Surgery Day 2

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I wake up and look over and he's sitting there writing in that purple notebook with his glasses on. I wonder what is up with those glasses, but he does look sexy in them. I reach up and touch him. He says to me, "Good Morning Love." I say, "Good morning Darling." I am staving I hope breakfast comes soon. He asks, "How do you feel?" I said,"Like I got run over by a bus. Other than that Good." He tells me he took care of the pain pump as it beeped and he did not want me to get low on pain meds. Smart guy. He knows what can happen. I just thought, God love him. He is trying really hard to do this right. He leans over to kiss me and breakfast arrives. Please be something good. I get eggs, bacon, juice toast and jello. He has fruit, englishmuffin, juice and jello. He looks over and says, "Are you going to eat that?" I said, "Yes I am, why?" He said the beacon. I said  "Yes. You may be vegetarian but I'm not there yet. And I'm starved." He shakes his head in disapproval.  I say to him, "Stop that. I have been good since I've been here. This is nothing." He softens and says, "It's OK Baby, I understand." I felt so much better getting some real food. They come back and tell me they are going to get me up and give me a shower. I am thinking, OH he's going to want to watch. I hope they chase him out. The nurse looks right at him and says, "Mr Nelson you need to make yourself scarce. OK?"  Alright! He says back to her, he's going to go take a shower and  he'll meet me back here. Good. So he kisses me and goes to his side of the room and disappears. So the first thing she does is take out the catheter and that is great but now I have to go to the bath room to pee. She disconnects all the monitors and takes them off me. She gets my slippers and helps me out of bed. I walk with her toward the bathroom.  We stop and I get a clean gown and robe and we proceed.  This part is going to be really interesting. She remarked about my gown. She said, "That is really pretty, where did you get that from?" I said, "A dear friend made it for me." She said, that is a good friend to do that and it is just lovely. She proceeded to say, "We are going to make you look pretty for him. So don't worry." I'm like I hope so. I don't feel very pretty right now. She sits me down on a bench and take my robe off.   Now I see the support bra. She takes that off and there is this huge thin bandage. She covers that bandage and the other one so we are now waterproofed. She gets my toothbrush and I brush my teeth. She then tells me she is going to wash my hair. So she turns the shower head on and washes my hair. She asked if I want to wash myself and I nod yes. So she gets me a wash cloth and showers me wet. I wash and she rinses me off. She towels my hair and drys me off. She takes off the plastic wrapping and I'm done. She helps me with my gown and robe and asks me if I want to apply any make up. I tell her what to give me and she has a  little table with a mirror and I apply just a little. She is drying my hair and curling it for me. Damn, I look much better. She says,"can you walk back ok?" I said 'I think so'. I am hoping he is still not done yet. So we come out and he is not back yet. We get back to the bed and here he comes rushing over. He tells her, "I've got this." So she lets him put me back in bed. He looks at me and goes, "Oh Baby you looks so pretty." as he kisses me. I look up at her and she just shakes her head.  I wink at her as she leaves. He crawls in bed and says to me, "Baby you look so hot but I have to be good." I have to say, this gown is just gorgeous. It is lavender paisley satin lined with cotton and it buttons in the front. It is perfect for this kind of surgery. I don't have to lift my arms and goes on like a shirt. He just is gazing at me with that look. He is starstruck and there is nothing I can do.   I say, "Hey you have to see this." He is intently looking at me. I unbutton the top and show him the support bra.  I told him, "the bandage is really thin so most of what we were feeling last nite is me and this bra." He touches the strap of the bra and says, "It is not really heavy is it?" I said just enough to support the new me." He got really excited about that. I buttoned up and I was exhausted. I need a nap. I told him, "I need to rest, can we cuddle up." He was all in. Heknows now how to cradle me and I curl up next to him. He kisses mesoftly and just says, "Baby, you are going to be OK. I'm here to take care of you." I quickly drift off into la la land. Next thing I know, I'm being woke up for lunch. I could have done without the lunch for some more sleep. Well, let me see here what I have. This looks good. Mac & Cheese with a bowl of fruit and a piece of cake. Humm, he has the same thing. I think he got them to change my food to his vegetarian. I am going to let it go. It was really good and I was finally full. The Dr walks in and asks how I'm doing. I said, good except for the pain. He said that is to be expected and he authorized oral pain meds now that I'm off the pain pump. He said he wanted to check the bandages and the drains. So he had me lay flat and he proceeded to take a look. He took the bra off as it opens from the front and looked me over. He said all looked really good and if I progress as well today, I may get to go home tomorrow. He said the surgery went quickly as expected and the tissue was transplanted easily. He told me that he cleaned up some old scaring and what I'll have left should be minimal. I have the new scar on my abdomen and it should fade and not be that noticeable. He then proceeded to tell me that my stomach muscles will now be weaker than before so be careful.He noted previous surgeries and that compounded the weakness. He continued to say,  just don't do any extraneous exercise and all lshould be OK.  Here it comes, Prince asks him how the muscles will be affected by having intercourse? The Dr looks at him and says, that should be OK but that is why you are on hiatus for 4-6 weeks. That needs to heal. No sexual activity for at least 2 weeks and then only oral. You got that? he says. Prince nods. As the Dr leaves he turns and say, now you two be good if you want to leave tomorrow, smirking.  I just smiled. Prince comes up to me and starts kissing my neck and collarbone. He say, "Oh Baby you smell so good." His kisses are stimulating me and the heat is rushing down to my core. Thank God, the nurse comes in to give me my pain meds. I was feeling the need for them so that was on time. Not to mention, it put a stop to him stimulating me. She checks my vitals and asks if I'm feeling OK? I said, "Yes, why?" She said my face was flushed and she felt my forehead. She proceeded to say my temperature was normal. Now, I know what caused that, so I just said, "I think am having one of my private tropical vacations." She laughed. And said get some rest. After she left, Prince laughing said, "What was that all about?"I said, you know. You were getting me hot and she caught us. I had to tell her something. He just roared with laughter and gabbed me not to hurt me and said, "Baby you are so cool. I just love you more and more each day." I said to him, "Please let me rest. I want to go home tomorrow." He cradled me the way I showed him how and I just laid there content as he hummed a familiar song in my ear. I was thinking, how cool is it to have my own private rock super star singing me to sleep in the hospital. Not very many people can say that. I slowly wake up and he is still holding me tightly humming. I have to pee bad. I check and he's awake. I told him I needed to use the bathroom. He was all game to help me there. He rolled out of bed and helped me up. He took me over and asked if I was OK and I shook my head yes. He closed the door and waited patiently for me. I came back to him and he helped me back to bed. He crawls back in bed and comes crawling over to me. He is looking at me with those eyes and that come hither look. I said, "Stop right there. I want to go home tomorrow and you are not going to do anything to prevent that, OK?"He stopped and came up to me and kissed me. He said, "Baby, I'm sorry. You are so hot and I am having troubles." I said, "I know but you heard the Dr." Just then I noticed he still has my ring. I said, "Do you want to give my ring back?" He slowly pried it off his little finger and took my left hand and slid it back on and kissed it. He said, 'I wish that was a different ring.' He looks up at me starstruck again.    I just about caved. I said, "No,no,no. I am on drugs and I refuse to answer that. That is not fair." He came up to me and said, "Baby I just love you so much and I want you forever. I'm sorry, it just fell out of my mouth." I said,  "Sweetheart, I love you too and I just want to get over this  surgery and get back to the island. We'll talk about it there, OK?"  He just smiled from ear to ear. He does love me, that I know. Dinner arrived at the perfect timing. I was hungry and it looks good.  Halibut with roasted potatoes a salad with cheese. Ditto for him. I am beginning to wonder if this is Ray's food. Oh well, does not matter, hopefully tomorrow we will be back home again. They pick up our trays and the nurse comes in with my pain meds. She says I should go out and walk more if I want to go home tomorrow. I look at him and he rolls out of bed. He said to her, "I've got this." He puts on his robe and those high heel flip flops and comes over to my side and gets me up. She stands there and nods in approval. He helps me with my slippers and my robe. He takes me and we head out to the hallway.  The nurse directs us to the atrium area. So we walk and I'm doing well. We pass a couple patients doing the same thing. I see them looking back at us. They know who he is.   Hell, the purple he has on and my lavender paisley I have on, they could figure it out real quick. That's a dead giveaway if they had any doubt.  We get to the atrium and it is lovely.  