Part 8-The Dinner

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Authors note: There may be some sexually explicit material in this and chapters moving forward that may offend some. I wanted to warn you beforehand so you not become overtly offended or surprised

As some of the band members saunter out, most of them stop and say they were glad to finally meet the mystery girl in Prince's life. One singer in particular scooted down with me and said, Girl we need to talk. It was Shelby J. She looked at me and said, 'Girl, I don't know what you are doing for him, but we are ALL very grateful you are here. We were all dreading this practice but it has been one of the most enjoyable and fun we've had in a very long time'. A few others gathered around keeping a look out for Prince as he was off somewhere. Another one interjected that his purple haze was draggin' them down into a deep dark well. I said, that's what I've been hearing from some of the staff. All that were gather around, just said, keep doin' whatch r doin' and all will be well. I heard a voice in the background ask, do you play,sing or dance? I looked up and it was one of the girls wondering what my connection was. I said Lord no. I don't do any of that stuff. I said, I am a writer. I have played a little guitar back in the day but nothing like what you folks do. Their faces looked puzzled but smiles were all around. Then outta the blue, there he was. Smiling ear to ear and said again, everybody "Get out!" You are taking up time with my lady friend. He said tomorrow we will have dinner together after practice but you have to leave NOW! They all sauntered out the back door, some turning and waving bye. He followed them secured it and headed back to me. He plopped down next to me and gazed into my eyes and said, "Good, now I have you all to myself for the rest of the evening. All the staff is gone and it's just you and me babe."I thought, Oh Boy, here we go again. Another night alone. I wonder what's the game plan tonight? I said, "so is dinner ready?" Yep,he said, let's go. He grabbed my hand and that electricity shot up my arm and down to my core. I had to take a deep and labored breath. He stopped and looked at me. "What's wrong babe?" I said, "nothing I think I just got up too fast and got a little light headed. And laughed it off as to getting old." Well, that was the wrong thing to say, he counter back, "you are not old, that is a state of mind." Well, if that's right, my mind right now is way back to my 20's as these feelings have not conjured up since then. And I know this body is not like it used to be back then either. So with his shoes on his height is just about matching me, putting him just a smidge taller, so when we are walking we are pretty much eye to eye as long as I have on fairly flat shoes. He puts his arm around my waist and brings me in close as we walk. I put my head on his shoulder and we headed to the little kitchen for dinner. I could feel everything pulsating through my body and just hoped I could keep it together. He looks down to me as asks, "do you feel it?" I just gave in and said uh,huh, yes I do. This one is so incredibly intense my panties were getting wet. Dear God, please make it stop, I don't want him to notice as I know Mr Happy will be out and then it will be all over right there in the little kitchen. He was on the straight course towards the kitchen. He said softly to me, "Come on Babe we need to eat and it's getting late." Upon arrival at the kitchen,once again, it was decked out with covered plates already on the table. I lifted my head off his shoulder and remarked, "you are an incredible romantic!" If I did not know better, I'd think you were trying to seduce me or something. He blushed and said, "Naw,  you know me, I just like pretty things and babe right now you are the prettiest thing in this room." BAM! That just about made me faint clean out with the state I was currently in. I got weak in the knees and almost collapsed into his arms. He grabbed me and hugged me. Then, there it was, a brush of his sweet lips on mine. Oh My God!  I had to remember to take a breath. So we softly kissed and I sat down.My stomach was churning and my heart was racing 90mph and I was getting hot and sweaty all at the same time. I reached out to grab a glass of water and my hand was shaking uncontrollably. No matter how hard I tried, I could not line it up with the stem of the glass. Oh yes he noticed and he hopped over so fast I thought he flew over the table rather than around it. I just leaned over and buried my head into his chest and started to sobbing uncontrollably, saying softly no, no, no, this cannot be happening. Unbeknownst to me, my hand was on high his thigh and shaking like a leaf. He looked down at me and softly said, babe, move your hand or we are both going to be in big trouble here. Before I did, I could see and feel that Mr Happy was bulging hugely from his pants. I looked up to him and gulped hard trying to hold back the tears. He softly said to me, babe what we both are feeling is perfectly natural and nothing to be ashamed about. We are both single and free. I regained my composure and said you are right. I looked him in the eye and asked, but why is this happening to us and why now? He shook his head and said he did not know what was going on either but he was not going to do anything that I did not want to do. He then slowly picked up a napkin to wiped my tear covered face. As he patted my face dry, he sat back and remarked, beautiful, you are so beautiful. I shook my head and said,not as beautiful as you. He said, come on babe, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I am beholding you right now, right this minute. Oh dear God, how can I do this. I am so broken down by his standards. I will never be the kind of girl he is used to. He could never love this old body. Then I hear his voice, you are so beautiful inside and out, what more could I asked God for? I got it together and said,  you are too and you know I have always loved you, no matter what. He then said, come on now, let's eat before our dinner gets cold. We have plenty of time to discuss all this later. He then moved his plate over across the table so he did not have to leave me alone over there. I thought this is really cozy, two 50 something love birds having a romantic dinner by candlelight. He then lifted the covers to reveal a beautiful dinner of huge grilled shrimp, Lyonnaise potatoes and a fruit salad. We ate dinner together and had some small talk. Like how did I like the band, stuff like that. When we finished, we turned to each other and gazed into each others brown eyes. He put his index finger on my lips and said, now don't start crying again, please? So, I did what any other warm blooded woman would, I slipped my lips apart and lightly brushed my tongue on his finger. BAM! That was it! We embraced and sucked face like there was not tomorrow. God that was so hot. I was sweating and my core was so hot, I was about to jump out of my skin. Then he