Chapter 9-Part 2

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Pondering the events of today, WOW! What a day it was. I got up and headed out to do some important errands. I really hated to leave her this morning but no one could do this for me, I had to do it myself. I know she will be occupied with Patrick and Cathy. No worries there, she is not a high maintenance girl. Thinking back, I could have never in a million years anticipated last night. She is such a beautiful woman with a beautiful soul to match, how did I ever deserve this. When I got back I was happy to see she and Cathy catching up. They were the best of friends back in the day, it's good to see them picking up where they left off. Now for the band, I have to tell them a little about this as I know they are wondering what has gotten into me since I've been so mean and dismissive lately. They are smart and know something is up. I tell them just enough to keep them at bay. It is not like me to share anything with them, but after the last fiasco, they deserve to know this is not going to threaten them in the least. I am heading to the rehearsal space and I hope they are all there, I only want to go through this once. Good, they are all present. I call them around and get their attention. OK, here goes. I've called you all together for a reason. You all met Gigi yesterday. I want to let you know a little more about her. She has been in my life for a very long time, since 1984. I see Morris in the back just beaming with delight. I went on to say how I met her and they all gasped knowing how much I hate to do interviews and reporters. I said, No, No this one is different. She always had my back and she was always there at the darkest times of my life. I asked her to come here and do some projects for me. So you guys be nice to her. I don't want any more drama, we've had enough of that. They all shook their heads in agreement and approval. I see Morris grinning, ear to ear and is just beside himself. I told them to ask Morris if they wanted to know more, he knows Gigi and can fill them in on our past if you need to know. I can't tell them this is running in a romantic direction, but these kids are super smart and have probably figured that out anyway. It is just better left alone for now. OK, I'm going to go get her so ya'll get ready for set 1. As I head back to wardrobe, I wonder if I told them too much. Nope, they needed to hear it from me and not have any rumors flying around. Here we are, look at her God, she is just glowing with radiance. I hate to interrupt her conversation with Cathy. I could just stand here all day and watch her. But I have the band waiting so we need to get this over so I can spend some quality time with her tonight. I hope the band does not linger too long after dinner. I want her all to myself, ALONE! I coughed to get her attention. She looked up and said, are you ready? I said let's get down there the band is all there. I grabbed her hand and we headed down to rehearsal. I am so happy God, don't let this feeling leave anytime soon. Even when I just hold her hand, the electricity just flows through me and fills me with a sense a well being. Please don't stop this, ever. I open the door and the band is ready.. I knew Morris would not be able to contain himself so I'll let him greet Gigi. He missed yesterday so he need that. Right on cue, Morris comes bounding off stage and runs over and grabs her in a big bear hug and swings her around and around. I'm getting a little jealous but have to keep that in check. Let it go P, let it go. Oh, God, he tells her she's HOT. What's that all about? Let it go! You had her last night, not him. I know he loves her too. He has seen her affect on me over the years. I just had to remind him she was mine. I can't help myself. He a good guy. I know he has my back too. OK, we go zipping through the sets. Morris goes over to chat with Gigi. That's OK, they need to talk. It's been a long time too. They need to catch up like the rest of them that know her. Look at her God, she is just a ray of sunshine. She is just beaming with joy and happiness. Wonder what they are saying? I guess it doesn't matter. I'll stop here and let Morris know I'm finished with his parts. He is sharp as a tack, he will leave soon. I wished the rest of the band would take his lead.  I'd really like not to share her tonight. I went over and dismissed Morris.  Gigi was so happy to see him. I think they have something up their sleeve? Stop, just stop, She would never do that to you. Get that in check and get it now. I told her it looked like he was hitting on you. She put that in check for me. She is a powerful woman that girl. I then yelled at the band who wanted to stay for pizza? Much to my shock and delight, all of them declined. That went well, I get my wish. To have G all to myself tonight. I told her to go and have Patrick order for us so she went to the lobby. All of a sudden,they guys started cheering and congratulating me, told you they were smart. I'm so relieved they are giving us this time. They really are a great group. I let everyone go except 3rdeyegirl. They were hugging me and giving me well wishes. I said, OK girls we are going to change up this last set. Here's what we will do in this order, just go with it. When I brought the chair up on stage, Donna looked at me and said, 'Boy, she's got you whipped'. I've never been a beggin' man, whoa wait, I did the other day, but I've never begged for sex and she knows I communicate better through music than words so, let's see how this goes. We were just noodling when she came in so, I motioned for her to come on stage and put her in the chair. I just ripped one off an amazing solo and it felt so good. I guess it was some penned up energy. Lord help me get through this short set. I really need her to see how much I love her. All goes off without a hitch. The girls leave and now I have G all to myself. Oh dear God, help me get through all this. I know she's hiding something. Please don't let it be she has HIV or something serious like that. I don't want to loose her now that you put her in my path, please don't do that to me. So we head over to get our food. I hope this goes well. I just cannot keep my hands off of her. That electric that flows through is so intoxicating. I can't help myself. I hope she is OK with it. This is going to be a rough night. I'm going to go slow and take it all in.  