Chapter 14-Dakota Nite 3

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I wake up and realize, I have company in bed with me this morning. I feel my face, neck and arms being kissed softly and caressed lovingly. My eyes were still closed as I moaned a bit. Prince asks me softly, "where are you."Huh? What does that mean. I said, "I am in bed with, a rock superstar, the icon, the genius, the guitar virtuoso, the songwriter, the producer, the artist formally known as, the singer and musician known as Prince and my Best Friend. I opened my eyes and said, why? He said, I was talking in my sleep and said a few things that made him wonder if I knew where I was and who I was with. I said, "darling, I know fully where I am and who I am with. I am over joyed to be here. What did I say?" He said, never mind. I said to him, 'are you worried about something?' He said, 'no, not now. Just checking'  I wrapped my arms around him and said sarcastically, "Well good morning to you too!" He just laughed and said, "That's my girl. I love you too!" It dawned on me that he is insecure about some of my slumber babble and I must have said something to make him feel I was not with him." Gezz, what did I say? I have no idea. I told him, "I am not responsible for what I say in my sleep. I am with you, I am committed to this thing we have and I love only you." There, I said it. I had to reassure him. He held me tightly and said, "I am so happy to hear you say that. I don't want you to be afraid of me." Good Lord, where did that come from? I pondered my response. I just said, "it takes a lot more than a night of love to scare me." He said, "Good babe, we are good." I'm happy to hear that. I hope he is not changing his mind, as he does so many times, how he feels. I asked him, "Are you 2nd guessing something?" He said, 'no, no. don't worry about a thing baby. I love you and I don't want to loose you." Do you remember last night?  I said, "How could I forget it?" Are you kidding me?" He said, "was it good for you?" I thought wait a minute, did we have sex and I don't remember? Certainly, I would remembered THAT, right! What we had last night was just as good as any sex I have ever had, so just go with that. So here goes, "Yes sweetheart, yes it was. I love you with all my heart. Everything is right and good" I could see on his face he was relieved to hear me say that. He just kissed me passionately. OK here it comes, morning sex. I really hate it as it just drains me the rest of the day and like I said, 'I do not do mornings well. It takes me awhile to fully wake up. I don't want him to do this right now. I'd rather do him later when I can do it extra special'. OK, here goes, I say to him, " I love you sweetheart but...." He stops me and says, "Baby, I just want to hold you and love on you. I am slowing this whole thing down so you don't feel you have to do anything for me. I want you, I really do but I have to show you I can be the man you want me to be." WOW! That was powerful. He then said, I know you don't do mornings well, so I am going to give you some space. I just want to enjoy you for you. Look at you and take in the beautiful woman I am here with now, beside me." Damn! That is wonderful. How do I follow that up? OK, here's what any good southern woman would say when she does not know what to say, "I understand." I just hugged him and said, "thank you".I love you." He just is laying with me and caressing me with those beautiful soft hands. I feel his warmth all over me. I say to him,what are we doing today? He thinks and says, "Well, I have just a few things to do today so I'm yours till sound check." I thought, OK, what are we going to do. He then says, he has a couple loose ends to tie up and we can just talk if I need to. Huh! That is an interesting concept. I said, "that sounds wonderful." So then all of a sudden, he smacks my bare butt and says, 'let roll out of here,mama'. The day is just getting away from us. Let's take a shower together." Oooo, Okay. I hesitate and he says, "mama I'll be good I promise. Just do this with me, please?" I said, OK. So we get up and stroll into the bath room. He turns on the shower and gets it warm for us. We get in and he just starts to kiss me, runs his hands all over my wet body. I am trying to keep him close to me so he does not see my scars. The lighting is low but not as low as it is in candlelight. He pulls back and looks at me full on. He gasps! Told you he would. I did too. His face turns sad and he grabs me quickly into his arms. He tells me, 'I'm so sorry baby. Now, I fully understand what you have been thru and why you have been shy about this with me.  How could they do that to such a beautiful woman. I just do not understand what they were thinking.  