Failed Love/2

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Prince POV-Failed Love (Continued)

Rushing to her side, pulling her up into my arms, I hold her tight to me for a few minutes. She just melted into my arms. "Aw, Baby, come on, let's go sit." She calmed down just feeling my love and peace, I could feel her love...strong. After pulling her back to look her over, making sure she is alright, I walk back with her, intertwined in my arms to the sofa. We get seated, kissing her softly on her forehead before I handed her the cup of coffee. 

She sipped on it a bit while I used a lavender scented washcloth, blotting her tear-stained face, massaging the back of her neck with the washcloth to soothe away some of the tension. Again, I hold her close while she drank her coffee. "Baby, you don't have to tell me anymore. I know more than enough." 

Suddenly, she backs off from me, sits up, collects herself, clears her throat, gesturing with her index finger back and forth, "No-no, Sweetheart. I have full disclosure on you. You deserve to have that with me, no matter how painful or hard it is for me to tell. Please be patient with me, it'll be alright...I'll manage. Give me a minute."  

She finishes her coffee, massages her brow, "Sweetheart, you already know quite a bit about my relationship with Jacques. We had an extremely tumultuous, torrid love affair. We were best friends but our emotions ran hot and fast. We were on again and off again, but we were always friends in spite of how the love affair was going. Working together constantly we grew as close as any couple could get. I have to laugh, birth control and me just did not mix well. I managed to get myself pregnant again when it was the furthest thing from my mind." [She stops to snicker about this...shaking her head.]

"Sweetie, I have to chuckle about some of this stuff because crying is the other alternative and I've done enough of that. Well, anyway, I was just past the first trimester, we were working together to see if we could get along well enough to be married; if we could manage to tolerate each other to raise a baby. European men see women differently than American men do, which caused us to clash constantly on many things. We loved each other so deeply, but we fought like cats and dogs. My mother said it was because I was too independent. Previously, we had been together, but I found out he had been unfaithful to me which split us apart the first time. Despite all that diversity, we had an incredibly strong chemistry and traveling together reporting the news, we were basically friends with benefits. I was on assignment, long-term over there, we were doing quite well together and getting along as a couple until we got captured and imprisoned.<sigh> I figured all the brutality and torture I endured in prison would more than likely compromise the pregnancy. Much to our surprise, I didn't miscarry our baby in prison. She continued to grow and so did I.  While in prison, Jacques and I bonded even closer as a couple. From one day to the next, we did not know if we were going to live or die. The captors were always threating to execute us. To keep our minds off of the horrible situation and conditions we were in, we planned to marry if we managed to get out of it alive. During that time of captivity, I had no medical attention, food was sparse and all of us lost a lot of weight. Everyone tried to give me extra food. Jacques would hardly eat, giving me most of his food ration. One of the guards took pity on me and slipped me extra food every so often for the baby. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. For some reason, with Jacques being French, we were treated a tad better than the rest. By that I mean, they did not beat on us or rape me anymore. Jacques had convinced them we were married, so instead of the brutality inflicted on us, they forced us to do sexual acts while they watched for their entertainment...their own private porn show. The week we were rescued by MI6, I started to spot blood. Jacques was hysterical and begged the guards to get me medical attention to no avail.  Not knowing what was happening, I grew weaker, and weaker by the day. I was bleeding to death slowly while he was watching me die, unable to help me. The day MI6 busted us out of there, I was so weak, incoherent and compromised, they had to literally carry me out of there. In spite of being rescued, I really thought I was gonna die. Zada Jones, remember the bodyguard in London,  was reassuring and escorted me to Germany on the medevac flight. She stayed with me diligently, never leaving me until Jacques arrived at the military hospital in Germany. My baby girl was almost term, less than a month to go. Nevertheless, she suffered oxygen deprivation from the partial placenta separation and she was severely brain damaged. It was a wonder, against all odds, she was born alive. On the other hand, we lost her a few hours after birth. She was less than 5 pounds, her meager body was thin and very malnourished.  I was still fighting for my life, I vaguely remember holding her before she died. Losing her was a blessing in disguise considering all she went through with me. The surgeons had to remove my uterus in order to stop the bleeding. Basically, the quickest way to save my life. I also lost an ovary that was more than likely damaged from the beatings I took in prison. The wise army doctor saved one ovary for me to function on so I would not have surgical menopause and later maybe have the possibility that I could still have children with in-vitro. In-vitro, or as it was reported it, test tube babies, was new but he had the insight to save that part of me just-in-case. Jacques was wonderful, loving, and doted on me. He insisted on taking me back to Paris to nurse me back to physical and mental health, making sure I fully recuperated. He saved my life in so many ways, you have no idea. Notwithstanding, in the end, like you and Mayte, it tore us apart losing our girl. Furthermore, he could not accept the fact that I would never have children, so we went our separate ways. He is so traditional Catholic and having a 'test tube baby' was against the church back then. Through it all, we managed to remain good friends. I would see him from time to time but it will always be a tragic love lost, star-crossed lovers. He and I have a special connection, a bond that will forever be there. Until you Sweetheart, he was the only one that ever got close to my heart and soul. It was our destiny that ultimately, I was never meant to be with him." 

