Warm & Fuzzy

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Warm & Fuzzy

Jiggling me in his arms, "Baby, time to wake up. The text woke me up when it came in from the staff. Dinner will be ready in an hour." 

I wake up to his smiling face, "Sweetheart, what are you grinning about? Did you take advantage of me?" 

He laughs that distinctive laugh I love to hear, "No Baby, I'm so happy. Holding you this afternoon for a nap was...well I can't describe the feelings I get doing that with you." 

I smile back at him, "Warm and fuzzy?" Crashing into my lips, "Um-hum." We part from the kiss and roll out of bed to get dressed for dinner. "Baby, quick shower?" There's never anything quick about a shower with him. 

"Sure Sweetie." I head to the bathroom to get ready for dinner. Steve and Bonnie have been on their own all afternoon. Oops! It dawns on me, they probably think it didn't go well not seeing us immediately after the conference call, or they could be thinking we were celebrating. Either way, I'm sure Steve will have a smart wisecrack about it, I can count on him for it. 

We are standing next to each other while brushing our teeth, I catch a glimpse in the mirror, he's looking intently at my reflection. Finishing first, I slip over to him sideways. "Sweetheart, why are you staring at me like that? Did I grow something while we were sleeping?" 

He drops his toothbrush in the sink, turns around and grabs me hard, "Baby, I love you so much. I can't remember when I've ever been this happy." 

I grin ear to ear, "Sure you have...June 7, 2013." He rolls his eyes up, bewildered like he is trying to remember that day, "Ahh, it's all coming back to me, yes that was a very happy day, indeed it was. That day I made you 4ever my wife, Mrs. Nelson. Today is different. That day I married my best friend, my confidant, my lover, and made you my life...my everything. Today is different. That day we became a couple but soon we will change and become a family. Today is different. I never dreamed on that glorious day in June last year, the most beautiful girl in the world to me would be the mother of my children. Thank you, Gigi Nelson, for all the joy and happiness you continuously bring to me on this journey...most of all, making today different." 

My eyes are transfixed on his, looking deep into them, he's opening up and bearing his soul to me. I sigh thinking, 'Dear God, please don't disappoint this man, not us, not this time. Please give us the family we are praying for.' 

That was so deep and heartfelt, I'm losing at holding back the dam of tears. With his hands on me, I feel our connection of love and peace flow. It calms me down quickly from the imminent deluge of tears welling up in my eyes. 

"Baby, don't cry. With you in my life, you have changed me in so many ways that I could've never imagined in a million years. Because of you, I am the man I always wanted to be and the husband you deserve. Because of you, I pray I will be the father I always wanted be. Before you in my life, those things were never meant to be. Together, as one in our love, they will be." 

My breath hitches chills run up and down my spine hearing those words. I feel my knees getting weak as my hands grasp harder to his muscular shoulders. My eyes shift back and forth scanning his soulful eyes. I'm at a loss as to what to say. "I love you, Sweetheart," slips out in a soft whisper. 

"You have changed me in many ways too. I have been loved by you in more ways I could never imagine. Thank you, Sweetheart, for loving me and giving me immense joy and happiness. All I ever wanted to do is to make you happy as much as I wanted to be. I think I succeeded." 

We engage in a long, loving kiss filled with understanding and passion. After parting this sweet, intense kiss, we hurry in to take a shower. You know how that goes. Wash me, wash you, pleasure me, pleasure you, wash again, Clean and the whole process all over again with the lotion ritual. 

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