Return To MPLS

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June 27 Back To MPLS

Our last day here at this lovely island retreat. I am packed and we will be leaving soon. We have Oprah tomorrow and then on to Chicago. Oprah is coming to Paisley which will make it easier on us. Kim and Jackie will be in to do my hair and makeup. I got them a thank you gift for taking care of me at the wedding. I am anxious to get home too. I have missed everyone. It will be good to catch up and get into a more normal routine. Ooops! I forgot who we are dealing with here. Nothing is normal about this man.  I momentarily forgot. But it will be a new normal for me. We did manage to knock out a bunch of the book. I have over ½ of it done.  We should easily meet or get it turned in early. When he gets on it he goes at warp speed. I hope he works on it some while we are in Europe. The good news is, there was nothing negative in the press or social media while we have been here. I have to hand it to those good ole boys. They did their job and I am proud of them. And thank God, there was no pictures of us on the beach. I'm sitting out on the veranda enjoying my view. Here he is. He's up to something. I know that smile and it is very telling. I say, "Hello Sweetheart." He greets me and kisses me. He said, "Are you ready to go?" I said,"I'm never ready to leave here. Thank you for bringing me here again. I love it here. This has been perfect." He says, "I love you Baby, and I'm happy you enjoyed it. I love to spoil you and this was easy." So, we load the car and head to the airport. We sent some stuff yesterday. We arrive at the plane and there's Nancy. I wave to her as I approach. She welcomed us on board, "Welcome, I hope you had fun on your honeymoon. We are happy to transport you home, Mr & Mrs Nelson." BAM! That was only the second time I heard that. It kinda caught me off guard, but I'll get used to it. We get seated and order food. He orders champagne and I guess we are celebrating a successful honeymoon. It's not like I got pregnant. That would be a miracle since I don't have any plumbing to do so and why I don't have any children. He says, "We are celebrating 5 months since we first came down here and we have never had an argument." OK, that'll work. I said, "I never want to either, Sweetheart. I love you and nothing good comes out of anger." He just was beaming. We took off and we were served a nice lunch. We had champagne and cheese after lunch.  As,we move over to the sofa, I know another mile high club initiation is looming. That's OK, a private plane is so easy. Well after the lovin' I get a nap. He wakes me in the usual way with soft kisses to land in MPLS. I love him and he is so good to me. We arrive and I bid farewell to Nancy and the crew. Off to home! 

