Anniversary-Part 3

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When we get over there, Kirk tells us the restrooms are down the hall to the right. Unlike a lot of unisex restrooms in Europe, they actually have a Ladies and a Mens room. I glance at him, "Excuse me, Sweetheart, I'll be just a few minutes." He smiles, "I'll be here waiting for you or do you want me to come in with you?" This is getting too funny, I crack up laughing. "No Sweetheart, I don't think I need any help." I pat the front of his pants, "Do you want me to rub that out for ya so you can go too." He reels me into him, "Baby, you never miss a chance to rip off a funny one." I press my body against his and grind on him, "I love you, Sweetheart. Are sure you don't want some help there?" 

He just laughs, "Baby, go pee and get back here." Slowly I release from his hold on me, wiggle my booty as I sashay away from him. I hear him, "Mm, mm, mm. I can't wait till you come back." I push the door open, kick up one of my heels and slowly disappear from his sight. I take care of business, freshen up before I head back out to him. When I exit the restroom, he's not there. I see Kirk standing by the door at the end of the hallway. I head toward Kirk to see where he is. 

"Kirk where is my husband?" "He just went into the men's room." "Hum took him that long to rub it out." Kirk laughs. "Gigi, you are always full of it. I love a woman with a great sense of humor." "My pleasure, Kirk." "G, you have a beautiful singing voice. I never knew you could play and sing like that." I put my finger to my lips, "Kirk, that's top secret. Keep it to yourself. Okay?" "But G..." "Kirk, I said keep it to yourself. Please?" "G, I will. I have to say, that song you two sang to each other was mesmerizing, astronomical off the charts! The audience was captivated and hypnotized by the two of you. I've never seen anything like it. It was otherworldly." 

"Thanks, Kirk. It was like an out of body experience and felt that way too." Kirk takes my hand, "Gigi, you have made my brother the happiest I've ever seen him. Watching you two singing that song, there was no doubt in anyone's mind they were witnessing pure love. Thank you for being the one he needed in his life. Happy Anniversary and many more." "Thank you, Kirk. You know all too well this has been a rough year, but it was also has been filled with plenty of joy and happiness. I hope the next years are easier than this past year and a half has been. Kirk, you have been the closest to us than anyone, you are family. Thank you for looking after us and keeping us safe. But, most of all, being our best friend." 

Looking at him in the eyes, they are starting to well up, "No, no big guy! Don't you go cryin' on me now." I give him a big hug. "Gigi, you are always so much fun to be with. You guys are like family to me too. Always a pleasure to be with you both."

I look up, here comes my man up the hallway. "Baby, let's go back out and sit for awhile. Okay?" "Sure Sweetheart. Sounds good to me." We head out to our cabana to sit for a while. As we are walking, he grabs my butt. I give him my side eye, "What's up with that?" "Nothing Babe, just love doing it." We arrive back to the sofa in the cabana. He adjusts the curtains so the damp night air is blocked. While he's putzing with that, I kick my shoes off, crawl up on the sofa and get comfortable. I untie the halter straps from around my neck, lean back as he joins me on the sofa. 

"Oh Baby, you are so beautiful tonight. I love you so much. What did you want to talk to me about?" He leans in for a kiss. I brush his lips with mine, nibble on his lower lip before I seal my lips to his. We have a tender kiss with a light play of tongues. When we part, "Later Sweetheart. Tonight I want to celebrate my love for you." Kissing me again softly on my neck, his hand sliding into the 'V' front of my dress cupping my right breast as the fabric of the dress falls away. His kisses trail down my neck while he rolls my nipple between his fingers, a rumbling moan escapes my throat. 

Pulling my legs up on the sofa, "Baby, get comfortable. I'm taking my time tonight." Arranging the pillows just right, leaning me back in a reclining position. He takes the other side of my dress down exposing both breasts fully. Looking at me remarking, "Beautiful, Baby you are so beautiful. I knew my heart and soul was waiting for you when you came into my life. My world is a better place with you in it. I love you so much. Tonight I celebrate all my love for you." We celebrated how friends turned into lovers and our love with no distance between us. The sky was filled with diamonds, our endless love.

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