Oprah Interview-Part 1

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Oprah Interview Friday June 28

We have to get up early today. Oprah is going to be here at 10:00am. I have Kim and Jackie coming to do my hair and makeup. Need to have a clear mind to take this interview on.I hope he behaves. I wake up and he's gone. I take my shower and called Cathy. Kim and Jackie will be here shortly. Cathy said she would come over help me pick out something to wear. I asked him and he just said, "Something sexy." OK, I'll get the other Girlfriend to help then. She comes over and picks out the perfect dress I forgot I had. This will raise his eyebrows. I put on my robe and head over to the salon. The girls are there and I give them my thank you gift.They loved it. Kim cut and styled my hair while Jackie put on my makeup. I told them they could watch the interview. Actually, I want them to. He may behave better if he knows he's being watched by them.Those two have known him so long, they will call him out if he does something wrong. I go get dressed and there's a note. I open and it reads, 

"Dear Love, I hope the interview goes well. I promise to be good. Just remember I love you. P

OK, he said it. Now, I have to figure where he is. I try his office. Good he's there. He turns around and sees me and there he goes. You know. I said, "Sweetheart, are you going to be OK to do this interview?" He says, "Baby, I just can't help it. I love you so much and your beauty just takes my breath away. Yes, I'll be OK. Are they ready?" I said, she is taping the opening. Let's get down there and ready to go meet with her. He is dressed in his typical shabby chic and I do kinda match him color wise. The crew wired us for sound. We have been fitted with a microphone and battery/relay packs. The atrium has been converted for the interview. Oprah is seated in a chair and a love seat is right next to her for us. He is so excited to tell the world all about us. So,we watch her finish taping the intro.

Intro:  Oprah: It has been a longgggg time since we last spoke to the one and only Prince! A lot has happened over all those years, he recently was married to, a longtime friend,Gigi Neil. We all know her as Gigi, but when she was a journalist,her pen name was Karen G Neil. She was the only journalist that had access to Prince prior to his Purple Rain tour. She has agreed to help him write his memoirs and they married earlier this month on his birthday, June 7th. We are here at their home, Paisley Park in Minneapolis, MN and we will hear how the book of his memoirs is progressing and how married life is for them now.

Stay tuned--------

Oprah: Let me introduce to you the newlyweds: Mr & Mrs Prince Rogers Nelson.

(Camera spans to us as we walk across the atrium to Oprah. We greet her and sit down. Oprah is on my right and Prince is on my left.)

Oprah: First let me tell our audience a little more about your stunning wife.(Prince giving "that look" at Gigi)  Gigi and I got started about the same time and I remember her clearly as one of the finest feature journalist back then starting out. Gigi Neil Nelson was a feature news writer for the Associated Press. She was sent by AP to do feature articles on all sorts of artists, celebrities and people of interest. She was sent in 1984 to interview Prince at a 'Secret Show' in Cincinnati, Ohio prior to the kick off of the Purple Rain Tour.   Gigi had the only access to Prince and that exclusive interview. This interview was at Prince's request.Her article was the only interview Prince granted for several years prior to or after his success with Purple Rain. She was called on periodically by Prince to write other articles and do special projects for him until she left the business in the early 90's.   Gigi was a notable, highly respected and sought after interviewer of that time. She interviewed many other high profile artists and celebrities during her 15 year career. I knew Gigi back in the day as we started our carers at about the same time. I did broadcast journalism and she did print journalism. I understand she is co-writing Prince's memoirs and that is part of the reason we are here. So, Gigi, would you like to elaborate on how Prince contacted you to do the book?

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