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We slept until about 11:00am. Bonnie and Steve are scheduled coming up for lunch at 12:30. He is still with me but I think he is still asleep. I slide out of bed and go take a shower. I get almost through and he appears. I hope he is OK, as I really have some stuff to do before Steve and Bonnie get here. I turn about and his lips meet mine. I think we may just have a good morning kiss but I'm not sure. "Good morning, Sweetheart." He says, "Good morning, Baby. Why did you leave me so quick this morning?" replying, "You were sleeping sound and I wanted to get your rest." He asks me if Bonnie and Steve are coming for soundcheck? I nod, "Yes, and they are looking forward to it." He tries to keep me in the shower so I play along. He is touching me in certain spots so of course I am more than turned on. I am wet on the inside and out. Inching our way to the shower bench, he sits me down and devours me. I do him and we both leave satisfied. Getting ready for the day, he tells me, "We have the after party tonight. I'll try to make it early so we have some time, OK?" I remark, "Perfect.What time do you think the show will be over?" He contemplates,"Probably around 10:00 and we have the party right after. I have a pancake breakfast at midnite and I'll play a little piano. Hopefully,we can get everyone out by 2:00. I need to spend extra time with my baby." I inquire, "Sounds good to me. How many will come to the penthouse tonite?" He said, " Probably 50-100. Mostly other musicians and some celebs, and a few friends." I kiss him on my way out and ask if he wants a cup of coffee. "Yes, please." then he grabs my butt. I give him my side eye. He laughs because I do it better than he can. I get him his cup of coffee and he hugs me for bringing it to him. He quips, "Thanks! I love you." I advise him, "It's almost 12:30 and our guests will be here anytime." He says, "I'm almost ready.I'll be out in a few." I head out to the dining room and I get a text they are on their way up. Just as he gets out here they arrive.We have lunch and go down to the limo. Kirk is there and will be our body guard. The venue is not very far but the traffic is terrible. We arrived in about 20 mins and go backstage to his dressing room. There is a sofa in there so we wait till it's time to go out. He takes us out to the side stage where there is another sofa and we get seated there. Steve and Bonnie are in awe. I said, "Wait until they start. We have the best seats in the house." Sound check starts and they run thru the audio settings. Then BAM, one song after another. They played most of the songs and about 1 hour later, we were done. He comes over and says, "Baby, they were perfect. I'm so happy we can leave now." A few of the band members come over and I introduce them to Steve and Bonnie. He finishes up, comes back to the stage and tells me, "Let's go." We go back out to the limo and ride to the hotel. We tell Steve and Bonnie, "Dinner at 6:30 in the suite and we go from there to the concert." As soon as the elevator door closes, he turns into an octopus. His hands are moving so fast over me, I get overwhelmed and breakdown crying. He stops, looking very concerned at me, "Baby, what's wrong. Did I hurt you?" Shaking my head, "No, I just am having a hard time imagining not having this for 8 weeks. I'll be OK, give me a couple minutes." The elevator door opens and he takes me over to the sofa to sit down. I get lost looking at him in the eyes, "I love you, Sweetheart."  

We sit on the sofa and I take a deep breath. He says to me, "Baby, I love you. What can I do to make you feel better?" "Just hold me." I said. When I feel his love pulsate thru me, quickly a calm falls over me. His strong arms engulfed me with one hand holding my head against his chest. He asks me if I feel better and I nod yes. Humming a tune to me, trying to be comforting, I start to drift off to sleep. I get awaken shortly and he says, "Baby, let's go to bed and take a nap." He stands and pulls me to my feet. Leading me by the hand, we go to the bedroom and I state, let's take a shower first to relax." He was agreeable and you know what happened in the shower. We did make it to bed, but it was just a power nap. The girls, Kim and Jackie, arrived to do my hair and makeup. Soon, Steve and Bonnie arrive for dinner as planned.After dinner we head over to the venue arriving a little early so we get a chance to see another artist. Steve and Bonnie are having the time of their life as our guests. They are amazed at how this all works. Fairly soon, we get up onto the stage and Damrius is waiting on us on the sofa. I introduced to her to my friends and we waited for the show to start. He goes blazing past me and stealing a kiss on the way. People come and go around the sofa. Larry and Tina Graham stop by, I introduce them to Steve and Bonnie. They get to meet several others that either I or Damrius knew. People were coming and going during the whole concert. Periodically, he would take a break and slip over to kiss me and get a drink of water I always have for him. 

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