Anniversary Retreat/2

135 13 6

June 8, 2014

I wake up with soft kisses. "Baby, breakfast is waiting for us." I see him fully dressed, ready for the day. I am naked under the blanket looking at my filthy dress laying on the floor that saw more action than a hooker on Saturday night. "Sweetheart, I can't wear a blanket to breakfast." He reaches down away from me to pick up a robe. "Here Babe, I brought your robe and slippers downstairs with me." I sit up, swinging my feet off the sofa to the floor. 

He helps me get my robe on, then kneels down to help me with my slippers. "Baby, I need to go to town after brunch to pick up something I ordered. Are you alright to be alone for just a short time?" He is sitting on his knees with his arms wrapped around my waist. "Sure Sweetheart. I need to take a bath and get dressed for the day. Do you have something planned for us today?" Smiling that devilish smile, "Yes Baby, I do. That is why I have to leave. I promise I won't be very long. After brunch, you take a bath and get ready for the day. Come on, let's go eat." 

We go outside to the veranda where a wonderful brunch is set up for us

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We go outside to the veranda where a wonderful brunch is set up for us. What a gorgeous view of the countryside...cows grazing in the field with the mountains as a backdrop. We enjoyed a delicious meal before Kirk picked him up to go into the village. Kissing me goodbye, "Baby, I promise I won't be long, just a couple hours." I head upstairs to take a bath and get dressed. Having spent the night on the sofa, this is the first time I actually get to see the master suite. It is really nice but rustic. I take my makeup bag into the bathroom where there is a very nice bathtub and draw a much needed hot bath to soak my weary bones. Have to wonder what he has up his sleeve needing to leave for a couple hours. Well, I will see soon enough. After the bath, I decided to crawl into bed naked to take a nap until he returns. After all the physical and emotional stuff last night, I need a little more downtime to recuperate. I miss not having him with me but at least I know I'll get some much-needed rest. After pulling the bedding back, I opened a window to get some fresh air before I lay down. As I lay there, I can hear the cowbells in the distance... This is really peaceful and serene up here.

Prince POV

I hated to leave her alone today, but I had to get into town to make sure everything is set-up as I planned it for later. I think she is gonna love it, I hope so. I also have to pick up her anniversary present. Yeah, I could have sent Kirk, but I wanted to make sure everything is perfect. Last night did not go exactly as planned. Oh God, what a beautiful gift you have given me with her. She could easily just walk away, telling me that I am too messed up for her to deal with. But, she takes everything I've dished out in stride. She's always so forgiving and understanding, even when I screwed up so badly, she still forgave me. 

God, please keep me from doing anything that would send her away. I'm trying so hard to be the man she deserves, the best I can be. Please Lord, help me get over these issues from my past that cause me to do things I shouldn't. I know this is your plan. You put her in my life and she brought Steve. Little did I know Steve would be the perfect person to help me work through all the pain and hurt to finally resolve it once and for all. Thank you, Lord, thank you! Some of the emotion I'm feeling brings on an intense desire for sex; in the limo, I could not stop. I just wanted to re-live that feeling over and over again. It was overwhelming for me. Well, she is my addiction but that was far too brutal on her. I need to apologize, soon. I don't ever treat my wife like that...never! I love her.

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