Chapter 34

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We have a date! I can hardly wait to make her my wife. I wish it was sooner but she is right, again. We can plan this right and she has time to heal. We need a honeymoon,where should I take her? I should ask her where she wants to go. We will be in Europe for the Festival Tour and that is not date intensive so we can do some relaxing there. I wonder where she would like to go? Knowing her, she will more than likely want to come back here. I love it here so if that what she wants, I'm cool. I'm happy she wanted to go out last nite. That was an awesome dinner and we had fun at that club. I really wanted to pay attention to her but the guys wanted me to play with them, it was her nite out, but she is so easy and let me have some fun. Wow, when I told her about that first time we met, it was surreal. I think she is right, I think that is when I fell in love with her. I was just too young and full of myself to realize it. Thank you God, we are here now. You showed me the way back to her and I so thankful I listened. The sex with her is out of this world even though it is limited at the moment. I think I wil lcall the Dr and see if we can get an appointment here and see if she can be released early. It is just tearing her up to not fully enjoy sex. I think she is OK for now, but the tension is going to build over the next few weeks. I'm just afraid I'm going to go over the top, you know? Heaven forbid she begs me. Keep me strong,God, keep me strong. We have a lot of planning to distract us. I know she has her house she needs to get her stuff she wants in Minneapolis. Maybe we can get a mover to go pack up her things and bring them up? I hate to have her away so maybe her friend, Bonnie, can coordinate it for her? Well, that is one of the details we need to figure out. God, look at her. She is so beautiful. I love having her close like this. I love the feeling it gives me. I'm at peace and my spirit is tranquil. It is so comforting. I can plan that wedding in nothing flat an she is letting me handle it. I'm surprised she giving it to me. Well, no I'm not. She's smart and knows I love doing these kind of things. I will make it perfect for her. I need to get started on that. I think she is still asleep. No, she's awake. She's just taking it all in and relaxing. There she moved her hand ever so slightly. Let me take her hand, I pick up her hand and she responds, "Good Morning,Sweetheart." I don't think I can ever tire of hearing her sweet voice first thing in the morning. There she is, her beautiful eyes and I respond, "Good Morning, Love." She comes in for a morning kiss. This is heavenly. To wake up with the love of my life, it just does not get better than that.

The next 2 weeks are spent planning the wedding, arranging for Gigi's things to come up to MPLS and a lot of  talking and other plans. The movers are going to pack up her house and bring it all to MPLS. She will need to go to Cincinnati to list the house for sale and close bank accounts and things like that. I don't know if I can stand to be away from her. She thinks she can get it done in a day and be back that evening. I just hope she can. I do not want to be apart from her. She has been on the phone with Bonnie almost daily arranging for this move. All her things show be in MPLS when we get back. She will have to go to Cincinnati then. She has been transcribing my memoirs and is doing a great job. I think we will have the book done by next year. We have multiple offers and I need to get with a publisher for the deal. She was smart having Bream do that article. The offers came flooding in. She had me make an appointment with the Dr down here so we have that in a couple days. I had all her medical records sent down so he can access it and give us good news. March 1st I have an appearance on Fallon so I can go to a couple book publishers in NYC and see who can give me the best deal. We can spend a couple days there and she should enjoy the shopping. We will come back here until about the 15th and then go to Texas for the SXSW gig, come back here until we head to MPLS and get ready for the tour. It should be fun. I have all the details for that in place. Mostly west coast shows and I can take her around in the off days to some of my old haunts and visit with some friends. I'll have the whole wedding set up so when we come back to MPLS everything will be in place. I'm am excited to have her be my wife. Thank you God for sending her to me.

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