She's OK!!

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Lunch is served on the balcony as he helps me up and over to sit down and eat. He informs me that Jill is coming after lunch and he told her to not bring the kids since I was not feeling well. I told him to call her back and have her bring them. I can't hear a thing up here and they would enjoy it so much. He had me text her, but the kids already made other plans with friends. While he gets ready for PT, I relax on the balcony and just prior to him going downstairs, he dotingly helps me back to bed and tenderly kisses me goodbye. He assures me he will be back up when he has finished PT with Jill. Watching him leave the suite, he is swaggering like he's on his way to a party. He knows I'm looking and when he turns to go down the steps, he shakes his booty at me. Chuckling at him showing off, "Don't be gone too long down there, I might have to start the party up here without you." Leaning back, looking at me, "Baby, I may have to cut the PT short so I don't miss a thing." Kisses his hand and blows me kiss. I take my tablet off the bedside table and start to read the newspaper I downloaded on Sunday, I faded out for an afternoon siesta.

Waking up with soft kisses and humming in my ear, "Baby, good news! I am so happy you are alright. The Dr. just called with the test results and all are good. She said there was a slight elevation of white blood count, given what you told her how you felt, there's nothing to worry about. You are under doctor orders to rest today and resume normal activity tomorrow." Wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him to my lips for a gentle kiss, "Sweetheart, that's good news. I'm still feeling a bit tired but nothing like yesterday. I should be back in the pink tomorrow." Clearing his throat, "Baby, do you mean into purple tomorrow?" I roll him over on top of him, "I'm into purple today." I crash into his lips pressed tightly against mine, too forced, as if he expected this kiss to be our last and wanted to savor it for eternity. His lips were smooth, supple, his bottom lip pursed tightly over mine. His hands caressed my neck, slowing sliding up to my flushed cheek. His hand was cool at first, until it made its way to my cheek. After that all I felt was the intense warmth radiating off my skin. Pulling away from me with a look of apprehension, "Baby, are you sure you're alright? You are so hot and your skin is on fire. I'm worried about you." I dramatically put the back of my hand to my forehead and faked a faint, falling off to his side. Sighing a breath in a quiver, "Sweetheart,[sigh] are you there?" Fluttering my eyes and trying as hard as I can to not crack up laughing. Hovering over me, he immediately goes into overdrive, "Baby, baby, baby! I'm right here. Please tell me you are alright, please?" I slowly raise my hand to his face, cupping his jaw line, murmuring softly, "Sweetheart, come to me...... Closer." He leans down as I slip my hand around his neck and I whisper in his ear, "Sweetheart, I am perfectly fine. If you don't know the difference between passion and sick, perhaps I should take a cold shower. I'd rather be making Mr Happy, happy." He pulls back, gazing at me, and busts out laughing. "Baby, I never know what to expect from you and that's what makes my life so interesting, not to mention, a whole lotta fun. I love you and I really think you should rest awhile longer." He was saved by the bell. The intercom rang from the gatehouse, the guard informed him the bakery is delivering the pastries and cookies I ordered for the party tomorrow night. Relaying back to the guard, he told him to have the bakery bring the delivery up to the kitchen. I know with his sweet tooth, he's going to meet them down there and sample some of it. "Baby, I'm going to go meet them and make sure everything is OK." [Told you] Snickering, I asked him to bring me back something good. Like a kid with excitement and anticipation of what was about to arrived, he shot out of there in double quick time to meet up with them. He more than likely will be a while going through everything I ordered and probably sampling one of each. Walking towards the bathroom, I started to think about everything I needed to do tomorrow for the dinner party. I don't have too awful much to do. The staff and chef are taking care of the food and tending the bar. I just have to make sure they have the menu as ordered and check the decorations in case any are not looking as good as they did when delivered. The staff is supposed to water the arrangements and potted plants, but I still need to insure they are fresh. We are holding the dinner in the dining room and the table should be set, need to check that too. The bartender has the wine list, I will need to check that all the wines order were delivered. Everything should be good to go. Entering my walk in closet/dressing room, all my clothes for the evening have been laid out, so just have to get a shower, hair, makeup done, get dressed and I'll be ready. Oops! Almost forgot to schedule an afternoon delight session in all that. [Laughing out loud] What is wrong with me? With him restraining himself right now, he will have to make up for lost time tomorrow. Oh lawrdy, I do need to rest up for that. Silly me!

Slow LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