I'm listening to you God, I'm listening to you. I hope she likes the night gown I got for her today. I know she will look stunning in it.I just hope I can contain myself when I see her in it. Slow down,slow down. Time will reveal all. Just give her the time she needs. Here she is, sitting next to me in that beautiful negligee and radiant as ever, it is all I can do to keep myself from slamming into her lips and taking her full on. Slow down, keep it in check. I can see she is really uncomfortable and nervous. Please dear God, don't let this be too serious, please? So she starts, God I do not want to see her cry. It just melts me down and she is too pretty to do that.  OK,here it comes, the big reveal, mastectomy! WOW! I can deal with that. But wait, is the cancer gone? It's been 10years so probably. I'll find out sooner or later. Minor details. So I have to reveal my secret. I've got it. So here goes. WOW, that went better than I thought it would. She is a gem! I know, I know. You sent her to me, I should expect no less. OK, now how do I get her where I want her?  Yeah, I know, take it slow. I have the rest of my life to figure this one out. You know God, it is her mind that has kept me intrigued the most over all these years. And what a beautiful mind she has. Butt hat BJ last nigh was the epitome of ecstasy. What I have realized just now is I have a woman that knows perfectly well how to truly love a man, not one in training. She wants nothing from me than just that. No house, no kids, no career, no car, she really wants and loves me for me, all of me and nothing else. And I know this woman well, real well. She is simple and straight forward. Nothing to the imagination. What you see is what you get. She will let me know without hesitation what she wants or needs from me. I know that. OK,let's see where this goes tonight. I am patient and will keep it in check. She is probably not going to want me right now so let's see. I look over, she is pursing her lips so lets go in and see how she is with some casual necking. Wow, she is really relaxed. She feels like putty in my arms. Wonderful, I know it has been a long time since she has been loved, truly loved. She feels so good right now, so right. I suggest we take this to bed, please dear God, let her say yes. Yippie, she agrees. She looks at me and just says, I'm yours tonight,do me baby! Wow, what a woman, I've never heard that from a girl before. Keep your cool even though that is about to send you to another planet. Don't scare her, not now. OK, let's take this slow, I hope I don't shoot my wad before I need to but this is just so intoxicating in a way I've never felt before with anyone. I don't want to mess this up. I'm glad she gave me time to set this up tonight, I hope she likes the bedroom. OH, when I picked her up, she is limp and totally as ease with all this. This is going to be a wonderful night. OK, do it slow, start with her collarbone and neck and see how that goes, keep your hands off her chest. She may not like that now, I know it is habit but skip it. Then she tells me it's OK. So, I guess it is, but this will be different, never not had breasts to fondle. Wow, her response to that area is still there like she said, she still has feeling. We are good to go! As I proceed down to the money spot, I hope she keeps those gorgeous legs off of me or it will be all over. I said, those legs could kill a man and I ment it. All she's did was wrap one of her legs over mine so I'm OK,this is going well. Then all of a sudden, she needs a potty break! WOW! That was respectful of me. Never had that happen before. I really hate those golden showers. I knew this one really knew how to love a man. How considerate of her. Now that's some confidence. When she finally let go, I felt that release on my fingers and OH MY! what a strong release it was. She clamped down on my hand and rode it for all it was worth. WOW! What a woman! OK, this is going well, should I just quit, or should I see what she's up for next? I almost blew my wad all over her leg but I contained it, thankfully. That whole thing was just so intense has to make me wonder what more is in store. So let's see. As I lay there pondering the next step, she looks at me and indicates with her beautiful eyes, more. She want more! Great,let's see how far she wants to go. She starts to caress my back and chest and positions herself to take me in. Then she motions for it. BAM! I hope I don't loose it when I penetrate her, so I need to take this nice and slow. Wow, this feels so good, her walls are clamping and releasing in rhythm and feels so right. I don't want to leave. So stop and just let her hold me for a few, that worked, I have sometime to make this great. She wiggles her butt and wants more. So here we go, stroke after stroke the sensation gets stronger and stronger. I want her to come again. Can she do it, let's see. I reach down and rub her center that's it. She going, going, GONE! And so am I. That was out of this world, otherworldly. Just like last night. That was definitely the best I've ever had, wonder if it was for her too? I hope she tells me so. Yeah, she will, maybe in due time.

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