Chapter 20-Tuesday

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I wake up and look up and he is asleep with his arms around me. I wonder what time it is. I dare not move so I just lay there on his chest admiring it. His luscious chest hair and beautiful soft body intertwined with mine. Thoughts race through my mind. This man, a rock super star, an Icon in the world, wants me! THE man that could have any beautiful babe,wants me. That's scary just in and of itself. When we all were young, what girl did not want to wake up in a rock-star's bed? Now in later middle age, guess where I'm at? I am amazed that I'm even here.I do love this man, just the way he is. I guess I've always loved him, I just did not completely know it. There is an explicable connection with him. I know he loves me, he won't do anything to hurt me or leave me. He has been a constant in my life for almost 30years. I have seen some major changes in him since I've been here. He really is different. I don't see the moody, devilish, change my mind on a dime, control freak I know he can be. Is that suppressed only to raise it's ugly head when I least expect it? Is it gone for good or is it just because he is on his best behavior to get what he wants,ME! I have my doubts and want to see him long term to see if he has really changed and this is his new persona or if the old one will creep back in time. He is a genius and could pull that off. I am just me, I have always told him how it is and he always came back for more. I guess he love that in me. And DAMN! This I'm Mr Congeniality  and I don't want to hide or keep my life secret anymore, just blew me away! I never thought he'd give that up in a million years. He was just so cool, calm and collected and I know before that article in the Star would have sent him over the deep end with a hissy fit fitting any major cat fight. He just blew it off. WOW! Maybe he has changed. I'm impressed. Maybe he has lost his mind in love like Kirk said. I cleaned up that Saturday nite hot mess with Jon Bream and then the next day, we are out in public and he does not have a care in the world. That was different, I can see were this is going. I just hope he does not regret doing this. I love him and I will protect him anyway I can, but really? He does appear to be a changed man. Is it because of me? Well, we will see. One day at a time he said. Not everything has changed. Some of his good qualities are still there. That whole thing about the surgery went at warp speed just like he has always been. I had to put that in check. I just wan tto love on him a little while longer before he gets a slap of reality and has to deal with it. LOL! I hope that surgery goes well and I have minimal pain because I know all too well what I'm like in excruciating pain and it ain't pretty. I'm sure they have some good pain management but I want to be conscience to see and enjoy how he takes care of me. He is my Best Friend and my Best Girlfriend so it should go well if I can keep my cool. I just cannot imagine him without sex for 4-6 weeks. He says he can do it, so we will find out.Dr today at 1:00 for pre surgery testing and consult. I hope he goes with me. I want to make sure he hears everything I do and what to expect. I'm sure he got the Dr to tell him on the phone, but when he sees it in black & white it may sink in. This is going to take some time and it is not going to be all fun and games. Uh,oh, he's moving. I was hoping he'd stay still for awhile longer. I just love laying here with him. He is so warm and soft like a teddy bear. Let me stroke Mr Happy and see if I get a reaction. I think he is awake and he would love a morning BJ. I'm in the perfect position to get at him easy. He's awake and moans with the first stroke, so I slide down and lick him and take him in. just moans louder. So I do my thing and send him to the moon and back. He was breathless. As he pulls me up to kiss me, I notice it is 11:45 and I need to be across town in a little over an hour. He kisses me and says in his deep sexy voice,"Well Good Morning!" I said, "Good Morning, did you like you wake-up call?" He wanted more and I had to cut him off. I told him,we have to get going to be at the surgical hospital in a little over an hour and you are going with me. He was a little reluctant but I shot him my look and he crawled out of bed with me. I hopped in the shower and he followed. Of course, he wanted more and I knew if we did, the appointment would not happen. I said to him, "Look, you set this up and we have to make it so get showered and dressed." I buzzed out of there and left him standing. He finished and got dressed. We blazed out of there like tornado and got there just in time. They took me separate from him and put him in an office and I went for blood work and a CT scan. It was not long and I met up with him in the office. On the desk, there were 3 breast implants. He picked them up and