Prince Point of View

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I feel great and want to get out of MPLS. I know I will feel better when we get to the Caribbean with the warm breeze and no one around. I hate to hide all this from the staff, but they just don't need to know. Wow! She is taking such good care of me. Getting into that mode she is so sweet about it, but also she is tough. If I had thought this was going to go the way it has, I would have done this a long time ago. When she gets bossy with me, it just sends me over the moon. She does it so gracefully with her gentle nature and kind voice. I just loved that nap on the plane. I could feel her love so strong and it was so peaceful to sleep with her holding me. The wake up was out of this world. Seeing her leaning over me when I opened my eyes just sends me to another place. It all caught up with me and I knew she would catch on. She busted me big time for overdoing it. I hated to take any pain drugs at all, but I really needed it. The surgical site medication was wearing off and I was feeling it. Oh my gosh! And that rant about two old people on vacation that forgot to pack the Viagra she gave me about sent me over the deep end. She is so funny and there is not a day that goes by she does not come up with something that is just over the top hilarious. Her sense of humor is so sexy too. I am happy she liked the new cabana bed. I needed a better mattress and the new decor looked so much better. We spend so much time down there, it was in a bad need of an overhaul. She was right, when the pain meds kicked in, I wanted her so badly and she was not going to give in. Then she came up with that spill about the magnolia tree and that just made me want her even more. Her soft southern sultry voice does it to me every time, and  I just cannot keep my hands off of her. The feeling I get by lightly touching her is so powerful. I love it when she helps me, I don't need it, but I like the way she does it and I get to feel all her love. Getting me all fixed up in the cabana and she took her dress off, I was thinking that I was going to get what I wanted. OH NO! She teased and tormented me beyond anything she's ever done to me before. I was beside myself watching her frolic in the ocean nude! I could have tried to catch her but she knew I was not able to do that. Then she tortured me when she got back. She is so smart knowing what I'm up to. I tried to lure her near me, but huh-uh she was keeping her distance knowing if I got ahold of her, she would be all mine. I played every card I could think of trying to convince her to get with me. She was not going to, as I tried so hard to persuade her.  I finally just gave up. Her powers are just as strong as mine and she had me where she wanted me good. She was not going to give in no matter what until I did what she wanted me to do. I rested and she was right, I really needed to do that, but she kept dragging it out to the point it was painful. We had to eat dinner and she insisted on certain foods. She is going to fatten me up while I recuperate, I hope I don't gain too much weight. Hopefully the exercises will keep me fit and trim. She is so like me in many ways with her "plans".  Never in a million years would I have ever dreamed I would be looking at myself when I look at her and she paid me back but good. It really was a good thing, looking out for my best interests in the long run. She is always trying to protect me and I have to respect her for that. I've never had anyone in my life that cares and loves me like she does. When we finally get to the romance, it was out of this world. She takes care of me and I made sure to take extra special care of her. I simply love holding her as I can get all the feelings of love from her with that peace she sends over me. Slowing down is definitely a good thing. Our love is so beautiful  and the connection we feel to each other.  

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