Montreux Friday

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I wake up and he is still holding me.OH! What a night it was. I can see the clock and it is almost 11am. He is awake and holding me tightly. I look up at him, "Good morning, Sweetheart."

He responds, "Good morning, Love. How do you feel this beautiful morning?"

I reply, "I feel loved and blessed to have such a wonderful husband. How are you this morning?"

He says, "Um, um, um, Baby, where do you find all the different things you do to me? I am very satisfied." I just smiled as he swooped me in his arms and kissed me.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." I quip.

He snickers, "Oh, Baby, it will take a lifetime to find out all the secrets you hold. I love you so much. My heart is still and calm just waiting for the next." He asks about my plans for the day. I tell him Steve and Bonnie are coming up here at noon for lunch and from here we are going sightseeing and a little shopping. "What time is dinner?" He retorts, "Dinner is at 9:30 and I should be back here by 8:00. What time do you think you will be back?" I thought and informed him, "We will probably be back between 6-7, I should be here when you get in. Why?" He looked at me with that devilish look and snidely said, "If I get back early,can we have some time before dinner?" I smiled and countered, "That can be arranged. I'll be here by 6:00." Looking smug, "I'll meet you naked between the sheets." It is way after 11am now and I get  to the bathroom to shower. He's right behind me. I quipped, "We don't have time right now, 6:00pm. Be there!" He laughs and smirks,"Baby, why do you think every time I want something?" I laughed and remark, "Because you usually do." I kissed him oh so passionately, enough to get a rise. "Baby, you can't leave me like this." I respond, "You wanna bet.....6:00?" I left him standing there in bewilderment and got dressed. Fixing us both a cup of coffee, I took it to him in the bathroom.  He's standing there looking at me like a deer in headlights. If I get close, it will be all over so I sit the coffee down for him on the other side of the bathroom, "You have 15 minuets to get ready. I'm outta here." He is giving me that come hither look and I say, "That's not going to work this time. Get dressed." I go out to the dining room to enjoy my cup of coffee and here he comes with just a towel on. Luckily I am at the other end of the large table and say to him, "Stop right there. I am not going to play cat & mouse with you right now.Please don't do this to me, please?" He then goes, meow, in that deep groveling voice. I grab my phone, holding my hand up, "Hold on just one minute." He is slinking slowly towards me, growling. I text Bonnie quick and say, "Lunch change 12:30. OK?" And she texted back, "OK." Just as he gets to me, "I just bought you a ½ hour." Thank goodness the food is already there in chaffing dishes. No butler to worry about. I take care of him and send him on his way to get dressed with a spring in his step. Checking my tablet, he comes out all dressed and made up. It takes him longer to put his make up on than it takes me. He sashays over to me and kisses me on the neck, with a trailing soft, wet kiss. He knows that's going to send me into a tidal wave in my panties, but I resist. I inquire, "Are you going to be OK for the next 6 hours?" He smiles and cracks, "It's going to have to but I could just skip practice today." I inform him, "Oh no you're not.  Here's a thought, do you want to have dinner here tonight rather than going out?" He responded, "Good idea. Let's do that instead. That would be more relaxing than trying to get out with all the festival traffic." I agree, "Sounds like a plan." Bonnie and Steve text they are on their way up. We have a nice lunch and take off to see some of the sights. I discuss with Bonnie more about my surgery and get caught up visiting with her. She is adamant that she will be there on Tuesday if we need her. I thanked her and we had a wonderful afternoon around town. We had a bodyguard with us and they got to see all that in action. It was OK and it did make me feel more comfortable out and about.  That does have it's pluses as we can get some places quicker with no hassles and go to the front of lines for galleries and museums.  We shopped a few boutiques and Steve just hung out with our bodyguard.  I get back to the penthouse right at 6:00.Good, he's not there yet, so I take a shower and get freshened up. As I'm sliding between the sheets, I hear the elevator door. I pretend I'm asleep. He gets naked and slides in beside me. As he is kissing me softly on the back of my neck,  pressing his hardness against my thigh. Now, if I was not already awake, that would have woke me up. I respond with a whispering moan. I turn my head and seal lips with him. I was engulfed with a tidal wave of my own private tropical vacation. We had a roll in the hay for the next two hours. Dinner was changed to 9:00 and we had less than an hour to get dressed. Bonnie & Steve texted to make sure 9:00 was still a good time and I texted back, OK. They arrived at 9:00 along with the food for dinner. Good timing.  Our butler, Claude,  served us all a glass of wine  out on the balcony while we waited for dinner setup for us.  All went well with dinner and it was so much easier this way. We enjoyed the company of my friends and had a great, relaxing evening. We took in the view and the breeze off the lake was wonderful.  Steve and Bonnie retired to their room at about 11:30. I go back out on the balcony to delight in the evening air. There is a warm breeze while I savored a cup of coffee. He is sending a memo with instructions  to his assistant for tomorrow,  which is the first of 3 concerts. We will join him for sound check and then return back to the hotel for dinner. I anticipate it will be a long day with the concert and after-show. He finishes up and comes out to join me. We talk about the weekend and how the concerts are going to go with the after party. I am tired but not exhausted, I will be by Monday night. This is a tight schedule with 3 performances in 3 days and he is the headliner all 3 days. If we go early to the venue, we may have a chance to  see some of the other performers. We had some other things to talk about in regards to my surgery. I think it will all be OK. I told him Steve and Bonnie were going to be in Geneva for the week and he was surprised, but seemed relieved to know they would be there if we need them. He stands and grasps my hand. "Baby, are you ready for bed?" I snicker and say,"Do you mean sleep or sex?" He laughs and gives me that side eye.  I reply, "I'm ready for a bath. I need a good soaking to relax." He was all in. 

We get to the bedroom and he wants to undress me

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We get to the bedroom and he wants to undress me. It is a great pleasure for him to do that and it makes him happy. Not to mention, I enjoy it too! I help him get undressed while the tub if filling with our favorite salts and crystals. He helps me in the tub and slips in beside me. It felt really good on my weary body and the scent was intoxicating. I know this is just the start of another all niter.  He massages my neck, shoulders and back which feels really good and relaxing. I slip out a slight sigh of pleasure. Finding the girls up front is a different caressing as I lay back in the crook of his left arm and my head laying on his shoulder. I am getting totally relaxed when his hand drifts in the water down to my centerpiece creating a different kind of tension. I draw his face to my lips and outline his lips with my tongue while whimpers escape my breath. First one finger then two hitting exactly on my sweet spot, he strokes in and out as my hip rise in rhythm. With my eyes locked on his, he completes the task and I leave for a different dimension of space. My breathing is labored as I come back to him, feeling very satisfied. We finish the bath and lotion ritual. He is taken care of twice as we retire to the bedroom. After a long rest, we keep sharing our deep love and connection for several hours, napping in between. I finally fall fast asleep in his arms feeling his love and warmth surround me, flowing thru my body. He hums a new song in my ear that beautifully puts me into a blissful slumber.

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