Settling In

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The next couple days was spent relaxing and recovering from my injuries at the new house. He devoted almost his entire time doting on me, except when I gave him a break every afternoon to work on our 'babies' in the studio. I filled that time with delving into the maintenance log of the Paisley Park heating/ac system. After talking to Charlie, as well as Patrick, at great length and going over all the logs, I concluded that there were a few things that needed to be done to bring the system up to par. I need to discuss and disclose all that I found with him, so he understands what happened that caused the backup generator to fail. I need him to help me make a decision on how to proceed with my findings.

He called Dr.Jones and discussed the accident with him. Dr Jones viewed the CTscan from the hospital and assured him everything was alright. No worries, it was just going to take some time to completely heal and get back to normal.

I talked to Cathy about my dress for the BRIT Awards and she doesn't have time to make me a new one, but suggested I go shopping in London when we get there to find an appropriate dress to wear for the BRIT awards show. She was confident they will have something that will work out perfectly for me. Bonnie and I will get to go shopping right away when we get there. Cathy suggested a couple of designers, provided me with numbers to call and let them know I was looking for a dress. The first designer I called stated she had just the right dress for me after I sent her my measurements, 36D-24-36.  Actually, she said she had more than one and was confident I would find something there that would work out for the awards show.

I called Bonnie to fill her in on what all that happened this week. She was happy to hear from me that I was alright. She told me he called Steve that night I left....... hysterical, looking for advise on what to do when he found me. Steve counseled him until he calmed down. It was after that he started calling me while I was still at Paisley. She informed me he called while I was in the Emergency Room, again out of his mind I was going to leave him if I didn't die first. He wanted them to come right away up to MPLS in case something didn't turn out so good. They told him to find out what the Dr tells him and they would come up if we needed them. He texted them right after he spoke to the Dr that I was going to be alright, so they were relieved to know I was basically okay. I guess he kept them posted on how I was doing and she told me he was very, very remorseful of his actions causing the events of that day. I told her we worked it out and all was well. We discussed the upcoming trip to London and they are looking forward to seeing us again.

Finishing up my day, I go to the kitchen ti figure out what to have for dinner. Nothing looks appealing to me, I'll ask him what he wants for dinner. I will even cook up something if he wants me to.  I go downstairs to the studio and he's working on a song, one of our babies. I stand there, observing in awe of how he does this. Looking up from the console, he bursts into a big smile at seeing me and lays his headphones down. "Sweetheart, are you ready for some dinner?" "Yes, I was thinking about going out tonight. Do you want to go out, Baby?" "That sounds wonderful. Where did you have in mind?" "Baby, I'd love to take you to the Dakota tonight for dinner and show. There is an artist I've been wanting to see and since we missed celebrating our year anniversary, I thought of taking you out tonight. Would you like to go?" 

"I'd love to go Sweetheart. Even though the weather has warmed up, it's still cold; do I have to get all dress up?" "You always look nice, Baby. You can go as you are. You look beautiful." "Oh Sweetheart. I will change into something more appropriate. How soon do you want to go?" "Let's get ready and go. The show starts at 9:00 and I already called them for the VIP seating. I hope you enjoy a night out." He cannot help himself and picked out something for me to wear, he's my 'Girlfriend'. It is a little dressier than I would've picked, but he insisted on it, so I obliged and put a pair of leggings on under the dress to keep warm. They don't show under the dress and I put on boots I recently got that are really dressy. He is dressed to the nines because he cannot do anything casual. He does look scrumptious and we do match for a change. 

Slow LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora