Chapter 18-Sunday Day of Rest

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I wake up and see him sitting next to me wearing those glasses. That is so sexy. He is intently writing in the purple notebook. I watch him for awhile. He looks over and says, "Good Morning, Love." I say, "Good Morning Sweetheart." He asks how I'm feeling. I stretched out and said,"better than yesterday and last nite." He comes in for a kiss. We kiss and I needed to go to the bathroom really bad. I need to take care of that before there is even a thought of morning sex. So I break loose, and peal out of bed. I see my night gown is up around my chest and have to wonder. Well, if anything happened, it is not my fault if he liked doing it with a corpse. I do not remember a thing.I think while I'm in the bathroom if he is going to the Kingdom Hall today. Good question to ask. That ought to kill any morning sex. I am way good for any afternoon delight but I need to get woke up and that takes about an hour. So, I stroll back to bed and crawl in. I rollover his way and pop the question, "Are you going to the Kingdom Hall today?" He calmly puts his pen, book and glasses on the night table and turns back to me and says, "I knew this was going to come up again." So, I bat my eyes at him and say, "Well, are you going?" He says, "Baby, I've been thinking of how to tell you about that and I think you will understand. I have been questioning that faith for quite sometime now. They do have some good teachings but then they have all kinds of restriction that have nothing to do with what the Bible actually says. I found myself going out of obligation rather than for true spiritual inspiration. While that group of believers helped me in my darkest hours, I feel I have grown spirituality and really do not agree with many of their teachings. I know they will shun me about our relationship just because you are not JW. I do not believe in that. I have for a long time now been distancing myself from them and only going on occasion when I feel I need to. So there you have it. I said, "I understand. I think being in organized religion is somewhat like a cult and if you are a christian and live your life as a christian, doing God's work, lead by example, that is what a lot of it is all about. I was raised in the church and I got the foundation to build on and believe in God.Now, I go when I feel the need." He said, "Baby, that is pretty much where I'm at. So are we good now?" I said, "Just wondered. I'm good." I then followed with, "I know I've been praying a lot this week and you probably have been too. How about we pray together to give thanks to God for putting us on this journey together. We hold hands and I start, Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing two lost souls together to explore a journey you have set forth. Dear Lord, bless us and keep us in your hands as we explore this relationship and spiritual union you have planned for us to explore.This we ask, in Jesus name, Amen. Prince says, "Amen" and hugs me. He whispers in my ear and says, "That is the most beautiful thing I've heard. I could not add or change a thing about it. Did you feel the electricity Baby? I love you." He then cradles my head in his arms and passionately kisses me. Well, you know where that went. That was one of the most amazing spiritual experiences we've had so far. We held each other and just absorbed the love.

So much for postponing morning sex. 

