Celebration and Remembrance

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I wake up to soft kisses on my face and neck. I slowly peek open my eyes, he is laying fully on top of me. "Sweetheart, why are you on top of me like this? Did we have sex I don't remember?" Burying his head in my neck [chuckling], "No Baby, I wanted to feel your soft skin on mine. You held me close all night like I hold you; humming sweet sounds to me until I fell asleep in your arms." 

Hum, now I remember, it's all coming back to me. When I hit the bed, he started with a lot of foreplay, nestled into my breasts, licking, sucking and massaging them. Rubbing Mr. Happy up and down all over my lower lips. I was so mentally and physically exhausted, my brain was on overload and my body just shut down. I guess he gave up and went to sleep. "Sweetheart, I love you. I need you to move off of me so I can go pee." Quickly, he rolls off to the side, lifting the sheet so I can make a beeline to the bathroom. 

After taking care of business, I return back to him in bed. He lifts the sheet for me to crawl in beside him. My turn to snuggle up to him. "Baby, can we go to church after brunch?" I mull it over for a few moments, "Sure Sweetheart. If that's what you want to do, we can do that." It fills me with a warmth that he chose to go do this, knowing he will feel much better afterward. I love these quiet moments with him in the morning hours, feeling all his love and peace. I doze back off to sleep for awhile longer in the arms of my beloved.

After getting ready for the day, we enjoy a light brunch today before we head out to the village

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After getting ready for the day, we enjoy a light brunch today before we head out to the village. Kirk, along with the driver, pick us up for the trip down to the Catholic church. Much to my surprise, upon arrival, the priest is there to welcome us at the back of the church. A few parishioners are gathered up front praying. I was taken aback when Prince easily tells the Priest why we are there. The priest sat with us in the pew while he opened up completely, telling the Priest all the circumstances of losing his son. He continued talking in a very solemn manner, without hesitation or overwhelming emotions. Ending the conversation, he told the priest he was there for resolution so he could look forward to a more fulfilled life. After he finished, the priest offered to pray with us.

"O God our Father, your beloved Son took children into his arms and blessed them. Give us grace, we pray, that we may entrust Amiir to your never-failing care and love, and bring us all to your heavenly kingdom. Most Merciful God, comfort your servants whose hearts grieve, and grant that they may so love and serve you in this life that, together with this child, they may obtain the fullness of your promises in the world to come. Lord God, Father of mercies and God of all comfort, console and comfort these your servants with the assurance of your tender compassion and unfailing love, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen"

This is exactly what he needed. When I looked at his face, he is uplifted, bright and the sparkle is full in his eyes again. The priest told us to stay as long as we needed, taking each of our hands in his, "Peace be with you both", and departed us to the front of the church. After a few minutes of reflection, holding hands, "Baby, will you go over with me to light a candle?" I nod, he stands to take my hand in his, leading me over to the bank of prayer candles. I light a candle while he lights his. Kneeling in prayer, we both take this time to remember, restore faith, praise God for our blessings and look forward to the future.

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