Chapter 17-Part 2 Saturday

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I stroll back over to the atrium sitting area and sit down. I took a breath of relief. Either way, I'm happy to give all this to Jon. He is a good guy and I trust him. He was a good friend to me back in the day and he will do us right. Just then I see him running at me with those silly light up shoes. I was hoping for a few more just to recollect myself. He gets to me and is gushing wanting to know what I said, how did he take it,yada, yada, yada. He was babbling 90mph. I said, "Slow down! Go get me a glass of that sweet wine and I'll tell you all about it, OK?"He kissed me and jetted over to the little kitchen and grabbed the wine and glasses. He got back and poured a ½ glass each. I said,"Filler up." He side eyed me and said, "Babe, is something wrong?" I said, "No, no. All is well. Just give me a few to catch my breath and sort it out. Let me reset my brain. OK?" I said, "Are you ready for this?" He said, "Shoot!" Here goes, "I told him everything. He is a smart journalist and he witnessed your little stunt on stage last nite first hand so he put two and two together   real quick. Not to mention, he knows we have a history and it was not hard for him to figure it out. I knew I could not squelch that so I just went with it. I gave him the memoirs book deal exclusive but had him promise to help me keep our personal life out of the press and help divert anything that does leak out. He is a good guy, a friend and I trust him. I also promised him an exclusive on us, however it turns out. I would rather have a pocket journalist than a renegade one, do you understand? So, go have your hissy fit and get it over with. It is a done deal." As much to my surprise as any, he was good with it. He just calmly came over, sat next to me wrapping his arms around me and hugged me tightly. He said, "Baby, I know you would handle this best. I am not the least bit upset. I am happy about it. I trust you and your judgment on this. So was he happy to get the exclusive?" I said, "Heck yes he was. He about jumped out of his skin with just that, so I knew I had him wrapped around my finger. He was just dropped with a career changing feature article. This is my field of expertise, I know how to work it and I can work it for all it's worth." He looks at me in amazement, kinda mystified. I said, "SO?" He was cool, calm and collected. He  says, "Baby you are so Hot. This is such a turn on for me. That mind of yours is something else." He then grabs me and passionately kisses me. I said, "Sweetheart, I love you and I'd do anything to protect you. I did my best and I know Jon will do us right. Go lockup and let's go upstairs. I need to relax." He then tells me, "No,no, I have something to show you." I said, "Did you write another song for me today while I was at the spa?" He said, "Maybe." I said, "Can we do this later?" He said, "Nope, come with me this way, please?" As he takes me by the hand toward the rehearsal area.I said, "OK, Take me with you." He opens the door and there it is! A surprise party. It is a gathering of the band, spouses, friends and family. They all shout "SURPRISE" When I get in there. Good thing he had my hand or I would have fainted clean out. WOW! I was Surprised. He turns and says to me, " This is a wrap party and a surprise party for you, baby. I told them you were going on tour with us. They know what's going on girl. These kids are smart. Too smart."Here comes Morris. He grabs me and hugs me. He says in my ear, 'I'm so happy for you both. I knew you were his girl a long time ago.' I said, "Morris, what did he tell you guys?" He smiled and just said "Girl, he spilled his guts, You have him, you need to keep him. The band is going to do everything possible to make you welcome and enjoy your time on the road. No worries. We want you to say,  Yes!" He had slipped off so I had Morris fairly alone. I said, "Whoa, Morris, we have not gotten that far yet. We are still traveling this journey to see where it takes us." He said, "Girl,we know but that is where it is going to end up, right?" I shook my head and relented and said, "Yes, yes it is." Morris says, "We want to keep him like this. Please don't break his heart, Gigi. He is a new man right now and we like this." I said, "I understand."Morris says, "Come on you probably need some food." I said, "Yes, I'm famished." So, I get a plate and sit down. Here he comes jetting over to me dragging someone in tow. When he gets to me, he introduces me to his sister, Tyka and her husband. I was glad to meet them. Then here comes the girls, Shelby slides down next to me and the others are gathered round. She hugs me and whispers in my ear, "Girl, I knew it. You've got him and we are happy for you. You can count on us to help you in any way we can. We are excited you are going on tour." Donna leans in and said, "I told him he was whipped the first day we met you. I knew it then." The party went on and when musicians get together there was some good jamming going.The party went on till about 9:00. Prince and Hannah had to go to the Dakota to do an "Appearance", translated to a small set with the programmed piano where he did snips of his popular songs. He asked if I wanted to go and I passed. I was worn out and just wanted some relaxation. They left and shortly afterwards the party thinned out. I was happy as I had about as much fun I could take for a day. LOL! Morris came by and chatted some more with me about the tour and stuff. Shelby and Kirk joined in and we just sat around the table as everyone else had left. We talked and talked. It was like old times. Then the conversation got serious. I got it from all sides. They kept telling me what I've already heard. So, I got myself together and said. Guys, this is happening so fast for me it was like this. Sunday I boarded a flight to Minneapolis prepared to do a job and now my world has been, as Kirk put it, turned upside down and inside out. I had no idea this was going to happen and happen so fast it hit me like a train in the night. I am just still trying to process it.  