January 2-Part 2/Prince POV

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Prince POV-January 2/Part 2

We arrive at brunch and I know I'd better mind my business or she will shut us down. I give a look to Steve to let him know and he winked back at me while we helped the girls get seated. She is not messing around when she gives us her side-eye and it makes me so hot for her when she does that, not to mention, I know she's not foolin' around and means it. Wow! Bonnie asked her about her knee and I was just sitting there wondering what she knew that I didn't. She just spilled all the tea and I thought we handled it well. NOT! She was really agitated and went off like a nuclear bomb about it. I had no idea she was hiding anything or keeping a secret. When I tried to console her, she snapped like a rubber band wound up too tight and stormed outta there. Oh dear gawd, I never meant to make her mad at me. I was concerned because she never complains about any aches or pains. I just know she's going to walk off the ship and out of my life when we drop Steve and Bonnie off tonight. I've never seen her this ticked off at me before. I know! If she is still mad at me, I'll get them to stay on the ship until I can convince her to come around. If that is what I have to do, then they can go home on the private plane no matter how much time it takes. I jump up, Bonnie grabs my arm to stop me from following her and motions me to sit back down, "Prince, when she gets like this, just let her go cool down. She needs to do that by herself." Somehow, I know Bonnie is right, "I am so scared, Bonnie. She's gonna up and leave me. I just know she's going to walk of the boat tonite." Bonnie reassured me, "She will be alright, trust me. Just leave her be for now. She'll come around and you will see." I have to trust Bonnie, or it may make matters worse if she's right and I try to follow after her. I finally calmed down thanks to her insight. She does know her well and I have to believe and trust her. I decided to talk to Steve about our day playing with the toys on board. That made me feel better, but I still had that underlying feeling I needed to go to her and apologize.

Steve and I head down to the swim deck to play with the toys. Hopefully, that will get some of the built up tension out and she will have fun, delightful afternoon getting pampered. I talk to Steve a little about it, "Steve, is Bonnie right and I need to let her be alone for now?" "P, she is strong willed and she needs some time to cool down. Give her the space to do that. When you see her later, she'll be OK and talk to you about it." I hope he's right about that. "I will just die if she's still mad at me and walks off the ship. I never wanted to make her mad or upset with me, I'm worried about her and want her to alright." Steve shakes his head, "P, you have to understand some things about your wife. She is like you in many ways and she is used to dealing with things by herself. Not to mention, she is right that she's not in her 20's anymore. She has issues like a lot of us do and you have to accept that." "Steve, I do. I know all too well what happens when you get to this age. I just had a second hip replacement. I had no idea she had any issues like that. She seems so physically fit and has never said a word about any aches or pains. I just was concerned when she sprung that knee aching on me. I hope it's alright and it won't need emergency attention." "P, she is going to tell you, trust me. Just give her space and she will. I could tell you, but you need to hear it from her, not me. She is alright and you won't have an emergency situation. Tell her you love her and you are concerned, she'll tell you all about it." I shook Steve's hand, "OK, I'll just wait it out and see what she tells me. Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it and I feel better now." Steve and I tried out the sea kayak's first and paddled through a course a few times but it was lame. I need the speed so we switched to the jet ski's. We had a great time racing through a course the crew set up. I was having the time of my life. It was so much fun and I felt so relieved after talking to Steve. He really is a great guy and friend, knowing exactly what to say. I caught the girls arriving on deck and I was showing off when I took a spill off the jet ski. I hope she does not get upset with me, my new hip took a beating and is aching me a bit. I'll take a pain pill and it should be alright. I get to the swim deck and cannot get to her quick enough. She was really sweet and told me she was sorry. I about melted in her arms when she did that. It was my fault and she is apologizing to me. When I get her alone, I'll apologize to her and hope she's not still mad at me. 

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