New Year's Day

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New Year's Day

Waking up, he was winding my hair around his hand, letting it fall between his fingers. I touched his face and all was good, nothing like it was before. I ran my fingers through it and still good. "Baby, you alright?" "Uh-huh. And you?" "Baby, This is really hard on me right now. I think you need to put the hair away. Ummm. I've had a little more experience holding back, but Baby, it's more than I can handle too." That was all it took, he swooped in on me and stormed the castle. After returning from the solar system, "Sweetheart, I think we need to get up and put the Dolly away." I peel myself out of bed and go to the wardrobe to box up Dolly the hair. He follows me in, "Baby, please grow your hair out for me. Please?" "Sweetheart, I told you I'd think about it. Okay?" "Baby, cool." I head to the bathroom with him and we take a shower. You know how that goes. This time he was so worked up from the long hair, he pushed me against the tile, both of us all dripping wet, kisses me with his soft lips and rubs that face over my cheeks. He proceeds to tails those kisses over the girls causing a rumbling escape my lips. My head fell back on the tile and my hands trying to brace myself against the slippery tile. He slowly kneels down and looks directly at my centerpiece. I am so hot as I reach down and spread my lower lips, un-hooding my bud. After exposing it, his lips quickly attached sucking hard and sending waves that caused my hips to gyrate in sync to his mouth. His exhaling moans and vibrating rumbles was music to my ears. He swiped his finger in my heaven hitting my g-spot taking me over the edge holding his head steady. I screamed his name in cascading rapture. Not wasting a moment, he stood up, pulled my leg with him as he slammed into me and shot his juices, filling my loving space. We fall into each other's loving arms as we return from the intense trip to the other side of the solar system. "Baby, I'm sorry that went so fast. I was trying to keep it slow." "That's alright Sweetheart. You were thinking about the hair, right?" He nodded sheepishly and I patted him on the cheek, "That's OK, let's get clean and out of here." I thought I was going to go out of control and then he looses it. We go another round on the vanity bench and finally get it together. 

"Baby, do you want to go down to the beach and watch the sunrise?" "Sure, Sweetheart. We'll have to hurry down to catch it." We rush down to the beach, get cozy in the cabana and wait for the sun to appear. "Sweetheart, Happy New Year! I love watching the sun rise with you." I am doing much better with the facial hair. Curled up with him and tracing his jaw, over his lips, across his cheekbone and back. That is the softest hair and it feels like silk. "Baby, are you okay?" "Yes, Sweetheart. I'm good. Your desensitizing therapy worked really well. I don't know for how long, but for now I'm real good. You on the other hand, might need Dolly to stay in her box for awhile. Maybe if I shackled you down, the therapy might work for you." We both crack up laughing as he lays me on my back, hovering over me. "Baby, I don't need that to love you." I put my hand on his face, "I don't need this either but it sure made last night out of this world, didn't it?" He smirked, "It makes me look hot for you. That was such a turn on that I was too sexy and you couldn't handle it." "Sweetheart, you are always much more sexier than I ever dreamed to be.[running my hands over his face] This is just a new bonus." "Baby, why do you always think you are not beautiful and sexy? I love you, all of you." "Come on, I've seen all those beautiful women you've been with. They are the most beautiful women in the world. Not to mention, a whole lot younger than me." Shaking his head no and bracing his head on his hand, arm bent at the elbow, stroking my face with the other hand, "Baby, what I see is something I failed to see so many years ago on that night in Cincinnati. I see a woman that is loving, intelligent, witty, kind, sweet, gracious, charismatic, peaceful, funky, caring, generous, sexy, bold and beautiful! Those are the things I see and feel when I look at you. Baby, all that matters is you are the most beautiful girl in the world to me and I love you. That is what I see when I look at you. The next time you look in the mirror and think otherwise, just remember this is how I see you." He cradles me in his arms and kisses me with a going somewhere kind of kiss. It was full of red-hot fire, passion and all consuming. He proceeds to undo my robe and help me out of it while I'm helping him out of his. Looking at me laying there, "Beautiful, Baby. I wished you could see through the same lens I view you from. Please understand all the beauty I see." His lips seal on mine with a dance of tongues making me hotter than I already am and that beard, is driving me bat-crap crazy for him. I pull his face up and lick his cheek, then devour his lips again. "Baby, slow down." There is no slowing this freight train down. He started it and I'm going to finish it. I wrapped my legs around his waist and got him inside me quick. He took off like a the steam engine on that train, pumping me and I was screaming "OH God! Prince, Oh God! Prince, Oh Dear God!" I hear Bonnie screaming "G, What's wrong! What's wrong?" Oh Crap! I am at the edge and I scream, "PRRRRRRINNNNNCCCCCEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He's screaming my name and they are right behind us on the path. The back and side curtains are down but they are sheer and almost like not having any. The only side open is the ocean side so we have a full view of that. Well, they got an eye full of that cabana rockin' on out of there. He quickly says, "Bonnie, we're OK. Never-mind." He buries his head in my neck laughing hysterically and so am I. CAUGHT right in the middle of the throws of it all. I hear Steve say very diplomatically, "Bonnie, everything is OK. Let's go back up to the house and leave the lovebirds alone." Bonnie says, "Let's go up there and make some noise of our own." I think we got her horny, at least. We are laughing even more when we heard that. I can't help but feel like a teenager getting caught by the parents even though they are our age. Sex on the beach, what else can I say. After being up till after midnight, I would never expected them to be up this early, just past sunrise. 

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