3 R's

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I wake up in the arms of the man that loves me endlessly. I hope today is a day of rest and relaxation. Oops! I mean the 3 R's- rest, relaxation and romance. Romance is always on his mind and mine too. I need to slide out to go pee. He's still sound asleep as I lift his arm from around me, I get out of bed and tiptoe over to the bathroom. After taking care of business, I wash my face with a warm washcloth. Standing there, staring at myself in the mirror, good gawd all the stuff we talked about last night. I'm here for him when he needs me, talk about his emotions, last night was the grand slam marathon! It was a proverbial rollercoaster ride from one subject to the next. 

I'm happy he's working through all his issues, but a BABY! Daaaamn! I did not see that one coming at me. I hope this is not a fleeting moment for him. He sometimes gets these ideas but when it gets down to it and he really thinks about it, it's the idea he's in love with but not the reality of it. That's why he changes his mind so much, but I have a feeling not this time. He's had several months to percolate on it when he makes up his mind...THAT'S IT! I would love to make a baby with him, even at this stage in my life. That biological time clock came and went, now it's baaaack. He brought up a good point, I feel I missed out on having children too. When he said he missed not having children, that struck a deep chord within me. Just like one of his high pitched guitar riffs, that ripped right through me. Even though we tried, it was God's will at that time to not be fulfilled. Perhaps it is meant to be our blessing from God and all a part of this journey? It feels so good and right to complete our love. 

Still thinking about all that transpired last night, I finish up brushing my teeth, combing my hair, and washing my face. All this conundrum running around in my head, I take the warm washcloth back to bed with me to help relieve some tension. I quietly crawl back into bed and lay there with the washcloth draped over my face, taking in the warmth and the scent of the lavender soap, it's so tranquil. 

After dozing off a few relaxing minutes, I feel him pick up my hand, interlacing my fingers with his. "Baby, are you alright?" "Um-huh." I lift the washcloth from my face turning toward him, he's propped up with his elbow in the pillow propping his head up with his hand. "Sweetheart lay down." He lays back down flat, I drape the washcloth over his face. "Umm, Baby. That smells wonderful and the lavender scent is so intoxicating." "Hang on right there a minute." 

I rush back to the bathroom to make up fresh washcloths for us. This time I get them super hot with the lavender bath oil on them and one extra that is only warm with lavender soap to wash his face. Holding them with a hand towel so I don't burn my fingers, I crawl back into bed with him. On my knees next to him, I lift off the washcloth to see those beautiful come hither eyes. He leans up, wrapping a hand around my neck pulling me in for a quick peck on my lips.

 "Sweetheart, lay back, close your eyes and enjoy this." He's always thinking of something else. I take the cloth that is lightly doused with soap and proceed to gently wash his face with his 5 o'clock shadow, um-um-um. "Keep your eyes closed and visualize yourself laying on a beach, listening to the waves breaking as they come rushing in." After I finish washing his face, I take the super hot cloth that has cooled some and massage his face with the light lavender oil then drape it over his face. "Ooo, Baby that was fantastic. I'm totally relaxed." 

I proceed to take the soapy cloth and wash his neck, collarbone, and chest. Moans and rumbles are escaping his lips under the cloth. I repeat with the lavender oilcloth, then use my hands to massage his shoulders and chest, kissing his throat, neck, and collarbone. Those throaty rumbles are getting stronger with more frequency and intensity. I notice he pitched a tent in the sheet. Slipping myself under the sheet, I lay beside him still massaging his chest and looping my leg over his thigh, he can feel my heat oozing on him. 

This part's priceless, he begins to whimper like a puppy. "Ba...by?" I nuzzle my head into his neck, speaking a soft tone in his ear, "Sweetheart, are you still on the beach?" In one fell swoop, he flings me on my back, rolling on top of me, "NO! I'm on a surfboard trying to catch the wave!" Gently forcing my legs apart with his knee, he brushes my center with his tip. I moan and yelp, engulfed in the sensations he is creating. Entering my heaven just barely, he strokes my sweet spot until I release all over him. Hesitating to observe the ecstasy he sent me on, when I sufficiently recover, he thrusts deep inside my lustful warmth. I wrap my legs around his thighs drawing him into my sweet abyss. Huffing and puffing like a locomotive, he explodes deep inside me as I release again on him. I can feel him pulse like a volcano erupting. 

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