Chapter 31-Engaged

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Chapter 31-Engaged

I wake up in the filtered sun on the beach. This is what dreams are made of. I am still wrapped up in his arms. My mind is at peace. No more questions running through it, just calm and tranquility. I am happy. I am now engaged to be married to Prince Rogers Nelson. There are a lot of details to work out but one thing is for sure, it is going to be one monster party! I'm still disappointed that I could not celebrate with some amazing sex but what we did have was pretty awesome. I think I visited all the planets in the solar system and a few extras. Most of the time, he was with me. And that belly band was wonderful. Whom ever thought that up was a genius. I need to get to the house. There is no way I can make it alone. I'll just wait till he wakes up. Details, details.There are a lot of details to work out. OH, I just thought, I hope he does not rush off and buy me another ring. I already have more jewelry than I can possibly wear. He has no idea how much I already have. What he has bought for me is simply gorgeous and has deep meaning. I have my jewelry too. And he has not even begun to see my wardrobe. He's going to be jealous. Told you we are so much alike in more ways than one. He is not marrying a Midwest housewife here. I am going to have to figure how to get some of my stuff to Minneapolis. He is not going to like it if I have to go home and pack up stuff and be away from him. I got my car out of the airport parking lot in Cincinnati so, I need to get that up Minneapolis too. Thanks to Bonnie and Steve for going and getting it out of there for me. Bonnie is one of my best friends. She and Steve got me through my darkest times. If it were not for them being there daily for me, I don't think I would have ever gotten over loosing my husband. Bonnie is going to freak out when I tell her. She has been BFF like over 25 years and I know this is going to be a hard sell. She lives next door to me in Cincinnati and I love her like a sister. I'll have to call her. He is still not stirring. That's OK, I'm enjoying the beach and I am getting a nice tan. I wonder if he will tell Kirk? He should. Kirk is his Bonnie and they have been close for a lot of years. My wedding invitation list will be very short, like less than 5. His on the other hand will fill it up and overflow. Details, we have plenty of time to work them out and it will very interesting. The interesting thing is, a lot of his associates, band members and proteges I know them too. Not on his level but I know them and they know who I am. Soto them, he is not marrying a stranger. I even interviewed a few of them. God, I love this man. He is everything I have ever hoped for.He is high maintenance but I love him. I know he's going to do something that will hit the press so I need to deflect it prior to it happening. I have to make a couple phone calls. Uh, he is moving. Is he awake? I am just going to see if he says anything. "Good morning Baby." I look up and say, "Good Morning Sweetheart. How do you feel this morning?" It is probably afternoon. He says, "I am looking at my future wife and so happy I want to tell the world."There it is. Told you. I reach my hand to his face and put my finger on his lips and say, "Sweetheart, I love you but you have to keep that private for now. That would be a publicity nightmare even I could not fix, OK?" He laughs and says, "I said I want to. I didn't say I was going to." I said, "Yeah, I know. Just making sure you are on the same page. Like I had better not see a full page ad in USA Today when I open it up. OK?" He says, "Baby I will protect you. Don't worry." I said, "It is not me I'm worried about, it is you. I love you and I don't want to have this public for awhile yet, OK? " I went on to say, "You can tell Kirk, the staff, the band or anyone like that. Just do not get in a press conference or on stage and just blurt it out. OK?" He says, "I understand Baby, I will keep it out of the press." I said, "Later if you want to make a formal announcement, then we can do that. I can get it officially on the wires in a New York minute. I just want some peace and space for now." He swoops me down in his arms and looks down at me and says, "Baby I love you and whatever you say I will do." I just put my arms around him and kissed him. I said,"Sweetheart, get me to the house, I need my pain meds and use the bathroom, please?" He got me up and we walked with his arm around me holding me close. I saw the clock when we got there and it was after 1:00. I feel like I need a nap. I said, "Do you want to take a bath with me?" Oh yeah, he was all in. I said, "This cannot be a long one, we have to keep it short, OK? He said, "Why?" I said,I need to ice the girls because we had a little too much activity