Back In MPLS

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Back in MPLS

The next few days are all about rest,  relaxation and romance here in the Caribbean. We're preparing to go to California where he will be the first guest on a new talk show of a dear friend. While there, he will perform a couple of shows. Then it will be back to MPLS for a week before we head out to the bay area of California for another appearance and a few more shows.

When we arrive back in MPLS, I check on the progress of the building maintenance. Charlie and I decide on a roofing company to get the new roof on Paisley as soon as the weather breaks. We also selected a company to start the project of drying out the basement and waterproofing it. Even though the expenditures were high, the utility bills went down markedly in just a short time. The office staff is happy with their new chairs and other things they had requested. The new atrium furniture had also been delivered before we returned home. He was pleased with our selections; they were perfect for that area. 

I had to call the flooring company to re-do the padding under the new carpet; it was so thick I actually mis-stepped, causing me to fall down a few steps. While they were there, I picked out new carpet for the apartment. When he surprised me with the redecorated apartment, he had done everything but the carpet. I chose the same neutral color he previously had, they will install an extra thick pad to provide extra cushion for the knees. This will be a nice surprise for him when we return from our first trip to California.


On the trip home from LA, he tells me he wants to spend a couple days at the new house. My furniture and other items, and yes- the Elvis on Velvet, should be delivered, ready for us to arrange. I sent the artwork from London over to the new house when we returned. I would prefer to stay at Paisley, but marriage is compromise so I agree to a couple days. He loves the soundboard in the home studio, which is different than the one at Paisley, so I'll be fair and play nice. "Sweetheart, I need to do some work Monday at Paisley, is it alright if we go over Monday night?" We are getting in early Sunday morning. "Yeah Baby, that'll work. It will give me time to have Ray take food over, and I have some office work to do too. We have to leave Friday for the bay area and we'll be there for a week. I booked the jet with the bedroom for us so we can sleep out and back." I was happy to hear that, but I know there will be more romance than sleep on the way home. You know, 'after the concert energy'.

When we arrive at Paisley on Sunday morning from the first trip to California, we go to the Little Kitchen for brunch. Ray is chipper and asks, "Did you have a nice flight?" I roll my eyes, barely able to keep them open. He tells him, "It was wonderful. I feel fantastic." Ray serves a nice broccoli and cheese quiche. My purple one may feel fantastic, but I feel like death warmed over. He kept me up all the way back, getting maybe an hour of sleep between love making sessions. 

"Sweetheart, I'm going to take a nap after we eat. What are you doing?" "Baby, I'll take a nap with you." Yeah, right. Really? "I mean sleep Sweetheart." I lay my head on his shoulder and whisper in his ear so no one hears, "You wore me out! If you want to sleep, fine but no hankie-pankie. Remember, I still need to rest so I don't have any relapses." "You got it Baby, R & R, no Rrrrrrrro. I could use a nap too." 

We finish up and I can hardly wait for him to see the new carpet. When he opens the door, he is surprised! "Baby, new carpet? It looks great! Did you do this?" "No, it was the carpet genie. What do you think?" He busts out laughing- that deep belly laugh. "Baby, even tired you're funny." The carpet is so thick and luxurious. "Baby, it feels so nice to walk on. Why does it feel so good?" "I ordered an extra thick padding... you know, easier on the knees." "Ooo Baby, good thinking. Can we try it out?" "NO! Not right now. I told ya, I am taking a nap. It's your fault I'm in the condition I'm in." 

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