Failed Love/3

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 Prince POV-Failed Love Part 3

Whoa! That was a mouthful. She really ripped all that out without hesitation. I love her because she has absolutely no problem communicating with me, telling me what's on her mind. "Baby, those are all valid questions, I will do my best to answer them for you. I never wanted children with my previous wives because I never felt the kind of love with them that I feel for you. Baby, here's the difference. When I was married before, the music was always first and foremost in my life. I was in the flow with it all the time. There was no room for a baby or family because there was no ebb. I was so focused on the music, couldn't turn it off and direct my attention elsewhere. With you, there is the ebb and flow. I can do the music when I want, for the pleasure of creating it, not because I have the constant urge to get it out. The music is no longer first in my life, it's YOU. By the time we actually welcome a new member to our family, the Paisley Park school should be open along with the museum. Our life will be more settled than it is now. We will easily have a routine and environment where we can work, raise our child and live a normal married life. Having a family will make my dreams of a 'family of love' come true...realizing all my dreams and my life complete. I hope it will complete your dreams too. I have accomplished everything I set out to do in my musical career. There's nothing left for me to do, except to teach. In the past I've had dreams of a family life with children to love, nurture and enjoy that experience with my life partner, my soulmate. Until now, that partner didn't exist until you entered into my life. I don't know we will be successful, only God holds that answer. I am confident if we to pray to God, he will answer our prayers and bless us with a child. I think God would want a child to be conceived in our unconditional love. Our love for one another is what the bible states a child should come forth. I am ready for this new, exciting chapter in my life to be a father and have a family with you. I will sacrifice anything in the world to fulfil that final dream. Freedom is a state of mind and having a child from our love would be a freedom realized, not sacrificed." 

She cracks a smile out of the corner of her lips. I know she has something to say. "Sweetheart, the weather out here is fantastic. It is what I needed to clear the fog in my head. You have not address our sex a baby. We both are so insatiable, what does your little plan say about that?" I have to chuckle, she's not wanting to give up any of that in the least bit. Well, I do take excellent care of her and her needs. I pull her in for a sweet kiss, and hold her close beside me. 

"Baby, we'll manage everything just fine, you'll see. Don't worry about anything at all. I'll always make sure to take excellent care of my wife." "Sweetheart, you seem to have it all figured out, as always. You plan everything down to the Nth degree. You're aware this process of having a baby scares me to death in many ways. Besides the obvious of a miscarriage, or complications during birth, I question myself if I will have the stamina to care for an infant, keep up with a toddler, be a good soccer mom...and through it all, manage to take care of YOU too! This is going to take a lot of teamwork to pull it off. Sweetheart, I love you. Because of our love for one another, we should try to have the family we both dream of. Please promise me you'll be a good, tentative father and helpmate with this. I know and feel certain you will, I simply just need to hear you say it to me." 

Whoa! Did she say what I think she said? She is onboard for having a baby? Yaaasss! I pull her over onto my lap, taking her hand in mine, kissing her left finger holding my wedding ring, "Gigi Nelson, I promise to be a good father, a constant helpmate, supportive partner, the best friend, lover and husband I can be." 

Gawd! I peppered her with kisses. I can't believe she's going to go for it. I'm the happiest man on earth right this very moment. Parting our kisses, she strokes my face lightly with her hand, "Sweetheart, don't forget...there's one more stipulation. You have to successfully complete your therapy. I need you to be 100% for me if we are going to raise a child together." [children]...

Oops! Under my breath it leaked out. "Sweetheart, what are you planning? I heard the word 'children'... plural? Would you like to share with me exactly what that means?" 

Uh-oh, she caught me. I have to tell her I want and I'm planning on more than one. "Baby, I remember you saying with in-vitro it is likely there could be more than one baby. I've been thinking, instead of using just one surrogate, we line up 3. That way we can use up all your eggs and see how many babies we can have. That way we're not putting all your eggs in one basket, so to speak. You know I'm impatient, I don't think I can wait, see if the embryo transfer takes, then try again, and again until we exhaust all your eggs. This way, we lower the odds, getting 3 different surrogates at least one is bound to implant. If they all take, then...viola; we have an instant family. In the meantime, I was thinking we should apply for adoption. If we only have one baby, he or she shouldn't be alone and needs a sibling to grow up with. Babe, whatcha think?" 

She is dazed, her eyes are fixed and wide, mouth gaping wide open. "Baby I love you. Snap out of it and talk to me." Pulling her in for a kiss, her breath is hitched, I think she's about to hyperventilate, I can feel her heart racing. 

"Eee, gads Sweetheart! When were you going to spring it on me you're planning on having a herd? I think you've been secretly planning on filling up the new house, one way or another. If that's the case, we're gonna to need a lot of help." 

I sit back and gaze at her in awe. She ain't sayin' no. "Baby are you okay with my plans?" It appears she's mulling it over, I believe she's in shock. "Sweetheart, I think that's a sound plan. You know, we ain't getting any younger and that would surely expedite the process. I should've known, you do everything on a grand scale. But, what if we don't get pregnant? We could have no baby?" 

Her eyes sadden, she leans her head on my shoulder, "Baby, that's why I thought of adoption. If we don't get pregnant, maybe we can follow through to adopt." I slip my hand around her waist inside her robe so I can feel her soft skin. I think she needs to feel my touch for reassurance and our connection. 

"Sweetheart, there's something else you need to know. I'm cancer free, have been for the last 11 years now. One of the things that depends on it is that I live a fairly stress free lifestyle. Excessive, undo stress or exhaustion could lower my immune system to allow any free radicals, cancer cells, to grow again. I want you to be informed and fully aware of this. No matter what happens, if we start a family, I'm going to need a lot of help to avoid this. I need to protect my health to live a long and happy life to raise all these kids you're planning. Do you understand this?" 

Ahh, it's all crystal clear as to why she's been insisting on a quiet life. She was aware from her previous experiences, my life was filled with a lot of drama. Now, I know why she told me early on, no hissy fits or she would leave. "Baby, I totally understand what you are saying. Of course we can hire all the help we need." 

I press my forehead on hers, "I'm not getting any younger either. Ooops! Babe I didn't say that. I want us to enjoy the experience of a family, loving all the children, nurturing them and not dread it." Her eyes are focused on mine, "Sweetheart, first things first. You need get your issues resolved and under control with therapy. After that, we'll move forward with the babies. I have a small request, can we have a down day tomorrow, please? I need to get in some 3R's...a day all about ~us~

"Absolutely Baby, I didn't have any specific plans for tomorrow. We can lounge around the house and do whatever your heart desires. All I have tomorrow is my session with Steve." Her head is resting on my shoulder, she places her hand to cup my cheek, "Aw Sweetheart, I was hoping you could skip your session tomorrow and just soak up the day relaxing with me, please?" 

I nuzzle my head in her neck, kissing softly. "Baby, I don't want to delay my therapy one day. I have a less stressful topic, my struggles with the music industry. All is good now, I have my masters back. The masters alone will sustain us and I can devote as much time as you need me with you and the children. My session tomorrow won't interfere with our day, I promise. Now Mrs Nelson, are you going to finish talking to me about Hub?" 

She shifted her weight on my lap, "I suppose, Sweetheart; here or in there?" Thinking a moment, "Let's go inside. It's more comfortable on the sofa. I'll put another log on the fire for you." "Perfect, Sweetheart. I need to use the powder room." "Baby, are you going to be alright in there?" "Yeah, I'm fine Sweetheart, I just need to go pee. Will you fix me another cup of coffee, please." I nod as we head back into the house.  

A/N-Thanks for reading, voting, commenting and above all, your continued support. Tell me how you like what is developing in the storyline. Don't forget to VOTE! Remember-Purple Love!

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