pulled back and said, 'slow down mama, we have plenty of time. Let's take this real slow'. I regained my composure and asked, so what are we going to do now? He said, we are going to go upstairs and talk, you know talk like we do on the phone. We need to take all this in for when the timing is right. So we headed upstairs to his suite. I said to him, let me go to my room, take a shower and get ready for bed. I need to just relax tonight and a hot shower is what I need now. He said, OK, I'll be waiting for you in the living room. When I get to my room, I started to shake uncontrollably, Dear God, what am I going to do now? Please don't let this happen, please don't, I cried. I look and over on the bed lays a beautiful set of silk PJ's with a matching robe, purple paisley of course with his symbol embossed in gold on them. I know they cannot be his as these are my size and I'm slightly bigger in the middle than him. So I thought, they are so pretty and I'll wear them on tonight. I hopped into the shower and it felt wonderful releasing all the pinned up anxiety from earlier. My panties were soaking wet. Glad to get them off and into the sink to soak. I put on my make-up, fixed my hair, and headed to his suite. When I got to the door, there he was with matching PJ's on. With the exception of his beautiful hairy chest open and exposed. I took one look at that and said, cover that up if you don't want me to attack you right here and now. He just laughed that deep down belly laugh and said OK, OK, mama your wish is my command while he buttoned up. He then reached out his hand and said, come over here with me. He lead me to a corner where there was like a conversation pit, he sat me down on the sofa and sat next to me. On the coffee table was two pieces of warm apple pie a la mode. He pointed to them and said, we forgot our desert so here it is. I picked it up and scarfed. I love apple pie with vanilla ice cream and he knows it is another one of my favorites. He then said, 'sweet for my love'. I just let it go and accepted we were beyond these terms of endearment. He sat back and looked at me with those beautiful eyes and just gazed at me. I said, "What are you thinking?" Now, that's a loaded question. He thought his words carefully and said, so why do you think you are so broken and that you don't meet my standards? Oh God, he heard me, I thought it was my subconsciousness, he heard me say that. What am I going to do now? OK, buck up, you spilled it so now you have own it and tell him. Then he said, "Come on babe, we are both broken people we have had our successes and our failures. None of us gets to this age without some ugly baggage. And my standards, what's with that?" Whew, dodged a bullet at least for now. I thought this out where to start. I said,  'I am not the sexual athlete anymore like you are and I could not possibly keep up with you nor do I have the kind of body you seek'.  He just shook his head and said, "Babe, you don't know what I seek,half the time I don't know so, how could you? As for the sex, I do not want you to do something you are not ready for. Granted it will be extremely hard on me and Mr Happy but, after all the failures I've had in my life, I truly do not want to mess this one up. This is will be the last time I fall in love,  please believe me. I have fallen in out of love so many times, I am just worn out." OK, this is going pretty well. "So what do you expect me give you that no one else can," I said? He thought and said, "You know, I have been asking myself that question since last week. All I do know is that you love me for me and it has been unconditional all these years. Is that enough? He continues and says,  I've asked God to send me a companion and a mate to share my life and perhaps you are his answer to my prayers?   G, I am willing to explore this and see what happens. Will you come along with me on this journey?" OK now it is my turn."Well, you told me last week you have been celibate. I have been since my husband died so I don't know if I can pleasure you the way you want to be."  He then laughed and said, "those stories you bestowed on me about your hubby, if there is an ounce of truth to them, I'm sure we will do just fine!" I just blushed and I know it was bright red. He then said, "I know from what you told me and if all that is true, you were HOT!" I said,  "OK but what about this big body?" STOP! He said. We already have been through this. I told you beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all I see is beauty when I look at you. He looks at me licking his lips and leans in for a kiss. I decided to not fight this. I know his "rules of engagement" are stronger than mine and I'm not going to win this one so we locked lips. His hand started to wander and got up to my right breast, I backed off and said, I am not ready for that yet. He backed off and dropped his hand to my thigh. I backed off and pulled at his drawers and said, "Let me do something for you tonight." Those drawers came off so fast I thought they were put together with Velcro. He just sat there in all his Princeliness and beaming that smile from ear to ear. Then he said, "do you like what you see?"  Oh My God, I knew he was hung, but I never imagined what I was looking at was anything like what I saw from his bulge in his drawers. I had to question, could I handle it? Well, I guess it is too late to turn back now so I'll give it my best shot. So,  I proceed to caress it and lick it just to see what he liked best. I slowly took him into my mouth and tasted him, then all of him. He moaned and scream my name. I completed the task and asked him, did you like? He was out of breath and could not speak. He was without words so he motioned for me to come up off my knees and hold me. I got in his lap and just embraced me tightly and whispered in my ear, "babe, that is the best I have ever had, for real." I backed off and looked at him eye to eye and said "come on Mr Sexuality,  I don't believe that, don't lie to me." He said, "No, No, No, you were not lying what you told me years ago what you did for your hubby. He was truly blessed man(God rest his soul) to have you do that for him." Then he said, "I am more than satisfied. You don't have to do anything else, that was beyond my wildest dreams and out of this world because that is where you sent me."   We just sat there intertwined on the sofa for a long time. Finally, he said,  "let's go to bed. Will you come to my bed tonight?" So we got up and he took my hand and lead me to his bedroom. He pulled the bedding down and gently lifted me up into bed. I wondered, now what?  Is he going to try to do something for me? I hope not, not yet. I need to prepare for that reveal. He slid slowly in beside me and wrapped his arm across me. Nuzzling into the back of my neck and kissing me softly. I could go off to a deep sleep with just that. He just keep humming into my ear, baby, baby, baby, whatch gonna do? I quickly fell fast asleep.   


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