Morris, how much did he tell you guys? Morris replies,"I told you he spilled his guts!" I know but how much did he tell you? Morris goes on, "Gigi, he told everyone here pretty much everything. I let it rip, "Did he now? I say. How much is everything? Did he tell you how many times a day were are doing it? Or how many positions we have covered of the 23 he sings about? Or about the song he wrote for me?  Or personal stuff like that? The three of them burst out laughing hysterically. Shelby goes, "Girl, I instantly liked you, now I know why! You are a hoot! Kirk and Morris just shake their heads. Then Shelby takes on spokesperson role, She says, "Gigi, he told us pretty much everything. From how he got you to come here and what you were supposed to be doing, to how he has fallen madly in love with you and wants to share his life with you. No, he did not divulge personal things between you two. She goes on to say, We all have seen a significant change in him and how he is rapidly evolving since you have been on the scene. He is so different and it is like we have a new boss. He is a new man. A better man and we don't want that to leave. He has that look of love and there is no denying it. We see it written all over his face. We are surprised just as you are that he is lifting that shroud of secrecy that he has always had. It is a shock that one person can affect him like this. And that's a good thing. Shelby, I have already told Kirk and Morris so I need to tell you. It is not my intent to hurt him in any way. I have loved him for many years. He is my Best Friend and I have known him for almost 30years. This whole thing is coming at me so fast, I just need it to slow down at a normal pace. And we all know, there is nothing normal about that man! They all laugh. Know that I love him as much as he loves me, with my whole heart and soul. I just have to see if I can live with him. This lifestyle is so different than what I'm used to, it is going to take time to see if I can adjust to it. I am like him, have been a solitary person for a very long time. Can two people like that share a life and be happy? I do not have the answer to that question. That is why I agreed to tour with you guys and see if I can do this. This is a life changing decision for both of us. It will be the last time I commit to another and I want it to be a lifetime commitment. All of us here knows our boy likes to jump into things quick so he needs this time as much as I do. I hope this works out the way we all want it to. I have asked God to lead us down this path on this journey and we will see where he takes us. In the meantime, I am going to help him write his memoirs. That is why he brought me up here. Traveling with him on tours will help me greatly to observe and participate in that part of his life. If you don't already know, I probably know more about his past than he does. He has told me EVERYTHING over the last 30years and I have it documented. I kept a journal. I never published it as it is my memories of all our late nite calls we had. I could have turned it into millions but I did not rat him out. That is part of our bond. I am looking forward to this journey very much. I don't know if you know, but I gave Jon Bream an exclusive tonite about his memoirs in order to cover up that fiasco last night at the club. Jon is going to help keep it out of the press so we can explore our relationship in peace. So it will hit soon about his memoirs book. That is why I'm letting you so you know why it was released to him in order to protect our relationship. I look at my watch and it is after 11:00. What time do you guys think he'll be back here? They thought about any time now. I winked at them and said, "And in case you are wondering, the other love department is just fine." The 3 of them just roar with laughter. Shelby says,"Girl, you are too much. You've got the moxie. With that, I can see why he loves you." And guess who comes strutting in. You guessed it. He arrives at the table and wants to know what we were laughing about about. I said looking  up at him, "I was telling them about our love life, Sweetheart."He shot me that side eye, and I said, "don't you do that to me, You owe me big time." The three of them just clapped and laughed. They all excused themselves and Shelby hugged and and whispered in my ear,"I love you girl, this is all going to work out just fine. I  know is." He followed them and secured to door and came bouncing back to me. He looks at me and says, "Did you miss me?" I said,  "Of course I did" Did you miss me?" He said, "Baby I never want to be apart from you even for a short time. I love you and I missed you too. Did you enjoy the party?" I said, "Yes! I did very much so. You really know how to throw a good one." He said,"The band is really excited to have you go on tour with us. I told them that you would be with me." I said, "Did you tell they why?"He looks at me and gleefully says, "Yes, I did." So I said, "And what else did you tell them?" He looked at me and said, "I told them why you were here about the memoirs and that you agreed to help me write them and that you were going to travel with us to see how that part of my life works." I say, "Is that it?" He says, "That's pretty much it, Baby. OH, I told them that I was in Love with you and that I wanted you to share my life." BAM! There it is. I said, "So basically you spilled your guts, right?" He thought about it and said, "Yeah, I guess I did." I just had to laugh at him. He said, "Baby, I love you and they knew it anyway. I just told them what they were thinking all along." I said, "Are you going to tell the staff?" He says, "Do you think I should?"  All I could do is just laugh again. I said, "Well you've just about covered anyone else but them. Yes, you should tell them. But let me tell Kim, Jackie, Cathy and Patrick. OK?" He said, "That works babe." Is there anyone else we have left out? I ask. He says,"That's pretty much it, I think." I said, "you are something else Sweetheart. Can we go upstairs?" He jumped up and grabbed my hand and said, "Yeah, let's go." So we head up to his apartment.I am so tired I can barely walk up the steps.

