him and taunt him, "Catch Me!" He swims toward me and I go underwater and jet right past him, quick grab and release of his manhood as I pass by. I'll be darn, he never has any problem with shrinkage in the pool or otherwise. When I pop up, far away, he is over by the hot tub looking for me there. I whistle at him as he turns around to see me on the opposite side of the pool. He tries to swim my way, but I pull myself out instead and run to the other side. When he looks up, I'm gone. I sit on the edge of the pool and whistle again at him. My poor purple one, he'll never catch me. 

Watching him swim, he's still not using that side with his new hip right. I am concerned and stay put. He gets to me, "Baby, I've got ya now." "Not so fast Mr Nelson. Do a lap back over to the other side and back. Let me see how you are using that new hip. Are you having any problems with it?" "No Baby, it feels fine. Why?" "You are draggin' that leg and not using it like the other one. You'll never catch me like that." "Baby, if I do a lap, then I'll have to catch you again. I want you now." He is standing in the water with his arms wrapped around my waist, between my legs. I lean over to kiss him and he pulls me back into the water with him. I give in to him as I wrap my legs around his waist. Here we go again, round 2. I touch his face and just that is enough to send me into my private tropical vacation, drenched inside and out. Oh gawd, help me! Please? While you might think this is fun, it comes to a point that as long as no one is around it is, but what's going to happen when people are present? It's not like we can get down and dirty right in front of them, now is it? That dinner tonight was one of the out landish things I had to muddle through and then afterwards waiting for the fireworks was terribly painful to control. I still think there is something wrong with me to react like this. I brush my face along side of his and the shock-waves going through me arcing, it almost more than I can handle. He is walking me all over the pool, over here, over there and back again. He is telling me what he's gonna do to me, but has done nothing yet. My head is laying on his shoulder listening to all that and every time he says something his face brushed mine, sending me out of this world, "Sweetheart, if you don't do it to me now, you may as well just push me underwater, drown me and put me out of my misery." He busts out laughing, "Baby, your sense of humor gets me every time." We are over by the hot tub and I release by hold on him, leaning back into the water "Sweetheart, just do it, drown me now. Please, it won't take much." He released his grip on my waist to grab one of my hands, I'm free so I swoosh back off from him, not far, just enough to gain my senses back. I had to break that electrical charge between us for a moment. "Baby, don't leave me. I don't want to play catch with you. I want to make love to you." "Sweetheart, you've been talking about it for the last 15, 20 minutes and I'm about to implode. I had to break that connection for just a moment. I'm not gonna leave you. Let's get in the hot tub, maybe that'll help me." I push off and drift back into him. He grabs me up and ZAP! There it is again. We get into the hot tub and for now we are just sitting side by side with his arm around me, bringing me close to him. It did relax me some until his face skimmed across mine when he kissed me. In one felled swoop, I climb on him and rode it for all it was worth. His fingers were interwoven with mine and I pushed them behind his head, letting my hips do all the work. I licked, kissed, nibbled and sucked his face like I was mining diamonds between rumbles of shrieking pleasure he brought to me. I devoured him as he could not hold off any longer and soared with me to the outer stratosphere. He held me tight against his chest while we both recovered from the most incredible trip that was otherworldly. I slipped out of his hold on me and stood up. Pointing at him, "Sweetheart, you have to shave that fur off as soon as possible. It makes me feel like I'm possessed or obsessed, take your pick. Not to mention there is nothing about L-o-v-e in this, it is pure LUST!" He is hysterically laughing at me and tries to get me to come back over to him. "Nah-uh, Sweetheart. I can't!" He gets up and comes toward me, backing up from him as much as I can. He takes my hand and I immediately tremble, quiver and shake uncontrollably. Encircling his arms around me, I collapse into him and begin to cry. I don't know why, it is just overwhelming me. He lowers us into the hot tub, I don't need to get any hotter than I already am. I need to cool down and a cold shower or the cooler pool would work. This is one heck of a 'hot mess' I'm in. I can't quit sobbing either, to the point where I cannot control my breathing and have trouble taking in air. If this is what raging hormones are like, geez Louise! He is trying everything to get me to calm down. He doesn't get it, he's causing it. Stroking my hair and face, humming to me, he pulls my legs up, crisscrossing his lap. He takes my face in his hands, looking at me. My eyes flutter open and shut. In a his loud, deep baritone voice, 'GIGI NELSON, STOP IT!" A cold chill reverberated up and down my spine and I stopped this uncontrollable hysterical state I was in. Like magic, he commanded it to stop and it stopped. He pulled me into his chest, my head under his chin and stroked the nape of my neck. He is far from clam, I hear his heart racing 90mph with my ear pressed to his chest. I am slowly calming down and my breathing is returning to normal. Softly he says, "Baby, do you feel better now?" "Uh-huh" is all I can utter at this moment. "I have an idea if you trust me, Baby?" ""Uh-huh, what?" "Baby, I'm having the same problems too. Let's go upstairs and I'll show you, okay?" "K" He helps me up and we dive into the pool to make our way out. The cooler pool was wonderful and felt so good to keep me calm, I did not want to leave. He guides me over to the steps and we exit the pool. Grabbing a couple bath sheets, we wrap up in them as we gather up our clothes to head upstairs. I know if I look directly at him, it will start all over again, so I divert my eyes down as to not have any eye contact. 

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