OK, let's change the subject. I say, "So, I was supposed to go home today. I guess this is going to be an extended stay?" He looks at me and says, "Baby,do you need to go home?" I said, "Eventually I do. I have a house, you know. I need to figure what to do with it if I'm by your side." He throws his arms around me and kisses me passionately and says, "I'm so happy to hear that. I'm glad you want to stay here with me." I say, " How am I going to figure this out if I'm not with you?" He laughs and says, "Baby, let's enjoy each other a few days and discuss this later, OK?" I relent and say, "OK, you are right. We have plenty of time to figure that out too. But I'm going to need some clothes." He said, "Baby, got that covered. I can buy you what ever you want and need." OK, here comes the good one. I said, "If you want me to stay with you, I need to know that this is our bed and there has not been other women in it?" He says,"Baby, that was taken care of long before you came here. You are the only woman that has been is this bed with me. But, if you want a new one, I can do that." I said, "No that is not necessary. So what are we going to do today then?" He said, "What ever you want to do, Baby." I thought about it and said, "I have to make some phone calls. Other than that, I'm free. I really don't want to go anywhere. I just want to relax and get some rest. What do you want to do?" He said, I've been writing some of the memoirs do you want to start that?" I said, "I can look them over and transcribe what you have, but I would like to not do any work/work today. I can do that tomorrow?" He said, "I know, let me cook you some pancakes for breakfast. After that, let's just pile up on the sofa and watch some movies. Does that work for you?" I said, "That sounds wonderful. I am hungry and that's the kind of R&R I was thinking about." So he kisses me and rolls out of bed. Tells me to make my calls and he'll fix us breakfast. I said, "that sounds good." He jets out and I pick up the phone and call Cathy, Patrick, Kim and Jackie. I tell them as quickly as possible about last nite. They all were elated to hear the news. I called my friend Bonnie and told her.She was a little hesitant about my decision but agreed I was handling it the best way. She agreed to keep watching the house and she said she would send me my journal. I told her to have all my mail forwarded here. If anything trickles thru, just send it to me. I told her I would call later this week as he was fixing breakfast and I did not want to be on the phone when he call me in to eat. We hung up and I got dressed and went out to the kitchen and he was busy fixing breakfast. I got a cup of coffee and he announced it was ready. We plated to food and went over to the dining room and ate. Damn his pancakes are good. We also had fruit, yogurt and orange juice. It was very filling and I was full. He said, "What do you want to watch?" I said, "Pick something funny." He said, "OK" So he cued up the movie and we piled up on the couch together. Cuddling and I just knew this was going to turn in to Afternoon Delight. Fairly quick, I passed out in his arms. He let me sleep like that for a couple hours.I did wake up on my own and he was gazing into my face. I apologized for falling asleep and he said, "No, no, you needed it. You were sound asleep and I just enjoyed watching you sleep." He kissed me and cuddled me some more. I felt deeply loved, a feeling I thought I would never feel again. It was snowing and had been all day so there was a nice cover of snow now. I hope he does not want to go anywhere.He said, "It is snowing, how about we take a walk over to the park?" Even tho I hate snow and the cold, I said, "That sounds good." So we got dressed and headed out. We walked the path under the highway and got over to the park. There were people everywhere. I paused and asked if he wanted to continue. He said, "Yes. He liked to watch the kids play in the snow and the people ice skate."I said, "Are you sure? Are you afraid people might recognize you and us? He said, "As bundled up as we are, nobody is going to notice." I said, "If I was here and saw us, I would know who it is and with his girlfriend no less." I had to laugh. He is dressed up in those fuzzy high heel boots and I just know someone will figure it out. I say, "OK, here we go." It was not very long and you guessed it, I saw cell phones come out and it was a Kodak moment. The people that were close he asked to not take our picture and they were good about it. We found a bench and sat down. The park workers had the path shoveled and the benches cleared off. The people up here really deal with snow well. There was about 4-5 inches of snow on the ground and people just acted like it was nothing. I know in Cincinnati, it would have damn near closed it down with that much. Wesat there and observed people and kids playing in the snow. We had on sunglasses so any pictures were not going to be that good. Then here it comes, he leans over and kisses me. And not just a little one, a big one. So I know that's going to hit. Someone will have that one. I just shook my head. It had quit snowing and I was getting cold. I said, how bout we head back. He said, here it comes, "Let's walk into Chanhassen and get some hot chocolate?" I'm like, "OK, lets go." So we walk back and go into Chanhassen. Sidewalks were clear so it was an easy walk. I ask him, "Do you do this on a regular basis?" He turned to me and said, "Of course I do. Most of the people leave me alone." I said, 'I really need to get warm for the walk back. I am freezing.' He said, "Don't worry baby, I will get you warmed up." So we go the coffee shop we went to last Sunday and you guessed it, out came the c-note and he got us hot chocolate and two killer brownies. We sat down and just looked over the snow covered village. It was really pretty. We are sitting in there like a pair of 50something  lovebirds with his arm around me, holding hands and now our coats are off. I had to take my sunglasses off to wipe my eyes as the cold really did make them water. He said, "Don't cry baby, is there something wrong?" I said, "nothing wrong, the cold is really dried my contacts out. I am not crying this time. I am happy to be with you." We just sat and talked and talked. He told me all about the tour, where we were going and where we would be staying. He was really excited about all that. It was really relaxing to do this. I got warm and we decided to track back. We bundled up and headed out.We got back to Paisley and he says, "Let's make some snow angels in the freshly fallen snow. Even though we are in Paisley, and the gates are closed, there are people walking by to and from the park and they are stopped, looking at us. So, he leans down and gets some snow,forming it in his hand, and I'm like, Oh Hell No! So a snowball fight ensues. The spectators got an even more an eye full. He doesn't care. He's just acting like a kid having fun with his girlfriend. I am thinking this is not going to turn out well. I just know there will be pictures going nuts on social media. Well, G, let it go. He does not care, so just have a good time with him. If we have to, we will fix it later. He stops and takes my arm and walks me back over to the snow angels. He says, "This is us and you are the angel God sent me to be with. We embrace in another passionate kiss. He then turns and waves at the people on the other side of the fence as we stroll back inside Paisley. Shaking my head, he says to me, "What's wrong mama?" I said, "You really don't care anymore, do you?"He said, "I told you I am a changed man, mama!" I said, 'OK, sit back and fasten your seat belt buddy, we are in for a bumpy ride!"He just laughed, picked me up off the floor swinging me around and said, " I love you and I want everyone to know it." When he stopped, I just stood there holding him and inhaling his scent and I said to him, I love you too. I enjoy having fun with you, it fills my heart with happiness and so do you." He then looks at me and says,"Look at us. We are cold and wet. Let's go take a bath." So you guessed it, it was just not a bath. It was Afternoon Delight. I felt like I could take another nap. He said, let's lay in bed. Uh,oh here is comes, some more Afternoon Delight. I'm OK with it. Game on! So we get in bed and well, let me say this, that did not last long and we were both very satisfied. I did fall asleep in his arms again after the lovin'.When I woke up, he was still holding me and he was asleep. I just laid there and listen to the music on the system. It is all his music but not loud and some is just instrumentals, most I recognize some I don't.

The ones I recognize, I would hum to or softly sing to. Unbeknownst to me, he was awake and said softly, "Isn't that sweet, you are singing to me." I stopped and said, "Do you like it?" He said, " I love it. I never had anyone sing to me like this." As I lay there on his chest, I can't help but play in his chest hair. He said, "Baby, you are getting me excited again." I said, "Round 4 ?" He laughed and laughed. He said, "You are so funny, I just cannot resist you and your sense of humor." So, he rolled me over and well, you know the rest. I had to hit the bathroom so I ran in to pee. When I returned, he said, "Baby,let's take a shower." I said, "Are you sure? Would you rather take a bath? He said, "Let's take a shower." I said, "OK." So we took a shower and we had Round 5. I put my PJ's on and said, "I'm hungry. What do we have to eat?" He said, "chiefs salad?" I said, "that'll work." So we went out to the kitchen and he pulled two salads out and dressing. I got a cup of coffee and he had a smoothie. While we almost finished eating, he said, "Baby, for not being a sexual athlete anymore, you are doing quite well keeping up with me." I laughed and laughed. I said, "Just because it went that way today, that does not mean it's going to happen like this everyday, if you get my drift?" He said, "Baby, you are amazing.I love you and I just cannot get enough of you." I said, "Love you too and I feel the same way." I looked over at him and said,"Round 6?" He jumped up and grabbed me and we flew into the bedroom. This time is was different though, it was a slow love. We undressed each other and took our time. I did him, he did me and then we did each other. It was really a slow love and we fell fast asleep.This was a nice day of R & R (Rest and Recreation).   

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