There are birds in cages and an aquarium and places to sit. He picks out a love-seat looking out over a beautiful view of trees and a ravine. He says, "Lets sit and enjoy the view before it gets dark." I slowly look around and all eyes are on us. I could feel them burning in the back of my head. He does not care. He was pointing to things out side to me and I just put my head on his shoulder. He asked, "Baby, are you alright?" I said, "Perfect." We sat there for about 30-40minutes and he said "Ready to go back." I said, "Sure" He helped me up and there was a crowd in the atrium all looking. Now, I know, this is bound to hit the paper. I just shook it off and concluded, it was out of my hands. We get back to the room and all was well. I was exhausted. He helped back in bed. He slid in be sideme and took my left hand. I was waiting for it. But he just kissed the ring again and kissed my hand and trailed up my arm. I said,  "Sweetheart, you have to stop. I can't do this." I took his handand softly kissed it. I said, "I love you so much and I want you too but you have to stop.  Please let me rest." He comes up to my face and kisses me. Then he bury s his head in my neck. We get comfortable and try a little different way tonite. He says to me, "Baby you smell so good I just want to taste you." I just said,  "Darling please sing me to sleep." He did as I asked and I went fast. The nurse came in for the nightly rounds of pain meds and took my vitals. She noticed my ring and remarked about the beautiful design and how pretty it is. I thanked her and she said good nite. I notice he is awake and says to me,"What are you thinking babe? I said, "I am thinking how I can keep you at bay for another 2weeks." He said, "He was thinking the same thing." I said,"Sweetheart, I love you and nothing is going to change that. You have to get control of yourself. I hate having to tell you no." He said, "Baby, you are really good at it though." I said, "I want to heal so we don't have any complications in the future. Can you understand that?" He said, "Baby, I'm going to try harder. Please believe me." I said, "OK. Can we go to sleep now?" He slides over to me and wraps his arms around me until I'm comfortable. I kiss him and he softly kisses me back. I am ready to go to sleep. He hums a familiar tune in my ear. I drift quickly off to sleep. I sleep hard and sound. I wake up and he is still holding me. Is he awake or asleep still. He softly says, "Baby where are you?" I'm like what? Here we go again. I said, "I am in the hospital with my lover, and my best friend, Prince. I know exactly where I am and who I'm with. What did I say now in my sleep?' He said,"Nothing Baby, just checking." I have no idea what I said in my sleep but something is reoccurring and it bothers him. I said,"Sweetheart, what am I babbling in my sleep that bothers you? I need to know." He said, "I don't know. You just babble words that don't make any sense." I said, "What is worrying you?" He said, "I think when you do that you are with someone else." I said, "I am with you, I am in your arms and I love you more than anyone in this world. That is never going to change. It means nothing. Not to mention, I have a lot of drugs in my system right now. Please believe me." He takes my hand and kisses me softly on the cheek. He says,"I love you with all my heart and it just makes me feel like I'm loosing you." I said, "Sweetheart, do you talk to me when I do that?" He shook his head no. I said, "If it happens again, talk to me. You might get your answer." A smile comes over his beautiful face and he tells me, "OK babe, I'll do that." I tried to get myself up to him and he had to help me. I put my arms around him and assured him that I loved him and only him. He seems OK now.  Wow! What a trip to pull on me now of all times. Dear God, Please help me and help him.  I am stressed beyond belief. I need him to be strong and stable right now. The nurse comes in and takes my vital signs and gives me my pain meds. She says, your blood pressure is up a bit. I'm thinking no shit! He asks, "Is that a problem?" She says, no but they will check it again in a little bit and see if it has come back down. I climb back up to him as best I could. I tell him, "Please hold me right now. I need to feel you." He puts his arms around me and cradles me close. His tight embrace makes me relax immediately. I feel his warmth and his love envelope me. I am at peace. I drift back off to sleep. I wake up and he tells me breakfast came and went. He said, "Do you want me to call them to bring it back?" I said, "No, I'm not really hungry." He said, "Let me order some coffee and a bagel." I said, "OK" He calls them and they bring it right up. I eat that and here comes the nurse. She said, "Time to get you cleaned up." He says, "I know, get scarce," She helps me up and we go to the bathroom and just like yesterday, I am clean and dressed. She gets me back to bed and he arrives with flowers in hand.  Purple roses no less. 

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