Chapter 4-Paisley Park

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I am now on the plane heading for Minneapolis, Mn. I get to my seat and I'm exactly where I like to be, about ½ way back just behind the wings. I get comfortable in my seat and a flight attendant comes to me and says, "I have on my list that we can move you up to 1st class as there is an open seat there." I am thinking, dagnabbit, here we go. I told him no 1st class but they are making it look like I'm getting moved up to there because of an opening so, I'll play along. It is too early in the morning to get upset over this minor stuff. I learned a long time ago, pick your battles especially ones that you think you can win. So I picked up my stuff and went forward.I got seated next to a nice man sitting in the window seat. He offered to change with me but I respectfully declined. I actually like the aisle better. Well, the benefit to this I might actually get something to eat. The plane is bigger than most going this direction. This nice man asks me if I'm going to Minneapolis or am I going on after that. I said no, I have some work there. OK, here it comes,"What kind of work do you do?" Well, I kinda opened that can of worms now didn't I? I said 'I am a consultant and I am going in to consult on a project'. Whew! Covered that well, I thought. Nope. He countered 'what kind of project?'  God help now. I turned and said, 'you know, I've done so many things in my life, I'm not really sure.I guess I'll find out when I get there and winked at him.' I quickly said 'and what are you going there for?'  He told me he worked for Target and he was going up there to be a project manager. Then he proceeded to go into great detail what his trip was all about. I was so glad we got off of my trip. Thank God! We did talk a bit about being in Minneapolis prior to this and he told me about being up there when he caught Prince at a local establishment one night. Oh God, here we go again. I said in my best southern draw, 'How nice, I bet you were excited?' He told me all about it and I was just hoping and praying he did not ask me if I'd seen Prince. Now I cannot lie and sometimes it is hard to divert from the truth. Lucky, food arrived so we ate breakfast. I just hoped he would move off the subject. I figured when the food was winding down, come up with something to divert his attention. Nope! He started telling me that Prince was in town and he was trying to score some tickets. I played dumb and told him I hoped it worked out. Little to my knowledge did I know he had anything planned. Well, maybe I can just stay in and work on the project while he goes to entertain the locals. Although, I do enjoy seeing him play, I'm going to be probably too tired to go. This guy took out a card when they were preparing us to land and wrote his hotel on the back of the card. Asked me to join him for dinner and a show if I had time. Wow! He was trying to pick me up. I have not had that happen since Hubby died. I was flattered but told him it was highly unlikely since I would be slammed with work and probably not have time, but thanks for the offer. He insisted I keep his card just in case something opened, up so I put it away. We landed and as I got up to get off the plane, butterflies were flying around my stomach. WOAH! I have never had this happen before. I am a seasoned traveler and never get motion sickness. I thought it must be something I ate or hopefully I was not coming down with something. I charged off the plane and got to baggage claim. Pickup my luggage and headed out to find the Baby Blue Mercedes and prayed to God that guy did not see Prince. Got out the door and there he was. Beaming with smiles and walked over to great me. I was so relieved to finally get there.