I am relieved to get to the apartment and relax. Wait a min, what does he have in mind? Humm. I don't know if I have it in me to have a super sex nite. Maybe, I really love him and thrust for his sensual touch. We will see what he's into tonite.

So, we get upstairs and I collapse on the sofa. He says, "Baby, do you need anything?" I said, yes, I would you please get me a smoothie. He gets the smoothie and I am thinking, I could have used a 5 hour energy drink instead. But I don't think that's on the menu. Ooo, wait a min, I might haveone in my brief case. I could use that if this is going where I think it is. Where's my briefcase? Damn, it's probably in the guest room. Well, let me see how this goes and if I need it, I'll go get it. He sits down next to me and puts his arm around me. I said, "What do you have planned for the rest of this evening?" He said, "What do you want, Baby?" I said," I was thinking maybe we should just go to bed. What do you think?" He said, here it comes, "I just want to hold you close and sing to you." I'm like, that works. Then he says, "Baby, you look exhausted and you need some beauty sleep."Well, that is being considerate. But, I damn well better be ready for morning sex. OK, I can do that. I just buried myself into him and he held me for awhile. He sang to me and kissed me. I was really relaxed. Then he said, "Let's go to bed." OK, I know I'm going to pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow. We get into the master suite and that man can get naked in a New York minute. I guess all those wardrobe changes he does on tour makes him good at it. He did put on PJ bottoms.  I am not that quick so he helped me get undressed.  Now I know, he likes to do that and it usually leads to more. I had him help me and I went and got my gown in the walk in closet. I came out and got into bed. He pulls me over to him and does just what he said, held me, kissed me on the neck and face. He hummed and sung in my ear and I was gone!

A/N-Please don't forget to vote. I hope you like how this story is going. Leave comments. I love to hear what you think. Thanks for reading

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