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Prince POV

I awake quickly from our nap, letting her sleep as I slip out of bed quietly. I need to call Steve to talk to him today. In the beginning, Steve told me he wants to break down each matter of contention individually. Every day, I give him a new issue from my past...only if the previous one has been worked through completely and resolved. Some of them are stronger with more intensity of emotional hurt and pain, making it extremely difficult for me to verbalize. I trust Steve to provide me the security and safety to express these feelings. He always reassures me to take my time to find the words, creating stability on the video call and provides a psycho-education so that I can possess a deeper understanding of what's happening and why.  Although it feels like internal pressure and conflict for a period of time during the counseling, I release the unprocessed emotions and material for the purpose of bringing them closer to the surface. The pressure I feel is a power struggle, although it results in conscious and subconscious clarity.

When the thoughts and feelings are released, I gain understanding, clarity and a new identity. This is a beneficial strategy in working with hostile memories because it creates a new role. The collaboration platform between Steve and I, helps to rid me of disturbing memories, close them and move forward in life. After the session is completed with Steve, he instructs me to discuss the event with Gigi to complete the cycle of emotions. Today's session is extremely painful bringing up memories of how my father treated me when I was very young.  Steve wishes us a 'Happy Anniversary' before we conclude the call.  I feel really good going back to my beautiful sleeping wife. I crawl back in bed with her and she awakens as I try to gather her up in my arms. I feel so happy now when I see her, our eyes lock.  All I could think of is how blessed and thankful to God I am for her to be my wife. He knew what he was doing putting her in my life. She is beautiful in so many ways. 


Waking from a nap, our gazes met and locked, sweeping me out of reality on a tidal wave of emotion, like always. Gathering me up in his arms, kissing my neck as he nuzzles into me, "God, you're beautiful," he murmured into the curve of my neck. "Oh, God, so beautiful. So" The next words were a mumble against my skin.  His fingers had reached their goal, I arched my back and raised my hips. "Oh Baby, you are so beautiful... such a precious gift to me. I'll never find the words to express what I feel for you." His fingers swirled as his thumb pressed my bud until I was delirious, out of my mind.  He was playing a finely tuned instrument, me, watching the results of his play when I soared on the wings of love and exploded into infinity. 

Holding me in his arms, "Baby, there is nothing I love more than to watch how you respond to me. It is so beautiful..." The afternoon was filled with tender touches, soul-soothing caresses, kisses passionate yet sweet, and whispering adoring words conveying how much we love each other. Our love was celebrated until we had to stop to get ready for the concert. Well, sorta. It continued through the shower, drying, lotion ritual...the touches, caresses, kisses, and whispers of sweet adoration. Sitting on the vanity bench, trying to put my stockings on, with him helping me, I finally said, "Sweetheart, we have to stop or we're never gonna make it to the concert venue." Holding the calf of my leg, running his fingers up and back, my panties are saturated and need changing, again

Kneeling in front of me, "Baby, you have the most beautiful legs in the world. Who was that celebrity years ago that had her legs insured by Lords of London for a million dollars?" "Oh Sweetheart, that was Ann Miller. She was a dancer." Looking at me with a devilish smile, "Baby, I should insure your legs, but I don't know how to insure, priceless." "Aww Sweetheart. It's like your hands, all the things they do, they are priceless to me." I take my index finger to his chin, tipping it up as I peck him on the lips before I quickly swipe my tongue across his nose. 

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