Prince POV

As I sit here in the cell waiting area for Gigi's plane to come in, all sorts of things start flying in my head. Music, my past and my present thoughts, it was bogging me down. I said God, please let this be enjoyable for me and her. We both deserve a good time for once. I had a spotter in the airport that called me to come up when they saw her at baggage claim.So I zipped out of the cell lot and got over there lickety split. As I sat in the car, I waited with great expectations. He called again and said she was coming thru the doors. WOW!! There she was. All I could hear was that song by the Hollies, A Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress run through my head. Yeah she's not that tall but those legs could kill a man. She had a black dress and boots on up to her knees.And the way she walked said she owned it. As the song to run through my head, I was a Bad Mess! Oh dear God, get it together. I don't want her to notice anything off. She is very intuitive and will pick up on it in a heart beat. I slowly sauntered up and grabbed her hug and she grabbed the hug me back. My God, the sparks were blowing every which way. I tugged on her luggage and tossed it feverishly into the trunk,took her hand over to the car door and opened it up for her to get in. She got in and those legs again almost made my eyes pop out their sockets. Thank goodness I had shades on. God what are you doing to me now? I thought as I circled the car to get in the drivers side.When I got in I looked over at her and what a sight I was beholding.Never in a million years would I have thought I'd be turned on by a woman 2 years my senior and especially not this one but, my heart was racing and all the thoughts kept flooding my head. Gigi spoke softly to me in that beautiful southern voice I love to hear, and said 'quick get outta here I have someone on my tail.' I don't want to blow your cover. Then G leaned over and kissed me on my cheek. The electricity flowed like I have never felt before. I thought please stop or I'm going to have a heart attack right here and now. Not to mention my pants were getting tight and I don't want her to notice that either. I need to be C-O-O-L. I looked over at her and those eyes just shined with excitement. So, I stayed as cool as I could and she said, 'so what do you have for me this week, boss?' All I could do was take deep breaths and try to stay as composed as possible. So I said, we will discuss it when we get there. God help me now. I can't do this and I can't be doing this with her, my best friend. So, I pointed to her coffee just how she likes it 2 creams and like 20sugars. I also handed her the bag of croissants in case she was famished. Gigi proceeded to tell me how she got moved up to 1st class and had a lovely breakfast so, she was saving them chocolate croissants for later. Then she proceeded to tell me she knew I was behind her getting moved up to 1st class and that she would have been perfectly fine in coach. BUSTED! That girl, I can never getaway with anything. She is too smart for me. All I could do is say, "did you like it?"She smirked, and laughed that laugh I just love to hear, and said 'of course she liked it but it was not going to get me out of her spa day.' I sheepishly dropped my head and said 'OK'. So she smacked both hands together and rubbed them quickly and said, 'so who's on staff that I still know?' Well, I said 'you know Kirk' and she said, 'besides him'. I said 'Patrick' and she got so excited to hear he would be there. And you remember Cathy is my wardrobe artist? She said 'yes'. And beyond that, all were new. OK, so we got that out of the way. I told her that they have all been instructed to do whatever you ask them. She looked over at me and said 'how do I rate that?' I said 'I don't want any drama so figured that would be the best way to handle it'. Gigi looked at me and said, 'I am no drama queen, why would you say that?'  I remembered back in the day when she got upset when a staffer would not fax something without my prior approval. So I said, "let's just let it go and all will be well." G gave me that side eye I am so famous for. She is really good at it too. So I said, 'what's that all about?' She then said 'I guess you have changed a lot. I have too, you will see.' I threw a tape in the player and told her to listen to these new songs. I figured I'd better do that or I'd do something I'd regret later. Rock N Roll Love Affair was first up and she listen carefully. Next was Screwdriver and so on. She took it all in until we arrived at Paisley Park. It is now still early in the morning, about 9:30am. I pulled up front to go through the front doors and Kirk came out to unload her luggage. He was very cordial with Gigi this time. She grabbed him in a tight hug and said she was glad to see him. Kirk looked a bit bewildered and I motioned for him to get the luggage. I took her hand and we went in the front. Patrick was there and jumped up/down and came over for a big hug. All was well. So I turned and said 'let's get you up to your room so you can freshen up if you need to. Kirk will have your luggage there shortly and you can unpack everything. I told her let's meet up in the Little Kitchen about noon'. She said 'good'. She will be hungry by then. She asked what was on the menu and I told her a surprise. She was agreeable as she is not fussy about food. So we headed up stairs to the living quarters and took her to her room. She was very happy with it. Kirk followed with her luggage. Kirk stopped and turned to her and said,' you know Gigi, I forgave you a long time ago about that article. You really did tell the truth and I was just too young to handle it like a man.' Gigi walked over and gave him another hug and kissed him on his check and said she was glad that hatchet had been buried and we could move on and have some fun this week. I was getting a little jealous and had to put myself into check. Who was I to say anything? She was here for a job. But Oh My God that body and the way she moved I could hardly contain myself. She was like an angel and she just glided across the floor when she moved. So, I slowly walked over and took her hand and dismissed Kirk. She turned to me and gave me that look. Boy was I going to be in trouble. But Kirk made an excuse about having to tend to something and he covered it very well. When I touch her, that electricity just flowed and arced like an open electric box. I loved the feeling it was filling me up with but I knew I had to break the connection or something would happen that I and maybe she was not ready for. I just kept saying to my self, Slow Down we have plenty of time ahead of us, like the rest of our life. Let's see where this goes this week and keep it together for God's sake. I leaned over and kissed her on the forehead and told her I'd meet up with her for lunch in the Little Kitchen at noon. Damn, there it was again, that spark or could it have been just static in the carpet? Either way this needed to slow down. We parted ways and I headed to my suite for a cold shower.  

Slow LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora