You OK?

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I am dreaming about sweet nothings when I realize, I'm really awake. Soft kisses on my face and whispers in my ear. Slowly opening my eyes, I see those beautiful eyes staring back. "Baby, there you are. Are you OK?" Blinking my eyes and focusing on him, "Sweetheart, I'm OK. Why?" A sigh of relief, "Baby, I've been trying to wake you for awhile and you would not respond to me. You went to sleep so fast last night and I tried to wake you a few hours later and nothing. I tried again a couple hours ago and still could not wake you. I was so worried this time when I could not get you to wake up, I thought something was wrong." I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a very long, wet kiss. He is fully dressed, hair done and makeup on. "Sweetheart, I love you. Where are you going?" He tells me he has to go in town and won't be long. I ask what time it is and he tells me. No wonder, I've been asleep for almost 12 hours. Wow, I was really tired. Pointing to the balcony, "Baby, your breakfast is waiting on you. I had my PT and I got ready to go out. You were just sleeping away and I could not wake you up. Are you sure you are OK?" I feel just fine as I get out of bed. He is dressed up and ready to go as kisses me goodbye he tells me, "I love you. Just a couple errands and will be right back." I go out to eat my breakfast on the balcony, wondering why I slept so long. I feel fine, I hope I'm not getting the flu or any crud. I don't want to be sick this time of year. Checking my tablet, I clear all my messages and I have nothing to do but wait on him to come back home. I decide to take a shower and get dressed to go to the beach cabana. Sounds good to have a relaxing Sunday. Downloaded the NY Times and a couple other papers on my tablet, I'll read to get caught up on the world happenings. When I arrive at the beach, I get a fruit drink and settle into a day of R & R. I know this is not going to be all rest and relaxation. When he returns from his errands, it will be more like rest and romance. It is so peaceful and serene just sitting watching out over the ocean. The NY Times goes by quickly and I get into another newspaper then I drift off to sleep. Next thing I know, I am being kissed and caressed. Almost a hush, "Baby, are you awake?" [I am now.] "Uh-huh. Sweetheart, hold me." Placing his arm under me and pulling me in close with his other hand on the small of my back, I could feel his love. When I open my eyes, I see his expressive orbs looking at me. "Hello, Baby. You all right? I can't resist waking you. Every time I do, you look at me as if you haven't seen me in years. I get lost in those allusive eyes." I respond, "Sweetheart, I'm all right, just tired. Have I told you lately how handsome you are and how much I love you?" Rolling his eyes and acting quizzically, "I don't remember, please tell me again." [I softly speak in my sultry voice], "I love you more than anything in this world. You are so handsome, I am mesmerized looking into your beautiful eyes." We lean in closer, our lips finally graze softly. I run my tongue along his bottom lip and when I get back to the middle, I nibble and suck so lightly. I then suck on it and again graze my lips over his. The kiss continues soft and teasingly until we can take it no longer and it builds in strength exploring our passion. This kiss was a kiss of affection, deep passion. igniting from both of our hearts and coursing through both of our lips causing the electrical surge we first felt nearly a year ago. Still holding me, I know he wants more and I do not feel well. I am completely drained and feel the overwhelming urge to sleep. "Sweetheart, just hold me and let me take a nap, OK?" Looking at me with concern, "Baby, what's wrong? You shouldn't be so tired." I replied, "I don't feel good and just want to sleep. My mind says yes, but my body says no. I may have a 24 hour virus or something." "Let's go up to the house and put you in bed, OK?" I agreed. We go back to the house and I collapse onto bed. I ask him to get me an Aleve, I have a headache, aches and pains, so I probably have a bug. He changes his clothes, sliding in bed with me to hold me and I went to sleep quickly. After a lumbering sleep, I wake up feeling refreshed and much better. It is a great comfort to have him with me and holding me close. "Sweetheart, are you awake?" Opening his eyes slowly, gazing into my eyes, "Baby, do you feel better now? Are you alright?" I nod yes, "I feel much better now. I have no idea what was going on but it has passed and I think I'm good. I'm hungry for dinner, what time is it?" Laughing he said, "Baby, it's 2am, that ship already sailed." I retorted, "We have food in the fridge I can heat up. You want some soup or salad?" "Soup, please. I missed dinner too. I did not want to leave you alone." 

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