and they are swelled a bit and heat is not the best thing right now, OK?"He said, "OK, Baby, got it." So we got in and out as quick as possible and he did my hair and makeup. He is so good at that. I'm really happy he can do that for me. He said, "What do you need."I said, "Go get those ice packs we put in the freezer and help me into bed, please." So, I got ice on the girls, he ordered lunch in about an hour and I passed out for a quick nap. Next thing I know, I am being kissed awake. I see him and he is smiling from ear to ear. I wake up and he is so excited about something. I said, "Hello Sweetheart." Is lunch ready? He said, "Come on, Baby, I have something to tell you." I think OH no, now what did he do in less than an hour while I was sleeping. He got me seated on the balcony and was all excited. So I said, "OK, spill it." He said,"Remember yesterday you asked if we wanted to have Kirk over for dinner', I nodded. He said,' Well I figure we'd have him over and we can both tell him.' I said, 'OK. What else do have.' Here it comes, he says, "I figured we needed to celebrate so I invited a few friends and musicians over for a small get together." I said, "So are you going to tell them?" He said, "I wanted to clear it with you,what do you think?" I said, "Do you trust them and can they be discrete?" He said, "Yes." I said, "If you want to, go for it." He jumped up and was so happy and came in to kiss me. He said,  "I have it all planned and you can sleep the rest of the day.  Dinner with Kirk at 8:00 and the party is at 10:00. Is that OK with you?" I nodded yes. I said, "You will have to help me get ready and dressed. Will you have time to do that?" He said, "Got that covered Baby. I have a hairdresser coming over and she can help you with all that." I said, "Sounds good. Sweetheart, there is something I need to talk with you about now." He sat back down and said, "What Baby, this looks serious." I took his hand and said,"Sweetheart, I know you are excited and so am I. I do not want you to go out and buy me an engagement ring. These two rings you have already given to me represents far more. They were given to me to represent our love and friendship. To wear your engagement ring, I would have to remove one of these rings that already mean so much tome. Your symbol ring means more than anything you could ever buy me.  It signifies your love for me and along with your matching ring already binds us together as one. The other ring signifies our bond of friendship and the reason we are here today. See why I would not want to remove either one to wear your engagement ring." As I continue to look into his eyes, he is transfixed on me. Yeah, like that. I see his eye welling up and he says "Baby, I love you morethan words can describe. That was beautiful, simply beautiful and why you are so beautiful to me." He takes his hands and frames my face. He kisses me ever so passionately and the feeling I get is just pure love. He then puts his arms around me and I feel the pulsating love. He says "Baby, words cannot describe how I feel right now,except I love you and that deeply touched my heart and soul." I hugged him and we kissed. I sat down and he did too. We ate our lunch. I asked, "What time is the hairdresser getting here? He said, "She should be here at about 7:00 so you have plenty of time to rest. Kirk at 8:00 so do you think that's enough time for her?"I said, "Yes it should be. Wake me up at 6:30." I ask him to help me back to bed. He is so excited. He puts me in bed,kisses and tells me he'll wake me at 6:30. I was exhausted. I fell asleep fast. Next thing I know, he is right on time. Waking me up at 6:30 with soft wet kisses. I put my arms around him and kissed him back. He says, "Hello my Love." I say, "Hello Sweetheart." He tells me all the plans are in place and asks if I need any help. I said, I think I have it covered and I'll be ready for the hairdresser. Please help me get up." He takes me to the bathroom and we kiss goodbye. I take a shower. Get dressed as far as I can and sit and wait for the hairdresser. To my surprise, in walks Kim and Jackie. I was so excited to see them but also surprised. I asked,  What did he tell you to get you guys down here on short notice?"Kim said, "He told us it was a birthday party for you. Even though he doesn't celebrate birthdays he said you do and he wanted to surprise you with a party. I said, "He did now, did he?" They were bubbling how all these people were coming and they weren't supposed to tell me. I said, Girls, He told me he was asking a few locals and some musicians over for a small party. And we know he does not know how to do anything small. Well, isn't this special. ' If it is supposed to be a surprise party for me, doesn't he think I'm going to figuresomething's up with you two being here?'  