Mohegan Sun, First Concert/2

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When I got into the limo, he grabbed and yanked me so hard into a kiss that about sucked the daylights out of me. I pulled back and looked at him with a look like, "what the heck is that all about?" look. Good ole Bonnie, "Was that Jaques you were talking to?" "Yes, it was." I said hoping she would leave at that, shooting her a look that should have ended that. Oh no, she asked how he was doing? I told her as far as I knew just fine. All the while trying to give her a look to stop asking questions. In the meantime he's trying to get my attention back to him and I'm trying to deflect any diverse actions on his part. After that sexathon the last time I saw Frenchie, I can only imagine what he is planning for this one. The ambient limo lighting is on the dark side and Bonnie said, "So, what does he think about you being married to Prince?" I tell her, "I don't know. I have not talked to him that much recently." It is amazing how much can be said in less than 5 minutes. I look over with my side eye and my purple one is not happy with me and about to come unglued. I lean over to kiss him and I can tell, he is ticked off. "Sweetheart, is there food waiting on us this evening?" as we are getting out of the limo in the VIP area. He curtly says, "Yes, Baby. Bonnie and Steve you are welcome to join us for a midnite snack." Walking into the hotel to the VIP elevator, Bonnie says, "I think we will call it a night. Thanks anyway." We reach the penthouse floor and the elevator doors open, I say goodnight to them as we walk toward the suite.

He is rigid and I can tell this is not going to go well. I stop him from opening the door. "Sweetheart, why are you acting like this?" "Baby, I don't like that dude and I feel he has ulterior motives for you." I tell him to open the door, we go in and I am so upset at this point, I don't know if I should drop it or just have it out with him. If I do have it out with him on this, it will be the last time. I decide to let him stew about it while I think through how I should handle this. I'm hungry and I'm going to get something to eat. I head over to the bar where the food waiting on us. I get something to eat and sit down at the table pondering what to do next. He disappeared into the bedroom and he had better get this all in check. I do not understand how he can have so much disdain for someone he has never met or even talked to. He is being insecure and it is the jealousy coming forward with him. I have met some of his past associates that I don't care for, but I do not act like this with him. I called the kitchen for you know what. The butler brought it up quick and disappeared before he materialized. I sat there quietly eating my food and he moseys out sheepishly, coming over to me. Standing behind my chair, leaning over putting his arms around me, dressed in his silk PJ's and smelling so heavenly with his lavender scent. He kisses my neck with soft trailing kisses going somewhere, sending me to another place. I'm still not happy with his actions, especially in front of friends, and he has to stop doing this. I take his left hand with my left hand and interlaced our fingers with his hand folded on top of mine. 

Taking the seat next to me, sitting sideways looking directly at me, I look over at him and I'm so upset with him, I'm about to cry. You know, so emotionally upset you don't know if you should scream or cry.  My eyes are welled up with hot tears and I am fighting with all my might to not cry. "Baby, come're and be with me." He motioned for me to sit on his lap. I swing over to him as he engulfed me in his arms and I put my arms around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder. Still fighting back a river of tears. "Baby, don't cry, this is all my fault. I'm sorry to think you would do anything to hurt me. Please forgive me?" "Sweetheart, I forgive you. Look under the cover on the plate." He reaches over to take the cover off the plate sitting on the table in front of him. There lays a wet noodle and he busts out laughing. "Baby, what are you going to do with that now? I said I was sorry." "I am going to beat you senseless with that. You have to stop doing this to me. I am with you and married to you. There is no reason you should act like that." I decide it's time to end this now. I have to talk to him and tell him about my relationship with Jacques. I get off his lap, " Come over to the sofa and get comfortable. I have decided I need to tell you about that part of my past. As hard as it may be, I think it is time for you to know." 

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