Evening Alone-Prince POV

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The crew is preparing the ship to depart and we go up to the sun deck to watch the sunset. There was a drink, Tequila Sunrise and a nice note from them thanking us for a wonderful time this past week. I really enjoy their company and hope we can have then along more often. She suggested they join us in London and that is a fabulous idea since they missed their trip to London, coming to Stockholm for me when she was so sick. I know a lot of things to do and places to see in London, I hope they can join us there. It would be great to share some time there with them and I can show her off out on the town as well. I have some big plans for this week. I can hardly wait to do them. I have a day at a beach planned and a big surprise for her. I hope she loves it.

Watching the sunset is one of my favorite things to do with her. I just love to hold her and all the feelings she fills me with when we watch the sun disappear. I tell her how beautiful she looks and without hesitation she throws it back at me telling me I'm the most beautiful in the pair. Okay, here we go. I'm going to ask her why she feels that way. I think I'm ready to hear it, I hope she tells me. It is so painful for me to hear her put herself down. It might be more painful if she tells me something I do not want to hear. She is so sweet and kind, I know she will be good about it. I just have to man-up and take whatever she says. It is killing me either way not knowing what is going on with her. I will still love her no matter what she says. Oh dear gawd, she's kissing the tips of my fingers, giving me twinges and turning me on so much with just that. She's thinking about it and here she goes. She still won't say, telling me it would hurt me. God, help me now. I need her to tell me what it is. I know it is my past, I just know it. Lemme see what I can say to convince her to tell me. I'll try all my powers of persuasion, knowing hers are just as strong as mine. I ask her again and tell her it is hurting me more not knowing, also she is my beautiful wife. There, now I'll touch her and see if I can get her to ease up to tell me. 

She's thinking about it again, here we go. She takes my hands off her and stands up. Oh my gosh, she slammed down that drink, I guess to give her the courage to tell me. I hope it's not as bad as that! It's my past, I know it is, coming back to haunt me. I have to keep a hand on her to take it. I feel her love just touching her. She tells me to look at her. Um, she is so beautiful and I just love her so much. She swats my hand off her knee telling me to look, don't touch. I lean back to take her all in and I'm so hot for her right now, it is all I can do to contain myself. Um, um, um slips out and rumbles from my throat. She looks stern at me and says to stop right there. Oh dear! She's going to say more. Steve was right, she's never heard it before. Oh my gawd! She is unloading the whole thing. Yep, it's my past. I knew it. Beautiful, young and dumb! Nailed it, she is right about that.  I do live in the moment and I don't want this to end with her. Oh crap! She's accusing me of not being faithful to her. She did not hold back and said a lot. I know, my past is exactly like she said. Live in the moment, not finding what I really wanted, move on the the next in search of the same thing and still not finding it. She is so funny a little tipsy. That whole thing about Mr Happy twitching about made me bust out laughing and he's twitching right now for her. I had to keep my composure to let her know I was listening to her and taking it all in. I just think about how I can talk to her. I have to bring up the past, terribly hard for me to do and admit my failures to get it across to her that is her and only her that I want now and forever. I have seen the light and she is my light. 

 Oh Lord, she's getting more tequila. She brings me a double and I need to have all my wits about me to talk to her. I can't have it clouded in any way so she knows I'm sincere. I don't want her to say later that I was in a haze from the alcohol. I just take what she's offered and sit it down. She's doing just fine and tells me to ask her anything. I don't need to and she is getting funnier by the moment. I put my arms around her and it amazes me how she can take something so serious, then make it so humorous, not to mention she is so hot! I decide to take a sip of my drink and she goes off, telling me to slam it down and wash my troubles away. I could not hold it back any longer and busted out laughing. She did too and I'm glad she's not feeling any remorse. I wanted her to tell me and she really unloaded it. I say to her I'm going to talk to her to give me a minute and she goes off again. Oh My Gosh, she is right again. I did screw a lot of my problems away instead of drinking. Sex just felt so much better than a hangover, but it still left me lonely and disappointed. She is really letting it rip. I can hardly quit laughing. Maybe if we sit in the hot tub, I can regain my composure and thoughts enough to talk to her. I tell her again how much I love her and her quick witted sense of humor. 

We get to the hot tub and I'm so nervous about talking to her. I really hate to dredge up the past, all the hurt and relive all those mistakes, but I have to this time because there is so much more on the line. I have never had trouble undressing her before but the nervousness is making me fumble around trying to get her naked. She's right, I should have at least drank that mixed drink. It probably would have eased the tension. Looking at her just standing there I think, there is so much more to what lays beneath that body. She is not hard on the eye, very pretty and extremely attractive, but the rest of it, is mind blowing beyond words and she blows my mind on a daily basis. Yeah, there are prettier, beautiful women out there but it is just an empty shell, nothing else and lord knows I've explored that a lot. I can see where she's coming from and her age is another thing. Ultimately, it is that connection we feel for each other. THAT! is what does it for me. I tell her she is so beautiful to me in every way and I love her. There she goes again, telling me how perfect and handsome I am, she could never compete with that. That I've always been and then she says she's fresh off the assembly line in Switzerland, she's not going to look this pretty in 10 years. Dagnabbit, I hate it when she does that and puts herself down. I'm not going to look this good by then either. She is so darn funny, I smile and try to not bust out laughing. 

 I have no idea where I'm going to start this, but I have to talk to her and tell her what she means to me. I take her over to the sofa and we wrap up in a couple towels. Pulling her on my lap so I can feel her love and peace will help me tell her what I need to, what I have to. I start to talk to her and everything just flowed out, without hesitation, without hurt or regret. I laid it all out to her and I pray she understands. I will not make the same mistakes I have in the past. I learned from them and it was necessary for me to make them so I would be ready to fully commit this phase of my life with her, my one and only soulmate. I had to have all those mistakes and life experiences so I would recognize true love when she finally crossed my path. If I need to do this again, to reinforce what I said or tell her more, feeling her love and peace will make it easy for me to do it. See, she is still affecting me in ways I never thought were possible. She is super intelligent and not like any woman I have ever encountered or had in my life. 

Taking it all in, looking deep into my eyes as mine were transfixed on hers. I can see in her eyes all the love, devotion and passion she has for me. Then she kissed me with so much force and emotion, I knew she understood what I told her and she communicated it to me with that kiss. I am so overwhelmed with emotions, I need to make love to her and connect with her, to feel her. I need to communicate that strong connection we have to make sure she is alright. Making love to her this time was so much more powerful and surreal. We took it to another higher level, yet again. Wrapped up in her arms and love, I told her again, "Baby, I love you more than any words can describe or communicate. Please believe me." She responded back to me, "I love you Sweetheart. I believe you and I never doubted that." Our hearts and souls communicated the love we share, becoming one. A conversation of deep love and commitment to one another. I held her in my arms for an extended time in space. I cannot imagine my life without her and her love. We drift off in pure bliss enjoying all the feelings we have expressed for one another.   

A/N-Please vote and leave me comments, thoughts or a smiley face. Love to read how you think this story is progressing. I hope to give you many new chapters and it is your support by giving me feedback that keeps this story alive. Thanks for all your love and support for my story. Remember, Purple Love. 

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