That is just wrong. Baby, I love you even more than before." I just sobbed in his arms. He says to me, "Come on baby, lets get done and outta here." I have something I need to do. So we wash each other and boy, talk about a thrill kill. That just killed any chance of sex in the shower. We finish up and get quickly done. He does take time so he's not overtly rushed. He sits me down in the chair there in the bathroom. He kneels down and looks me over and looks into my eyes. He takes my hand and says, "Baby I had no idea what this really was for you, but I know now. It is wrong. I have to do something to fix this." I shook my head no. He says to me, "Baby I am not doing this for me, I want to do it for you!" Please let me do this. I relented and said 'OK'. He took me to the bedroom and just held me tight. He said in my ear, "I have to right this wrong, I have to do this. I have to for you baby." He kissed me softly and then smacks my butt and says, 'get dressed and meet me downstairs. We will see what can be done'. So, I went into that walk in closet, sat down and just cried. I heard him jet out of there at warp speed. Thoughts just flooded my head. I really don' think I can do surgery again. I just don't think I can. OK, I get ready for the day and head down to meet him. On my way, when I pass wardrobe, Cathy calls me in. I look down to the atrium to see if he's there and the coast is clear. I thought OK, I'll give her a few and then head down. I rush in and sit down next to her. I said I only have a few so this is going to be quick. I'll try to get out of going to soundcheck so I'll catch you up then. She says, "How did it go last night is everything OK?" I said to her. Cathy you are a best friend, I took your advise and it was AMAZING! I will tell you more later. "I think this is going to work out but right now he is on a mission from God". 'He is what?' I told her about him seeing my surgery scars this morning and he was livid about how it looks. She said "did he reject you after all this?" I said "Hell NO. He is mad at what the surgeon did and wants to fix it. She said, "G, let him do it. He is that way and you know it." I said 'yes I do, but it is such an emotional thing to have surgery again'. She hugs me and says, "go, don't keep him waiting when he's like this. I'll catch up with you later." So I charge out and rip down the stairs. He was just coming out of his downstairs office and says to me, "Let us get some breakfast as we have an appointment I need to get you too." I said, "wait a minute, that was fast. I have not had time to think about this." He said  "it is just a consult and I want to see what they can do for you. Please, baby please, let me do this." I agreed and we got some breakfast. He ate so fast I thought I was looking at an eating contestant. I touched his hand on the table and said, "slow down. This is scaring me." He got up and came around the table and sat down next to me.  He picked up my hand and kissed the back softly and said, "I'm sorry baby, I am just so mad right now and my mind is running away with me. Take your time. We do need to get going there soon as they are working us in over lunch hour." I finished up and we headed out. He drove me this time. We arrive at the plastic surgeon and go in the back door. They were ready for us. A nurse takes me to an exam room and the Dr. takes Prince to his office. Fairly quickly the Dr comes in and looks me over. He shakes his head and says, I just hate what those other surgeons do to women. It is like they hate women when they do this. This is not necessary to do it like this. I think I can help you. It may not be right away as we may have to do this in stages. Do you want me to fix you up? I said  'yes, please'. He tells me to get dressed and the nurse will bring me to his office. So, I get there and he says sit down and I will go over what I can do. He lays out the surgical plan and says, talk about it and let me know when you want to begin. I just sat there in a dazed stupor. Prince told him we would get back to him and we left. As we walked back to the car, I just felt relieved and a bit confused. I was told not that long ago, nothing could be done. Now I'm hearing it can be. I told him, "we need to talk about this." He nodded yes and we got in the car and took off. As he drove he was smiling again. He seemed more relaxed and back to normal. Did I just say normal? There is nothing about this man that is normal. He is wonderful and I love him for who he is and he is all mine. We get back to Paisley and he dropped me off. He was heading down to sound check. I said, 'I'll see you when you get back'. We kissed and I went in. As I walked to the doors, I thought, wow, what a whirlwind. That just came out of the blue and happened in warp speed. How does he do that? I get in and Patrick comes running towards me. He is so gay waving his hands and just so excited. He wants to know what was going on. I told him, not now Patrick, I need to see Cathy. I will fill you in later. The phone rang, so he had to go get it. I headed up to see Cathy. I got up there and she was excited to see me. She said come sit. I can work on this while we chat. So, I told her what the surgeon said and she was elated. I asked her if she wanted to see the scars and she agreed. I went back to the screen and showed her what they did. She just cried. She said, "My Lord, no wonder he reacted like he did. This will be a good thing for you, G. It will make you whole again. I cannot image how you have so gracefully handled it this long." I hugged her and said, 'you do whatcha gotta do'. She said 'get dressed and went back to her table.' I came back out and sat down next to her.  She said to me, "He is not doing this for himself, he is doing this for YOU because he loves you! He can afford the best there is and let him do this for you." I said, "Yeah, I know, but he does benefit from it as well." She said, "don't look at it that way. He is doing what he does, rights a wrong. That is his best asset."  I said, "I know you are right." Cathy then asked me about last night. I said, "you know, I did what you told me to do and that was the most amazing evening I've had with him. I was so relaxed and just let it flow. I think everything is going to be OK, but I still want to take it slow." She asked me what happened so I told her about the song but no details of the words and that we did not have sex, we did not have to. It was so close we just loved each other deeply." She said "See that's what happened when you love and trust God." I said it could not have been better. She said, "Patrick is so upset he has been left out of the loop. You need to fill him in a little.  