Clearing the Air-Prince POV

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Clearing the Air-Prince POV

I wake up holding her in my arms. I love this so much and could lay here all day and all night like this. I feel all her love and peace that flows through me from her. I am so addicted to her and her love. Wow, what a day! She really laid out what I needed to do to make all this work for her. Nothing with her is ever a mystery. She recited it out chapter and verse, so well and articulated it masterfully. I just hope I can live up to all she wants. It is gonna be hard, but I will pray and hope for the best. She deserves the best from me and I know through God, it will all happen. He would never give me anything I couldn't handle, nothing is ever unattainable with God and his love.

I know she's awake because she fidgets a little when she is. Yep, she awake and wants fed. That's good because Mr. Happy wants fed too, but I can't go there just yet. We get some dinner ready and she makes the best, out-of-this-world, grilled cheese sandwiches. I know she hates to cook, but they are so over the top, she could make them for me every day and I'd never tire of them.

 When we start to eat dinner, I can see she has some of her wheels turning in that pretty head of hers. Whoop, there it is. She asks me why I'm leaving her in the morning. I don't dare tell her that if I stayed, I'd be all over her like a deer in rut. I'm leaving her for her own good but I can't tell her that. I don't want to hurt her or prolong her condition. She needs to heal from that concussion,  which is my fault that I will never forgive myself for causing. I tell her it is about the soundboard, it is that too, but mostly because I don't trust myself. THIS is the hardest thing I've had to do, to hold back my love. I am so thankful I have the new studio to distract me. It is like a step back into time. I have not heard that sound for so long and when it popped out, I thought I was dreaming or something. 

She is so super smart, I knew sooner or later it was going to come up about me creating music again. I explain to her how it is so simple now with her. It just pours out of me and it is so easy compared to all the painstaking time it used to take to put it all together. She is my only focus and only priority in my life. She is my life now, she is my everything and everything I do is for her, because of her, about her, with her. She saved my life because if it was not because of her, I was just existing and now I exist for her. I have a life to live for, I live for her. I hope she understands what I'm trying to tell her. 

Then she thinks I'll have some regrets and resent her. NEVER!! It just felt like she shot me down. Okay, let me try this again. I try to reinforce what I was trying to tell her the first time. She is too smart for this. I can't believe she doesn't get it. I tell her with more detail what she is to me, my one and only. OH, she is super smart and she figured out when we make love, how I thrust her to the rhythm of the music, but I am also playing a new song in my head about her and making love to her. She is my new music, my new passion, my legacy and I love to make her sing! The songs just surge out of me about her and for her. And how I would have loved to have had babies with her. Those children would have been conceived from the greatest love and so loved . It was just never meant to be, but I have my music and we make lots and lots of babies every time we make love. 

I don't dare tell her how many songs I've made this last year. She only knows of a select few and there are many, many more she does not know about. I could live out the rest of my life on my catalog and never publish another album. She is right again, we should share some of those beautiful songs and spread the love. That is something I can contribute to help make the world a better place. I need to keep working on getting my full catalog of music back from Warner Brothers. That would be the most fantastic thing that could ever happen. Then I would have all my children back to me.

I look at her and she has this little tick when she is thinking at her temple. She's not finished, she has something else to say about the power failure at Paisley. She wants to take it on and who knew she managed a building like that. I am so blessed with this woman. She can do about anything and I mean A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G! I would be crazy to not let her look into it and let her work her magic. She asks about cash flow. We hardly ever talk about money and she is just covering it all. Amazing! I can hardly wait to hear what she figures out. I'm sure it will be fully explored and she will have a game plan. What a turn on. When she goes into that mode, I just want to her so bad. Then she gives me her look and tells me it's gonna cost me. I about exploded right then and there. I tried to drag her off to the spa-tub for my Tub-time but oh no, she has more. 

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