Nite On The Town-Chicago

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We headed out to go to dinner. I was not sure if we were walking or driving a block down the street. We walked with the security but it was dark and most were not paying attention to us. We arrived at the restaurant and had VIP dining. They took us to a very private alcove and we had a lovely dinner. I would have loved to have had a steak,but I settled for lobster. He had the same. It was a very romantic dinner. He said to me, "Baby, I don't take you out near enough. We will have to do this more often." I said, "In Chicago?" He laughed and said, "You really like it here don't you?" I said,"Sweetheart, I have spent a lot of time here and it is like my 2nd home. I just love it here. Yes, I like it. I love it when you have those fancy dinners for me in the Little Kitchen. It is every bit as romantic as this, really." He pulls me in and puts his arms around me and says, "Baby, you are so easy to please. How did I ever deserve you?" Then kisses me with a very wet soft kiss. I said,"You deserve me because you love me." We finished our wine. That is the worst thing for me if I'm going to pull an all niter. So I'm going to need a coffee fairly soon to counter act that. We head out and the place is fairly empty with just a few others. 

We get outside and I am just looking and there are hardly any people on the street but there is a few. But not like when we went shopping. The guards are ready to take us back and I notice we are not walking to the left, but straight ahead. There is a carriage parked and the footman has the door open. OMG! We are going on a carriage ride. The interesting thing is, I am very familiar with carriages but he does not know it, I think. We get in and the weather is wonderful. Nice breeze and stars out. The driver is really nice telling us where we are going. We go up towards Promontory Point and he points out things we are seeing along the way. We are in this carriage for about 2 hours. My man just has troubles and can't keep his hands off me. It is nice to have a man that loves you this much. It is too hot to have a blanket on our lap or he would have done much more, I'm sure. He delivers us to the front of the hotel. I stop to talk to the driver about the horses and carriage. He is standing there with me just giving me that look, you know what look I'm talking about. He gave the driver a c-note, again I have no idea where it came from. Kirk and James were there waiting for us. 

We get into the hotel and up to the room. He's still looking at me amazed. When we get in, I go straight to make a cup of coffee. As horny as he has been, I would have thought he would be naked already. I turn around and he is still gazing at me. I sit down on the sofa and he is checked out. I just look at him and say, "What's wrong Sweetheart?" He said, "How do you know so much about a carriage?" I said, "What do you mean?" He said, "I listened to you talking to that driver and you two were talking about things I had no idea what you were saying. How did you know so much?" I said, "Sweetheart, I have a very colorful past. This is one thing that was a part of my life. We owned carriage horses. I showed them. We raced them. I owned a carriage,among others, very similar to the one he had. I thought I told you about that. Why?" He just sat there and shook his head. He said,"So that was nothing special to you then?" I said, "OH! heavens no. I loved it! I am always game to do that. Anytime. Especially with you. It was very romantic." He pulls me in and kisses me. He says,"What were you talking about?" I said, "Just the horses and gear. Shop talk. We had a team similar to his. His boys are older and those make the best for city rides." He said, "Baby are you sure you had a good time?" I said, "Very much so. I have not had a nice ride in years. Thank you so much for thinking of doing this. The nite was perfect and very special. I had a very nice time tonite with you." He said, "I am happy you enjoyed yourself. Did you say carriage race? What's that?" I said, "Oh sweetheart, that was a ton of fun. We would go to a designated farm, usually in Kentucky,and we would have this big party. It was usually in the fall. There were 2,4,6 horse teams. It was not for money or anything like that.Just fun. For every horse there has to be one rider, minus 1 for the driver. The horses are racing thru the farm on a designated trail and it was timed. They would run them full throttle against the clock. If you think a city carriage ride is fun, running one of those things full out is even more. We would load them up before dawn and get to the farm at daybreak. It was like a big picnic. There would be people cooking food for us. We'd eat, leisurely drive the course and see the dips and bends. Then we would start. So if you weren't driving, you could ride. One of our carriages only required a driver and a rider.Bonnie and I would be on that one. Steve and Bonnie would ride and we'd pick up another rider for the 4horse team. It was awesome and a ton of fun." He pulls me into his lap and says, "Baby, you are amazing. I guess I'll just keep learning more about you every day.You are full of surprises." He kisses me and his hand went up my dress. So I know he's OK. Well, we did not make it to the bedroom. I still had all my clothes on except my panties. 

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