How about we invite him up till your man gets back. I said,  "OK let's call him up." I called him and told him to come up here and he flew up so fast I thought he had rockets on his feet. He was so excited and just jumped up and down with anticipation. He said, "So are you going to marry him" I said, "Whoa buddy, we are not there yet." But I can tell you that you will probably be seeing more of me in the coming months. He was like goody, goody, goody! Clapping like a goofy kid. He is so gay! He said the boss will be happy and that's good news for for the staff. I said, "Now Patrick, you need to keep this to yourself. You are my friend and I love you but if this leaks out,  I will castrate you. Do you understand? not to mention you will loose your job! Got it!" He came over and hugged me. He said he would keep my confidence and asked if it was OK that he and Cathy talk? I said just her, OK?" He agreed. I proceeded to give him some more details. He was over the moon. I told them, in due time all this will unfold and you both will be the first to know what we decide to do. Both of them were happy for me and happy for their boss. Cathy said to me, "G you need to go rest and relax before he comes back. That will give you some time to gather your thoughts and be rested for him." I said, 'good idea'. I kissed the both and parted heading to the apartment. When I rounded the turn there was Kirk. I smiled and asked "What's up buddy?" He said he wanted to talk to me. I said,  'OK come in we have some time before he comes back. I asked him if he needed a drink and he said some water please. I got that and sat down with him. He was really shaken up by something and ringing his hands.  He looked and me and said, "Gigi, I have some things I need and want to tell you. You know, he is the closest thing I have to a brother and he is my best friend beside being my boss. I have seen him through the most horrible and devastating things life has dished out to him to digest. I thought at times it was going to break him down but he sprang back, and it all made him stronger. This last liaison with that young artist tore him up and I thought I'd never see my brother again. Not until you came back into the picture. I have seen him now like I have never seen him before. NEVER!  He has been happier and agreeable more than ever. I have never seen him like this and he is most certainly a changed man. I wanted you to know that. You have changed him for the better to be the man he always wanted and tried to be. All the others did him wrong and sent him back down that black hole. You have in that funky body and mind what none of the others could do for him. If you don't already know, he is totally committed to you and loves you, only you. He will not make the same mistakes twice. I forgave you a long time ago. I had to be a man and admit you were right about what you wrote. I then saw how he reacted when he would talk to you. He loved you and just did not know it. He does now. Morris and I agree. Please do not hurt him and break his heart.  He won't be able to handle it again. We will loose him forever without you in his life. You are his true love and soulmate". I just sat there, took a deep breath, have my hands compressed on my face contemplating what to say. I know I have to carefully choose my words. I say, "Kirk we are on a journey together that neither of us knows where it is going to take us. I wish I could tell you more but I just do not know. I know what you speak of and I have seen that he has changed as you describe. I just have no idea how this is going to end up. Please know it has never been my intentions to hurt him in any way. He is my Best Friend and I love him with all my heart. We just need time to work this all out. A lot has happened since Sunday and things have moved at warp speed. We need to take this slowly and see where it goes. OK? Kirk shook his head in agreement and said, 'I just wanted you to know'. I said, "We are good Kirk, I will try my best to make this happen, OK?" He said that was all he was asking me to do. Just then guess who comes bounding in. You know who. He ask, "Kirk what's up?" Kirk covered it well. He told him we were just talking about the show tonight and how much fun we had last night. He excused himself and P turned to me and said, "What's wrong babe?" I said 'nothing just tired'. He said, 'let's go take a power nap'. I hope I get that much needed nap. I have so much anxiety built up, I am about to crack. Then he says, let's relax and take a bath. Ooo, that sounds good. He zips in and turns the water on. He comes back to me and says, "Lets just relax and get some of this tension of the day out and get ready for another awesome show." I said  'sounds good to me'. He takes me to the bathroom and proceeds to undress me. I am undressing him as well. We get naked and he helps me into the bath and he climbs in behind me. He starts to massage my neck and I just collapse in his arms. He says, "Baby you are really tense and you need this to relax." I'm like no kidding. I relax as he massages and washes me. I try to do the same, but I just can't. We get out and go to bed for a nice nap. I was gone as soon as my head hit the pillow.  

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