Always and Forever

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Always and Forever

We stand there in a long embrace. When he finally parted from me, I could see his eyes were swollen, puffy and red from crying, mascara had run all over, not pretty at all. "Come on Sweetheart, I need to fix you up." I take his hand and lead him to the guest bathroom. "Sit Sweetie." He sits on the toilet seat with the lid down while I warm up a washcloth under some running water. I turn around, he yanks me down on his lap. "Baby, I love you." He kisses me with fire and passion, communicating his love for me.

"Sweetheart, I love you too. You need to get some waterproof mascara, let me fix you up." Intently focused on my face while I gently wipe all the mascara smudges away before I kiss him again. "Sweetheart, let's take a walk. Some nice fresh mountain air and exercise would be refreshing." "Huh-uh, I want to exercise with you upstairs. You are my fresh air." "Aww Sweetie, you're my fresh air too. Please... let's just walk around outside the chalet for a little bit. I'd like to check out their garden. We'll take a longer walk after dinner. Pretty please?" 

"Alright Baby, let's take a stroll around the place. Afterward, I'm taking you upstairs to have my way with you." He seems to be doing alright for now, but I know when he talks to me, all hell's gonna break lose again. I could say, the calm before the storm. I want him to enjoy this place and above all, relax. He needs to get his mind back into a happy place. 

We head outside to explore the grounds

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We head outside to explore the grounds. There is a pretty flower garden as well as an herb and vegetable garden. Some of the food prepared for us comes freshly picked directly from the vegetable garden. While we are in the herb garden, I stoop down to rub some of the herb leaves between my fingertips. When I stand, I have him smell what rubbed off doing that without harming the plants. "Ooo Baby, that tyme smells really good. Is that why it tastes so good in food?" He licks my finger to taste the tyme. "Ymmm!" There's a basket of vegetables ready to go into the kitchen so we get a preview of our dinner. Walking around the grounds some more, hand in hand, taking in deep breaths of the mountain air and peacefulness of our surroundings. 

We find a nice out of the way spot with a table and chairs to take a rest break

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We find a nice out of the way spot with a table and chairs to take a rest break. We sit quietly observing the grounds in all its beauty while watching the gardeners tend to the plants. "Sweetheart, this place is so lovely. Thank you for bringing me here to celebrate our anniversary. It's so perfect." "Come're Babe, sit on my lap." He pats his hands on his thighs indicating he wants me there, I raise up from my chair and go around the table to his lap. 

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