Paisley Park here we come. We arrive and the staff is so happy to see us. I tell  Patrick I'll catch up with him later. He wants to know where we went and everything. I have to go see Cathy too. We get settled in the apartment and I put my clothes and things away. I come out of the bathroom and get hijacked to the bed. It's better than getting slammed against the tile in the bathroom. That man is just insatiable. So we have a romp in the hay and he says to me, "Baby,I can't get enough of you. I love you so much. Don't ever be apart."I said, "I love you too Sweetheart. I don't want to be apart from you either." We held each other for awhile and he says, "Let's take a shower." I like, "OK, just remember the tile." He laughed and said, "Baby, I have rehearsal to get down to. I promise I'll be good." That went well, he went to rehearsal and I took my wedding dress over to Cathy. She was elated to see me. She said she would have my dress cleaned and stored. We sat down to talk. Of course, the first words out of her mouth, "What happened at the wedding? Why did you freeze?" I said, Cathy, I told you I don't know and I still don't know. I guess he was just supposed to come get me." She said, "I knew it was not planned but I think everyone else thought so." I said, "Yeah, that's what Kirk told me.  You know, it was not funny when Kirk had the meltdown in Wardrobe but it was a good thing he did. He slapped him out of the trance to come get me. So that worked out for the best. It is so funny now what Kirk did. But it was not when it happened." She said, "Yeah, she talked to Kirk too and apologized for not coming to help him. She said they talked about it too and it was just something that happened for a reason." I said, "Yeah, that's how I'm looking at it." I proceeded to tell her about the Turks house and as much as I could and still maintain a level of privacy.  I did tell her about the bruise incident in the shower.  I said, "When this old body hit that tile, it knocked the wind out of me and I knew that was going to leave a mark. He discovered it later that day and was all apologetic about it.  It did not happen again. Thank God." She just roared with laughter and so did I. I also told her about the boat incident and she got a good laugh out of that one too. Other than that it was fairly uneventful other than just he and I doing our thing and how intense it was. I got a little sad and she said, "What's wrong G, it sounds like you had a wonderful time?" I said, "Cathy, it was so intense and I just have to wonder if a love like this can last a lifetime or burn out quick? She said, "Trust God. That's all you have to do." I said,  "You are right and it's all in his hands." "What you two have is what everyone dreams about." I said,"Yeah, I know." I gave her a gift for being such a good friend.  It was earrings that matched the necklace I gave her before. She was thrilled about them. I told her I have Oprah coming tomorrow to do an interview with us. She was shocked. I said, "I'm not. I'm surprised he did not take out a full page ad in USA Today and the NY Times."She said, "G he is really changed man. I hope your Oprah interview goes well." I said, "I have all the possible questions she intends to ask and hopefully he does not say something to embarrass me." She laughed and said, "G, you will handle it just fine. If he does, your experience will carry it. Don't worry. Everything will be fine." I said, "I'm ready for it. Most of the interview is going to be about the book and a little about us and getting married. So he won't have too much to talk about. It will be mostly me talking. Cathy will you help me pick out something for the show tomorrow?" She said she would come over tomorrow and help me. Then my man appears.  He asks if I want to come down and see them rehearse.  I said, "Yes, I was hoping you'd ask." I bid farewell till tomorrow to Cathy and we headed down to the rehearsal space. Before we got there, puts his arms around me and says in my ear, "Baby,you are my wife. Anytime you want to see me work, you don't have to have permission. OK?" I said, "Sweetheart, I did not want to be a distraction and thought it would be better to not watch." He said,"Oh no baby, the kids want you there. They had me come get you and I want you there. Everything just goes better when you are." I said, "OK, I love to do this." So we went in and they all cheered and Morris came a running to me off stage. Morris grabbed me and swung me around. He said, "So how does it feel to be Mrs. Nelson?"I said, "Wonderful, and we are happy." He said, "Good to hear that Gigi. When you froze half way up the aisle at the wedding it really concerned me because I knew it was not planned. I talked to Kirk about it and I guess it was just meant to happen." I said, "I don't know what happened but it was something higher that was controlling it. It was just supposed to be that way, you know." He said, "It all worked out OK and you two are soulmates. I knew it all those years ago. And he is so proud of you too." I said, "Yeah,I know" We sat down and we chatted for a few. He was done for the day and kissed me goodbye. I watched the rehearsal and it was fantastic. I can't wait to see it Saturday. It will be the big band version which I like the best. He finished up and called it quits. It was getting really late. The band all came over to talk and we visited for awhile. They finally milled out and he flopped down next to me and said, " Did you pay attention to that last song?" I said, "Of course, I try to pay attention to all of them, why?" He said, "They kept screwing it up so bad. Morris was yelling at them and so was I. We'd get one part right then someone else would screw it up. It was trying everyone's patience. Then they said to come get you and it would be fine. So you see the affect you have on them too. It was perfect." I said, "That's somethin' special." He said,  "Oh get this. The younger ones call me Dad and now you're Mom. And that's what they said, Go get Mom she will help us." I laughed and said, "That's too funny." He and I just laughed about the whole thing. He said, "Baby, you always make things better. That is why I love you so much." I said, "Thank you Sweetheart. I love you too." We got up and headed out. He said, "Hungry?" I said "Yes,what did you have in mind?" He said, "You will see." We headed over to the Little Kitchen and there was a nice dinner laid out. It was a lovely candlelight dinner for two. He is such a hopeless romantic. I know what he wants when we get back upstairs. We got upstairs and when he opened the door he surprised me and swept me off my feet and carried me in and said, "Welcome home, Mrs Nelson. I love you." I said, "I love hearing that, Mr Nelson, and I love you too." He put me down and turned the lights off and the background music on. Lead me to the master bedroom and proceeded to have a beautiful nite. Told you, I know what he wants.

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