London-Prince POV

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Prince Point of View

I booked the private jet with a bedroom so Gigi can rest up for our stay in London. We picked up Bonnie and Steve in Cincinnati. Steve was so funny cracking about the daybed missing and the bedroom. I had to set him straight- that I was concerned for my wife's wellbeing. I don't like being seated across from each other during take off so when the seatbelt sign goes off, I spring into action. I help her get to the bed where I hold her so she can get to sleep quickly. And honestly, I love holding her... it calms me. I may not get any sleep because I love to watch her sleep. She kisses my neck stirring me up but I need to let her rest. We will have plenty of down time in London. I cradle her head in my arms, caressing her hair and down her neck, kissing her forehead. I feel her go limp, there she to sleep. Pulling her in tighter, I feel her love and I slip off to sleep. When we wake, it's just a short time until we land. I have brunch planned in the penthouse soon after we arrive.

After getting settled into the penthouse, brunch is served. I inform her that I hired a bodyguard specifically for her. London can be hectic so I've hired someone local; someone better suited to get her around safely. The media and paparazzi are on high alert, and will be out in full force. When the bodyguard arrives, I was surprised that she knew this woman. Good! She will feel more comfortable with a familiar face. Her safety is my number 1 priority. Once the girls leave to go shopping, Steve and I go to arrange the press conference. That done, we attempted to do some sightseeing but what a mess! Steve was unfazed by all the media- he's a real trooper. 

Deciding to take in a 'tea time' to unwind, we found secluded tearoom; private enough to allow us to talk freely. I feel like I've known Steve my whole life, feels like a brother to me. He feels that no one has taken better care of Gigi than me- that made me feel great. He did warn me however, to tread lightly regarding 'certain subjects' [not being specific] with her. He suggested I not push her, saying she would only push back and shut down. He knows I love her, telling me, "Prince everything you do or say, do it in the spirit of love and God's love. That's what she most needs, to know she is loved unconditionally. You give her that, she will give you the universe." "Thanks Steve, she knows how much I love her but thank-you for being a good friend to me. Friends like you don't come around very often and I am thankful for you. You are the brother I never had." We head back to the hotel, again battling the paparazzi.

I was so happy to get back to the hotel; just to be with my wife and experience her calming presence. I can at last, relax. She was excited about some candles and bath crystals she'd purchased, wanting to try them out. I told her I wanted to have dinner in and she agreed. We took a very relaxing bath and I lost myself in my love for my beautiful wife. 

"God, keep her safe. Never let anything happen to her. I cannot imagine my life without her. Thank you for my most precious gift."

The next couple of days were hectic, with a press conference and three shows. The day of the awards show was relaxing enough that I finally got a chance to give some slow love to my wife. I'm pretty anxious to see her dress but she won't let me until she's dressed. I sat, waiting impatiently for Kim to get her ready. I played a little piano to release some energy. When she came into the room, my heart literally skipped a beat. She took my breath away; she is stunningly beautiful. When I snapped out my trance, I wrapped my arms around her to discover that this dress has no back! And the hair! I start to hyperventilate. The sound of her voice snapped me out of it, but I have no idea what she said. When she informed that she was completely nude underneath, well... that thought made me lose my mind!. I mean, I told her to get a 'sexy' dress, but this... this is almost too much! The worst part? We have the Awards show and the after party before I can... you know... enjoy her in that dress. In the limo, I didn't care that Steve and Bonnie were there. They've already caught us having sex twice, what's one more time? I should've hired separate limos.

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