January 2, 2014/Part 2

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January 2, part 2

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January 2, part 2

Steve and Bonnie are wondering what we are laughing about. "Steve, I just told G that you two were going home on the the private jet and get to be a member of the mile high club without autopilot." Steve snickers, "Hey, hey, hey. Bonnie, we'll have to try that. Thanks man." I quickly countered, "OK you two, if you want to talk during brunch, watch it." I gave them both my side eye as the guys took our chairs out for us to be seated. Bonnie just shook her head and said to me, "G, are you alright? You are walking kinda funny." "Bonnie, yes I'm okay. I think I wrenched my knee yesterday playing tennis. It feels alright, just a little aching." Now he gives me his side eye. Bonnie goes on to say, "G, you should have that looked at. They told you the last time you did that you might need to have knee surgery." [pfft] "OK Mama bear and Papa bear, I'll have it looked at after the cruise. Does that make everyone happy now?" I think those two are in cahoots because they grinned at each other like 'mission accomplished'. He picks up my hand and kisses the back of it, "Baby we just are concerned about it and want to make sure you're alright." I draw my hand back quickly,[snarky] "I'm just fine and I'll tell you what. When you go for your hip appointment, I'll make an appointment with Dr Avery at the same time and have him look at it. Does that meet with your approval?" "Baby, that's perfect unless you have more troubles before then, okay?" "Then what? You know my little secret now. Sweetheart, I'm old. There I said it. Furthermore, all the sex on my knees doesn't help either. My knees are old and not like those 20-somethings. I've lost my appetite and I hope you're all happy now! " I get up and storm out of there. I'm so pissed I had to get out of there before I said anymore I might regret. He'd better not follow me and let me calm down. I'm going to the bridge and while I'm in this mood, I'm going give the Captain a piece of my mind about his crew not making sure we had our privacy this morning. 

The walk to the bridge, which is the other end of the ship, I cooled down with the walk and it took some of the edge off

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The walk to the bridge, which is the other end of the ship, I cooled down with the walk and it took some of the edge off. When I arrive, I see the captain sitting in his chair and he turns when I enter. "Captain, I need to have a few words with you in private if you have the time?" I said in my most charmingly soft, sultry southern voice. He stood up immediately and dismissed the crew that was working around him. "Mrs. Nelson, what seems to be the problem?" I told him under no uncertain terms what happened this morning and I wanted to make sure that it did not happen again during the rest of this trip. "Mrs Nelson, do you know whom your husband spoke to?" I told him who it was and he assured me it would be taken care of and to not worry that it absolutely, positively will not happen again. I also told him about the crew member that kept staring at us when we first went up there while they were working. He assured me again that he would take care of that as well. The captain is Italian so I pull out some of the little Italian I know to graciously thank him. "Grazie mille." He tells me it is his pleasure, "Il piacere è tutto mio." as he bows to me. Well, he is treating me like royalty and I am married to "Prince", so go figure. 

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