Good to Go

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The dawn is upon us and the sun will be coming up shortly. Great, he slept through the night and got some much needed rest. He just tighten his hold on me so I know he is awake now. As I look at his beautiful face, he has a slight smile on it. "Good Morning, Sweetheart." He just kept grinning and finally said, "Good Morning, Baby. I love you so much." "Sweetheart, I love you too. How do you feel today?" He just smiled and said, "Satisfied." I said, "Good, do you need to use the bathroom? I'm getting up and wanted to make sure you are alright." He said, "Yes, can you help me, Baby." I said, "Yes, do you want to take a shower while you are up?" He said, "That's an excellent idea." I get him up, and in the bathroom. I go to my bathroom to get my some things and head back. I called the nurse telling her I needed a new wound dressing and to have housekeeping change the bed while we take a shower. She told me no problem. When I get back to him, he is more than ready. He is watching me with those come hither eyes and I just know this is going to be more than a shower as I can see the obvious. He had the wound dressing off so I had to put on the wound wrap for the shower. When I stand him up to do that, his hands are all over me like an octopus. I said to him, "Please, let me at least get you ready, okay?" He relented and let me finish. I sit him down on the shower bench and I told him we need to wash his hair to get that weave clean. I took his head scarf off and he told me to call Kim to come over tomorrow to style his hair before we go to the Caribbean. I washed his hair and put the conditioner on it to sit for a while. He says, "Baby, sit on me." I told him, "Nah-uh. You get to watch me while I get my shower." He goes, "Mummm, I don't know if I can stand it." I snipped, "Yeah you will. Just look forward to the happy ending." I do like messing with him to a certain point so I did a really seductive shower and made him watch. My poor little purple one was so turned on by the time I got back over to him. I took care of him in more ways than one, he's going to sleep till noon or beyond. I finished his shower and hair. Drying his hair for him while he shaved that beard bristle off, I do like a man with a beard but that is like sandpaper. I put a linen night shirt on him with matching robe, he was lookin' good and his hair looked really nice too. I fixed his wound dressing and put him back into bed. Breakfast arrived just as we got settled in. We had a good breakfast and he held me telling me he loves me and how much he enjoyed the awesome shower experience. The Dr came in to see how he was doing. He had him get up and watched his mobility. He told him he was doing really well and said he good to go home today! The only concern he had was the pain meds. He said, he would only let him go home if he promised to only use them as prescribed. He agreed and told the Dr that he felt really good and was not experiencing any pain. The only thing he had was a little discomfort for time to time but it usually passed quickly. The Dr agreed to let him go home, also told him that he was recovering rapidly because of the new surgery technique and that he was in excellent physical condition prior to the surgery. He needed to get physical therapy to keep it progressing as well as it is. He told the Dr he had a physical therapist lined up when we got to the house in the Caribbean. The Dr said "Good. You know what to do as you've been through this before. Just don't over do it. Follow the rules and you should get back to normal quickly. I want to see you in 6 weeks and I'll have a Rx for you to use for pain. Do not exceed the prescribed amounts per day, you need to recover from this opiate use as well. You are doing really well so far and we want it to keep going that way." We are outta there. He called Kirk to come get us while I packed us up. I put on a pretty dress and he decided to just put the pants on that matched his tunic and robe to go home like that. I helped him get ready to leave and he is still stylish even in that. I called Kim while we were waiting and she told me she could come over early evening to style his hair and mine. The nurse brought the Rx along with all the discharge papers so we were good to go. He told Kirk to text when he got here so we just relaxed and cuddled in bed as it will take him over an hour to get here. After awhile, we got the text from Kirk and I called the nurse and she arrived with the wheelchair to take him down to the car. Kirk came up and got the suitcases and we headed down. He brought the Black Bentley sedan and we easily got him in the car and off to Paisley we go. When we arrived at Paisley with Patrick is waiting out from with the purple wheelchair. He pushed him in and Kirk unloaded our luggage. We take him up in the elevator in the wheelchair and he walks into the apartment. I ask him if he wants to get something to eat before he goes to bed. He agreed so I heated up some soup and fixed us a fruit salad. He was really happy to be home and so was I. He was anxious to go to the house in the Caribbean and told me he was going to book the flight for Sunday morning if that was OK with me. I told him that worked for me but only if he rested and did not over do it today and tomorrow. He reluctantly agreed he would. I told him the trip will be a lot of stress and I wanted him to be alright when we got there. He understood my concerns and told me he would rest up for the trip as long as I was with him. I said, "Sweetheart, I'm going to be right here with you. I'll need to pack some things for the trip but I will be by your side while you recuperate today and tomorrow. We have Kim coming today after her last appointment so you need to rest up till then." We finished up eating our lunch and I put him to bed. He asked me to help him take his pants off and bring him his laptop, so I got that for him. I told him I needed to clean up our lunch dishes and I'd be right back. When I got back he was finished with his laptop and gazing at me with that look. He said, "Baby, that dress is so sexy. What do you have on underneath it?" I gave him my side eye and said, "You, Mr Nelson need to rest. You promised me." I go in my walk in closet to get out of my dress and I hear him say, "Naked Baby, I want you naked." I just shake my head and throw on a robe. I get with him in bed and he is naked too. It felt really good to feel him and I know he was feeling me. He did go immediately to sleep holding me which was a good thing. 

