No More Pain

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When we wake up, he grabs my butt and says, "Let's get up and take a shower." We get showered but not without a sexual interlude. He tells me to meet him in his office. I finish getting my makeup on and fixing my hair. While I'm at it, I pack some of my things I'll need at the hospital and have it packed up ready to go. I do pack one exceptionally sexy nightgown just in case. I pick out a sexy dress to wear today and head downstairs to his office. When I get down to his office, he's on the phone, so I sit down and wait. I hear him say, "Just a minute." and he turns around and looks at me about propelling over the desk. "Baby, hospital tonight or tomorrow?" I say, "It's up to you." He says to them,  "We will be there tonight. What time? OK, See you then."  He hangs up the phone, jets around the desk and grabs me up. "Oh Baby, that is just too sexy for me. We need to go back upstairs." I said, "What did the hospital say?" He tells me that we can check in anytime but we need to be there by 8:00 tonight and surgery is at 7:00am tomorrow. I tell him that I'm all packed and ready to go. He responds to me he has a couple of things to tie up and he'll meet me upstairs in an hour. I kiss him and head to my office. I had a few of calls to make and while I'm on the last call, I smell his scent and know he's right behind me. I finish up and turn around, yep he's right there. He asks me if I'm ready to go back to the apartment, and I nod my head yes. We stroll over to the apartment and his hands are roving all over me. When we get there I suggest we get something to eat first. He was agreeable so I heated up some soup and he fixed us a spinach salad with fruit and pecans. We had a quiet dinner at this point and I asked him if we have a suite or just a private room at the hospital. He tells me it is a VIP suite similar to the one in Switzerland. I said, "Why don't we just get ready and go over now so we can get settled in for the evening." He thought that was a great idea. I asked if we were driving or is Kirk taking us. He said, "I'll call Kirk to take us so we can have some cuddle time in the car." I told him to call Kirk and go pack his stuff. I'll clean up the dishes and the kitchen. 

He got packed quickly and we headed down. Kirk was waiting for us out front. We loaded in the car and Kirk already had his earphones on and a cover on the rear view mirror. He gave Kirk the VIP key card with instructions to get into the parking garage. We settled into the back seat and he was telling me how happy is to have me with him. Getting to the hospital will take about 90 minutes so we talk about tomorrow and his hands are moving all over me. I said to him, 'This should be the other way around. You are the one going MIA and I'm going to miss you.' He grabs my panties off and unzips his pants singing to me, "Do me, Baby." I do him real good and he gets the whole trifecta. We get ourselves back together as we a going into the parking garage. Kirk unloads our suitcases and brings them in for us. Inserting the keycard in, Kirk selects the designated floor and we go upstairs to the VIP check-in desk and a nice man dressed in a suit escorts us to the suite. He identifies himself as 'Sig' the VIP ombudsman and gave us his card in case we need anything during our stay there. Sig takes our luggage from Kirk delivering them inside the suite. I thank Kirk for helping us get here and bringing up our luggage. He says, "Thank-you for getting him to do this, Gigi. He will be OK. Call me if you need anything." I hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. When I turned around, he was looking at me funny. I said, "What?" He said, "Why did you kiss him?" I said, "Give me a break, don't even go there." He laughed and said, "Gotcha!" I snickered back at him and said, "I'm going to getcha a little bit later." We enter the suite and it is gorgeous. It is very spacious and a king size bed as requested waiting for us. There is a living room area, a dining room, a small kitchen and two bathrooms. I take my suitcase to the other bathroom, unpack it and put my sexy nightgown on with matching robe and slippers. When I get back out there, he's already in bed waiting for me. I get over to the bed and take off my slippers, then my robe, he dives over and grabs me dragging me onto the bed. I said, "Wait a minute. What time are they going to prep you for surgery?" He said, "We have until 10:00pm." It is almost 6pm so we have a few hours. I cozy in next to him and discover he is naked except for his robe. I whisper in his ear, "I don't have any panties on." He goes, "Hum, just the way I like it. I want to show you my love since it may be awhile until I can do it this way again." I look at him and say, "I'm all yours." Over the next few hours we shared our love for in all the ways we could. Enjoying the joining of our hearts and souls we expressed the joy and love we share with each other. He holds me tightly as I drift off into my sex induced nap. The nurse comes in with paperwork for him to sign and goes over what will happen tomorrow. Basically, he can't have anything to eat or drink after midnight and they will be in prior to taking him to surgery to start an IV. She tells him to take a shower tonite or before surgery in the morning and leaves hospital issued gown for him to wear. I am instructed to go to the designated VIP surgical waiting room and when he gets to recovery, they will take me be with him. He is also told to get a good night's rest, it will help the healing process. He asks them to give us some privacy until 6am. She said that would be OK and they will be in after that to start the IV. We are told 'good night and don't stay up all night, get a good night's rest.' I looked at him as he looked back at me. I quipped, "Well, you got your orders, didn't ya?" He said, "I'm going to love my wife some more before I go to sleep." I figured as much. We love on each other for a good while sharing our love for each other once again. I felt his love and peace as we laid together intertwined with each other. I pray he does well tomorrow. He gathers me up to hold me as we slip off into a blissful sleep together.

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