started to juggle them. He has fantastic hand and eye coordination and did a great job and I just looked at him with that look. He hugged and kissed me and said, "Baby you are so hot.I can't wait to get you back home to finish what you started this morning." I said, "OK, but you have to feed me first. I'm starved." Dr Jones enters the office and takes the chair behind the desk. He puts out the surgical consent forms for me to sign and a HIPPA form for me to sign for Prince since he is not legally mine yet. There were a few more documents we signed and then Dr Jones proceeded to tell both of us how the surgery works. It is called autologus flap with implant issue ex-pander. They will move abdominal muscle to breast and remove excess fat to breast to fill in voids.Then place a implant tissue ex-pander that is filed with saline periodically to stretch the tissue to size desired. The expand-er maybe left as a permanent implant or a second surgery will be preformed to put a different type implant. This is a long surgery and two surgical sites. The bonus is a tummy-tuck but because of abdominal wall surgery, no excessive activity for 4-6 weeks. I will be hospitalized for about 2-3 nights and can travel 48hours after that.Surgery is about 2-8 hours depending on how it goes when they get in and see if there are any complications. Since I have not had radiation it will probably be about 4 hours. Prince took it all in and looks at me and says, "So I can pick the size?" I just looked at him with my look. I said, "We can talk about that later." Dr Jones looked right at Prince and repeated, no intercourse for 4-6weeks but oral is fine as long as she is comfortable. He just beamed from ear to ear like he'd been released from jail. Dr Jones continued that the first two weeks will be the hardest part of recovery and it would be best to limit all activity during that time. He then showed us the implants, to feel them. I looked at Prince(smiling) and just hoped he did not say anything. Well, he starts asking questions. Like how do they feel with skin, and so on. Then the Dr showed us a new one that feels better than the others. I just wanted to crawl under the desk. Finally he hands us both a book with all the information init, pre surgical, surgical procedure outlined and post surgical, as well as possible complications that he just went through. The Dr excuses himself and a lady comes to take us to see the room. Now I don't know if they are all like this one but OH MY! This room is huge and has not one but two beds in it. It has a wrap around sofa, 2 recliners, 2 wide screen TV's, stereo system and furniture like any nice living room/bed room. Almost looks like a suite at a 5 star hotel, other than the patient monitors, it is gorgeous. I was just awed at it. I looked at Prince and said, I guess this will be your home away from home for a few days too. He just smiled and said,"That's right Baby, I will not leave your side." Surgery scheduled a week from today. I was like, I thought it was going to be next Wednesday? Prince said, "I know but this was the opening. How about we get ready and leave tonight?" I said, I'm packed and ready to go. How about you. He said, his stuff was already on the plane. I said, "What time?" He said, "About 6:00". I said, "did you plan this?" He said, "Yeah, I wanted to get there as sooner so I scheduled the plane and sent my stuff and the food over. I knew you packed yesterday and had little you might need to do today, we could manage it." I said, "Good, I'm ready. Let's go get the suitcases and head to the airport. Can we leave earlier?" He said, "when you have a private plane, you can leave whenever you want to." I said, "works for me." Just then, my stomach growled. I said,"What about food?" He said, do you want to eat before we leave or on the plane? I said, "I need to eat when we get home." He called Ray and told him to have lunch ready when we got there. So I asked him, "What did you think about what the Dr said?" He picked up my hand, and said, "Baby, I know this is going to be rough. I just want you to know that I will not leave you, I will be there from the time you go till you come home with me. I will not leave you by yourself. I love you and I hope you are happy with the results. Baby,are you alright?" I said, "this is a lot to take in. Did you hear the part where I may loose feeling?" He said, "Yes." I said,"How do you feel about it?" He said, "It does not matter how I feel. It is how you feel about it. Will that bother you?" I thought about and said, "right now I can feel your hand touch. As long as I can still feel that, I am good. I just probably not have any sensation there and I can live with it. I think the benefit outweighs the risk." He picks up my hand and kisses it softly on the back and said, "Baby, trust God and everything will be OK." I said, "You are right. I do trust him."

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