They said, "You told him you wanted to get your hair styled and he's bringing us down to do  that for you so you will feel better." "OK, girls. You have been good to me and I love you both. The surprise is on you." They look at me funny and I said, "think about it? Just think." The light bulb went off and they both grabbed me and hugged me with elation. They screamed, "You said yes!" I said, "I did not tell you a thing, didI?"  Kim squeaks, Giirrrlll, I can see why he loves you so much. You are just like him." I said, "Girls, do you think what I have picked to wear is good?" Jackie said, "Where's your closet?" I pointed to where it is. She went over while Kim styled my hair and pulled out a dress and said, This is what you need to were tonite."It was the one we got in town on the last trip. I said, OK. Help me get out of this one and into that one. I took off the dress and they saw the body armor. Kim said, "Gigi, what the heck kind of surgery did you have? I said,  "I had breast reconstruction surgery done."  Jackie said, Oh Lord, he just told us that you had to have some minor corrective surgery.   I said, "Really?" Girls, I don't know if I have enough time to tell you but I'll try.  I had breast cancer 10years ago.  I had a mastectomy without reconstruction as I was told, they could not  do it at that time. I had to tell him and he showed me what happened to his hair. So he felt we were even.   But, he got on a mission from God to make me whole again." Jackie was in tears and Kim was not far behind her. I said, "Girls, I'm OK but this has been a really rough surgery. That is why he brought me down here to heal up.  Only a few people know and now you. Please don't tell anyone." They agreed not to. Both of them hugged me and said, "He really loves you and we all knew it. We are really happy for you both." I said, "Thank you. This has been a hard decision for me to make until last night I could not say anything but yes to be his wife. I have to tell you, he stayed with me at the hospital from the time we walked in the door until we left. He was only apart from me during surgery." Jackie goes, "Well now that's true love. He really does adore you." I said, "I know and you girls saw the whole thing unfold that first week I was there.  I was there to do a job and the whole thing got blasted into the stratosphere.  I called you girls and told you what happened at the Dakota Friday nite and the whole thing has snowballed from there. He had not asked me to be his wife until last nite and when he did, something otherworldly took me over and said yes. I guess that was what I was waiting to hear and when I heard it, I could not control what came out and it was yes. We both believe God sent me to be in his path again and I believe it was God that had me say yes last nite. It was by his hand, I'm sure, last nite. Now, if I can keep the new Mr Congeniality in check for awhile all will be good. I'm so afraid he's going to be on stage somewhere and just blurt it out because he is so happy. God love him," The girls were in tears fixing me up and they said, " Gigi, that was beautiful, We all knew you were his girl from the first time we met you." We are still good on time. I told them, "Of all times to ask me to marry him, I can't celebrate for 4 more weeks!" They busted out laughing. Kim goes, Giiirrrlll, you are too funny. We love your sense of humor."Jackie says, "Oh poor boss." And I said, "it is more like poor me.He's doing just fine." And they roared again. Kim says, you had better go.  Don't keep your man waiting. We come out of the bathroom and there he was.  I start to walk toward him and I got that look again. Yeah, you know that look. He was transfixed on me. The girls got to see it. I keep walking slowly toward him this time. I've seen it twice and it does not stop me in my tracks like it did before. I hear Jackie whisper to Kim, "Good Lord, look at him look at her like that." I get to him and he puts his arm around me and whispers in my ear, "Baby you take my breath away. I love you so much." I said back to him, "I love you with all my heart and soul,Sweetheart." I said, "Thank you for bringing the girls down to make me pretty for you. Who else is coming to our little party?" He was so happy and excited.  He said, "You know I can't do anything small. I just don't know how." "They told me you got them down here for my Birthday. That was a good one. I have to tell you darling,they figured it out. Who else is for dinner besides Kirk?"  He smiled and said, "You girls are too smart for me." I just laughed. I said, "What the hey, with a house like this, we may as well have one heck of a party, right?" I chuckled. He said, "I hope you enjoy the party tonite. It is for you." I said, "Thank you. Let'shave a great time and enjoy ourselves."  

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