Fixer-her-up (Part 2)

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He gets me ready for the shower and he showers himself first. I tried to not watch,but mmmm, he is just so gorgeous, I can't help myself. I get up and go over to him putting my arms around him and holding him. Kissing on the back of his neck, he turns around, lips lock, dancing together and responding moans of passion. Leading me back to the bench, I sit down and he sits on the bench with me, putting his arm around me,"Baby, I know this is hard on you. We will get through this.  I don't want to hurt you, I want to love you." I put my head on his chest and just sobbed. He consoled me, I want him to make love to me so badly.  After I calm down, gently he bathes me and washes my hair. I get all prettied up and he puts back to bed. I was exhausted, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. 

It seemed like in no time lunch was there. Tenderly, he woke me up to eat lunch. Again, the food was delicious and I loved it. He is going out when Bonnie gets here so he changed into his clothes. Shortly thereafter, Bonnie arrived and he kissed me goodbye. He said he would only be a couple hours. Not very long after he left, one of the Dr.'s came in to check me. It was a female doctor and she checked all the surgical sites and told me everything was healing well. She asked me about pain and I told her I was pain free. She explained that keeping me pain free aids the healing process faster. If at anytime the pain becomes noticeable, let the nurse know as they have orders to administer pain drugs. This is the first time I've been alone with any doctor. I asked her about sex and how it would affect the surgery. She explained that normal thrusting with intercourse could cause the micro-surgery to tear the stitches out. All the oral sex was fine but try to avoid any direct contact. I told her, we have practiced slow sex, would that be OK? She said, "Can you trust him to not have full penetration?" I said, "Yes, absolutely." I continued, "We have only been married for  6 weeks and this is very difficult on both of us." She said, "Just take is slow and nothing rough. Also, do not allow him on top of you, don't risk him falling on the surgery sites.   He has to understand that it is at  a very fragile state right now and it has to be this way for a few weeks. If anything feels uncomfortable or you feel pain, stop. I understand how you are feeling and you have needs that need to be taken care of too.  Just be very careful and cautious. You are healing very well and we don't want any set backs." She took my hand and said, "I understand better than those men doctors. They think it is all about him not taking your needs into consideration. If you decide to try sex, pull your compression snug to protect you. I will check back with you tomorrow." She helped me up so I could go out to the balcony with Bonnie. 

When I saw Bonnie, I was smiling ear to ear. She said, "What's up?" Gleaming, "OH! I have a surprise for him tonite. I just got cleared for some mild sex." [wicked laugh] Bonnie clapped, "He will be very happy tonite." I said, "So will I! I cannot wait to tell him." We caught up and we had a long talk. She told me about all the sightseeing she and Steve had been doing, showing me some of the pictures they took. Sounds like a nice trip for them. I thanked her for being available in case there was a problem. All seems to be going well. The doctor told me I should get out of here on Saturday. Bonnie was elated to hear that. They are leaving on Monday to go to London for the week and then home. In a little while, my man materializes with flowers in hand. He tells Bonnie that Kirk is waiting for her at the elevator. I asked her to come by tomorrow and she said she would have to check the schedule but she as sure she could come by for a little bit. He sits down next to me and says, "Baby, what are you so happy about?" I tell him, "If everything keeps going this well, I'm outta here on Saturday. Thank you for the pretty flowers." He was so glad to hear that and pulled a picture out of his coat pocket. It is a beautiful house and proceeds to tell me he rented this chateau for us in Stockholm. That was why he had to go out today to see a Realtor to find something for us instead of a penthouse suite at a hotel. He wanted something more private since we would be there for two weeks.  This house is gorgeous, very private where we can rest and relax in peace from the paparazzi. He has no idea the surprise I have for him later tonight. I'll just let him think he's going to get some the other way then I'll spring it on him, he will be elated. I don't dare tell him now or he will throw everything aside and I won't get my massage.  Dinner arrives, looking at me with a grin. "Baby, you are so happy.I'm going to make you even happier in a little while." Thinking to myself, you have no idea. After dinner, the 2 masseuses show up, 2 women of course.He gets a woman but I was hoping for a guy. Oh well, I'm not getting the full treatment, so whatever. After a somewhat decent rub down,can't really call it a massage, I feel like mush. It was basically a relaxing massage and I just want to go to sleep for a bit. He helps me in bed and slides in with me, I drift off to sleep easily in a totally relaxed state after the massage. I wake up as the nurse comes in to check everything. She helps me to the bathroom, tightened the belly band for me and back to bed, then tells me good night. If she only had a clue. I asked to not be disturbed until 6:00am and she agreed. I think he is asleep so I slide my hand down his pants and as soon as I touch him, he's awake. He wraps his arms around me and says, "Baby, my little vixen. You are not going to wait one minute longer." I retort, "You have no idea what I'm going to do to you." He growled like a cat. I took him stroking slowly to get a rise, quickly he was ready for action. Seductively whispered in his ear, "Sweetheart, I was cleared today to have some slow sex with you. Nothing rough, just slow, smooth and not too deep. Can you handle that?" His eyes light up like neon, he was so excited.  Inquisitively, "How did you manage that? I was told no way." [pfft] I respond, "You talked to a male doctor, I talked to a woman doctor.  She told me exactly what to do and what not to do. It is very restrictive but it is a small ray of sunshine. Did you watch the surgery the other day?" He nodded yes. I asked him, "Did you see what they did with that mesh?" He explained, "Yes, it took a longtime for them to attach it to the muscle. I watched the whole thing." I cautioned, "That is what has to heal and will take 6-8 weeks. You cannot get on top of me and risk falling on that. It can only be partial penetration with slow, easy strokes. I know you can to do that?" He was smiling from ear to ear as I just made his day.   Agreeable, "Baby, we have this down. Not a problem. We have done this so much, everything will be just fine. Can I play first?" I banter back, "Yes Sweetheart, only if I can too."  He played me until I was in a total state of ecstasy. He kept taking my hand away from him because I was getting him too close. He loves watching me come. My eyes rolling back in my head as a purple haze engulfs me. When the fog clears, he gets into my sweet loving spot. Just a little, slow and smooth. My walls are contracting in perfect rhythm. He checks to make sure I'm OK. I nod my head yes and he keeps the rhythm slow and easy until he fills me with all his love. He looks into my eyes as if he is looking straight into my soul. I can see into his soul through his eyes and I know that is what makes our connection so powerful. It is not solely about the sex, it is the sex that connects our souls on a different plane of existence. He gathers me up to hold me, humming Slow Love. I love him so much and can feel his love flow through me. I sleep in my sex induced nap until he arouses me again for another round of play. I apprise him this has to be the last time tonight, I need to get some sleep and rest if we want to get out of here on Saturday. He agrees to one last time till tomorrow. He takes it to yet another level than the time before. I love how he makes love to me. I feel so warm and loved as he sings me to sleep. 

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