The Moon & Stars

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Preparing to Leave for London/Europe/Paris Tour

The next few weeks were spent enjoying the new house, hosting a few Paisley After Dark parties and preparing for another trip to Europe. The middle of April brought a great surprise and something my husband had been wanting for 20 years. Through the work of a very ambitious attorney, taking years of continuous negotiation, he finally won his masters back from WB. He was so thrilled to finally get all his recordings back under HIS roof. He told me that this will provide us financial security;It's like our very own IRA account. 

We flew out to California for a ceremonious signing to regain those masters. On the trip back home that evening, he told me that he felt the weight was finally lifted and he could soar now with the eagles. Indeed this was a dream come true. He is looking forward to a very lucrative relationship with WB.

Spring has arrived in MPLS, offering better weather and flowers beginning to bloom. We had the landscapers out to the new house to clean up the flower beds and lay new mulch. I purchased some rose bushes as well as some cold hardy bedding plants at the local garden center. With the warmer weather, we are enjoying the back deck  more with it's spectacular view of MPLS. 

While I was at the garden center, I purchased a swing bed with pergola. It's kinda an early anniversary gift since we will be in Europe on the day of our official anniversary. He even scheduled a concert that day! Well, it is also his Birthday; if that's how he wants to celebrate, it's alright with me. We are leaving in a few days, going to London first. I scheduled the swing to be delivered/set-up out in our spot tomorrow. We'll enjoy the view of the city, stars and moon. This will be a fantastic surprise for him- I can hardly wait!

Working until dinner, I complete any obligations necessary before being gone for about a month. The first group of concerts are in Great Britain, then off to Europe. One of the concerts in London is for the charity, Autism Rocks. Steve and Bonnie will be meeting up with us in Paris. We will have about a week there for sightseeing and experiencing Paris in the spring. He is rehearsing the 3rdeyegirls today, their last before we leave. 

At dinner, I tell him I'm going to head over to the new house to pack a few things I have there. He wanted me to come to rehearsal, but I need to get his surprise ready. Along with his gift, I am going to make him the ghirardelli chocolate pie. I'll have a cheese and fruit tray ready with some chilled wine to take down to 'the spot'. Usually, when I'm over at the new house, he gets done quickly and joins me. He told me that the girls were doing well so he was just going to do one run though and call it a night. That should give me about 2 hours. 

Today was 72 degrees, which is unseasonably warm for MPLS in May, so I'm hopeful for a warm evening as well. I love it when a plan comes together. I have the pie made, cooling down. Wine is chilled in the wine cooler, fruit and cheese tray ready. I'm all dolled up and waiting for him to come home. Fairly soon, I hear his car coming down the drive and pulling into the garage. I drove the Cadillac over, he has the black Bentley. I rise from my seat to go greet him. He is bounding up the stairs when I meet him at the top with a kiss. 

"Hello Sweetheart. I have a surprise for you." "Ooo Baby, what's the surprise?" "Follow me, I'll show you." Taking him by the hand, I lead him into the kitchen where the chocolate pie sits on the counter. He eyeballs that immediately, "Thanks Baby. I love that pie, it's my favorite" I pull the cheese and fruit tray from the fridge, slice two pieces of pie. "Sweetheart, how about a glass of wine to go with this?" "Sure Baby. What a nice surprise." "Sweetheart, let's go outside on the deck." 

We gather up everything; he has the wine and glasses, I have the tray of food. When we get out to the deck, he plops down. "No Sweetheart, we are going out to our spot to enjoy this." "Baby, we need a blanket, let me get one." "No, no. It's already taken care of, just follow me." When we get close, the pergola with the swing bed comes in view. 

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