He clocked out until Kim called that she was on her way to do our hair

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He clocked out until Kim called that she was on her way to do our hair. I got him up, dressed in regular clothes and over to the salon. He was being really coy and said he did not want everyone to know he had the hip surgery. I said, "How are you going to keep that from all the staff." He said, "Only the ones that need to know, okay?" I said, "We will see, Sweetheart." She washed his hair first and put on a heavy conditioner. She told him it looked really nice though. She cut and styled my hair so I was good to go. While she was doing his hair which takes much longer than mine, I went to the apartment and packed up my things for our trip to the Caribbean. He will have to tell me what to pack of his stuff. I get back to the salon as she is finishing him up. She told us to have a nice trip to the house in Turks as she left. After she was long gone, I helped him get back to the apartment. He is walking really well but is using a cane just in case. I had dinner ready when we got back so we ate dinner and we talked about the trip. He really wants to get there more than I've ever seen him before. I asked him why he was so anxious to get there and he said, "I can recover there and no one will know I had surgery. I don't have to hide it down there." I said, "There is nothing to hide from the staff here. They respect you and will not think anything of it." He said, "It's about my image. I built that over a long time and I don't want them to think I'm weak." I said, "Why would they think that? They are respectful to you and you don't have to hide this. I think they would be proud of you like I am to get this taken care of." He smiled at me and said, "You are proud of me?" I said, "Yes I am. I know you had to go through a lot to admit to me you had a problem and to follow through to get it taken care of. I am so happy we did not have to fight about it." He took my hand and kissed the back of it, "Baby, I don't ever want to fight with you. It really scared me when you told me you lost one husband from the drug use and that was a wake up call to me. I never had anyone tell me that those drugs could do that. I realized that moment, I could die and be separated from you. I had to do it for you. I don't want to die or be without you in my life. We just started this journey and I want to be here for a long time to enjoy it with you. I love you so much and you have made my life worth living again. Before, I was just existing so it did not matter, but now it does. I never want to leave you, Baby. You are my life now." I just looked at him and a tear leaked out down my cheek. He leaned over to wipe it away saying, "Don't cry, Baby. I will be okay now. I've never had anyone in my life that has cared for me as much as you do. I love you and only you hold my heart." I leaned over taking his face in my hands and kissed him with all the passion and love I have for him. I tell him, "Sweetheart, you are my life and everything I do or say comes from a place of love, the love I have for you. I love you more than anything else in this world and you are all I have left here on earth." He pulls himself up from the chair and takes my hand saying, "Baby, I want to share my love with you and show you how much I love you. Come with me." We go to the bedroom and he was walking almost perfectly. I help him get undressed and he thoroughly enjoyed undressing me. We shared our love and passion with our lips, mouths and bodies in every way possible. Then we enjoyed the connection our love and joy brought us with the joining of our hearts and souls. This love is on a whole other level than ever before. It is a deep consuming love with an inexplicable connection to each other. I feel his love and peace and I know he feels me as well. He holds me and it courses through me with a wave of serenity. We sleep soundly till early morning.

A/N-Please remember to vote. Also, leave me some comments on how you like this story. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do writing it. 

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