Picking up the lavender scented washcloth to her forehead, she proceeds to wipe her tears away and holds it over her eyes taking in the scent to calm her. She whimpers heavy sobs as I grab up her other hand and press it softly to my lips, "Baby, are you alright?" She nods, breathing deeply, intermittently still sobbing. I pull her over into my arms to hold her close to me, feeling her body quivering and trembling.  Breathing a whisper in my ear, "Please know that I only love you, Sweetheart. Forever and Always.

Holding her steady in my arms, I feel her warm breath on me as her respiration slows and body relaxes against mine. "Baby, do you want to lay with me here in my arms?" "No Sweetheart, I need to move around, go outside and get some fresh air. Can we take a short walk on the balcony?" I stand, giving her my hand to help her up, she clings to me still half sobbing. I hold her for a few minutes until she's peaceful and unruffled, then we walk hand in hand to the balcony. The alpine breeze is refreshing, much warmer than it's been, not chilly at all. It is quite nice outside tonight. 

She's still a little shaky, slipping my arm around her waist, I pull her into me as we walk the length of the decking. Stopping at the end, we stand with my arms encircled around her from behind, resting my chin on her shoulder. We pause for several minutes to take in our surroundings, kissing her neck gently before we walk back. "Baby, let's sit out here for awhile and take in the warm breeze." 

The night air will help clear her head from all this. "Sure Sweetheart, do you think there is a fruit smoothie or fruit drink in the fridge? My throat is parched." "Yes babe, there is, coming right up." I get her seated, brushing her cheek softly with a kiss before I head in to grab a couple smoothies for us. Walking inside to the kitchen, I stop to think, good lord, my girl's life has been riddled with a living hell. We definitely need some more fun time this week. All the raw emotions are wreaking havoc on both of us. 

I grab the smoothies and zip quickly back out to her. She is just sitting there gazing up at the moon. I place the smoothies on the table and sit next to her, scooting my chair as close as I can get to her so I can put my arm around her shoulders. She leans into me laying her head in the crook of my neck, "Baby, I know the rest. We don't need to talk about anything else." 

She sits up and focuses her eyes on me, "Sweetheart, there's more but nothing as hard as I've already revealed. We can talk about Hub later, if you add it all up, you already know most of my story with him. In the meantime, I have to ask you some serious questions you brought to light. Are you game?" Thinking what the heck does she have to ask me? I can't imagine what it could be. "Sure Baby. Shoot!"

Looking at me with all her feminine wiles in that soft sultry voice, "Sweetheart, you just told me that you never wanted children or a family life with your other two wives. Why do you feel the need to start a family with me, at this stage in our life? More importantly, given our track record, do you really think we will be it God's will for us to have a baby? Better yet, are you ready to be a father, sacrifice all your freedom? Not to mention, our sex life, as we know it, will be forever changed. Are you sure you're ready for that?"  

A/N-Thanks so much for your continued support reading, voting and commenting on my love story. I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am writing it. Your thoughts and comments are important to me as you receiving my updates. Remember-Purple Love!

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