Playing in Sunshine

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We take off out the driveway and down the road. He's talking 90mph about everything from his session with Steve to calling the IVF agency when we get back from our walk. I can't get a word in edgewise so I just listen to him. I love to see him so exuberantly animated and happy. Sounds like he had a great session today with Steve, so there should be no mad-sex later. Well, I can't be held responsible for my part with his beard looking so fine now. I want me some more of that between my thighs, um-um-um. 

We walk about a mile and a horse farm comes in view. We stop to pet and admire some of the horses in the pasture. Continuing down the road, we approach the driveway there's a sign, 'Horseback Riding'. "Sweetheart, if we don't have plans, let's stop in and see if we can do some riding tomorrow?" He winces a side-eye look at me. "Come on, we have the tennis shoes, not the best, but they should work alright. Your everyday shoes with heels or risers won't. Please, Sweetie?" 

His lips come crashing in, pulling me into him, "Baby, nothing's gonna rub your treasure but me." Standing close in the middle of the driveway, he's pressing his hard manhood into me. Good lord, he thinks of everything. "Do you really think that saddle is going to turn me on like you do?" Somberly, "Baby, you never know. Bringing me out here for this walk in a bad mess, I wanna make sure it is exclusively reserved for me." 

I shake my head. "Sweetheart, did you have a stressful day in therapy? Do I need to take you over there in some high grass, is that why you're acting silly with me?" Oh crap! Note to self, I shouldn't put suggestions in his head. He grabs my hand, hot-footing it, dragging me along into the pasture across the road. Weaving through the high grass, making a beeline for a large tree in the middle of it. Oh, this is cozy. There is a rustic bench under the tree. A split log with the flat side up, on a couple short hewed round logs to securely brace it up. 

He drops his drawers with Mr. Happy at full attention, flexing him at me while giving me 'that look'. I calmly take a seat on the bench, cock my head to the side and in my best southern belle voice, "Darlin' where you fixin' on puttin' that thang?" Fanning my face like I might be coming down with the vapors. I know what he's angling for, but imma gonna make em say it. He tilts his head down, looking up at me, "'t make me beg. I'm inna bad mess, please?" He grabs his length rapidly stroking himself, "Lookin like you're gonna take care of yourself there, Darlin'." This is just plain pitiful, hornier than all get out. "Come'er, Dear, let me hep ya with that." 

With his pants down around his ankles, he hops right smack dab in front of me, whimpering like a puppy dog. I shake my head before I bend over the top of his length, licking slowly. He's shivering and trembling, head tilted back. I look up, yep, eyes closed with his teeth grazing his bottom lip. I love it when he gives into me totally. After coating him with saliva, I back off to blow my warm breath across his glistening length. He bellows to the top of his lungs. Scared the bejesus outta me. Damn, someone's gonna hear us if he doesn't tone it down and shut up. 

"Shhh! Be quiet, Sweetheart. There are people across the road." as I grabbed his butt cheeks and pulled him closer. Umm, nice melons as I kept squeezing them lightly while sucking him deep to the base. This is going to go quickly with the state he's in. When I hear that guttural rumble from deep within, I know he's on the edge. Slipping one hand between his legs, caressing his jewels teetering him even further on the edge, "Baby, I...I'm so close." No kidding, I know that. I speed up popping him deep and that was it. He growled that deep grunt and groan while I lapped him through his final convulsive wave. 

Liking my lips seductively, it always puts a smile on my face as leaned back on the bench to watch him come back from the Shangri-la I sent him to. "Baby, that was out of this world! Thank you." "You're welcome, anytime. I love you, Sweetheart. Pull your pants up and let's go book our horses for tomorrow." 

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